
Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years
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Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

The pair have been together for 21 years, but they have always maintained an indefinable relationship. The outside world has speculated, why Wu Gang is reluctant to give Chen Jin a clear identity? What's even more puzzling is that Wu Gang had a 15-year marriage with his ex-wife Zhao Ying, but failed to have children.

What's the story behind this relationship? Is it pure friendship, or is it unspeakable love? Let's unravel the mystery of this relationship and explore the emotional world between Wu Gang and Chen Jin.

Wu Gang's life trajectory is legendary, from an ordinary carpenter to a high-profile actor, his experience is like an inspirational movie. At the age of 16, the young Wu Gang worked hard in a wood processing factory, and every day he was accompanied by sawdust, sweat soaked through his workwear.

Despite his skill, he always burned deep within him with a desire for the wider world.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

With the determination to change his fate, 18-year-old Wu Gang resolutely left the familiar carpentry industry and changed careers to become an electrician. He came to the bustling city of Shanghai, hoping to find his future in a metropolis full of opportunities.

However, the reality is not as rosy as imagined. Faced with an unfamiliar environment and fierce competition, Wu Gang often felt lost and lonely.

Just as Wu Gang was in confusion, the god of fate reached out to him. By chance, he learned that the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts was recruiting students. With the mentality of giving it a try, Wu Gang signed up for the exam.

Who knows, this seemingly insignificant decision completely changed the trajectory of his life.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

With his innate talent and unremitting efforts, Wu Gang stood out from many competitors and was successfully admitted to the Academy of Arts. Since then, he has been voracious and devoted himself to the study of performing arts.

Wu Gang's handsome appearance and natural acting talent quickly attracted the attention of the teachers, and his potential was fully explored and cultivated.

After graduation, Wu Gang successfully entered Bayi Film Factory with his outstanding performance and officially embarked on the road of acting. Looking back on the past, Wu Gang often sighs at the wonder of fate.

From an ordinary carpenter to a high-profile actor, this experience made him cherish hard-won opportunities even more, and also shaped his tenacious character.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

This arduous struggle not only exercised Wu Gang's will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future success in the entertainment industry. He knows that it is those days full of sweat and hardship that have made him who he is today.

Wu Gang's experience tells us that as long as we have dreams, have the courage to try, and persevere, it is possible to create an amazing legend in life.

In 1988, Wu Gang, who was just starting out in his career, tied the knot with Zhao Ying, who also worked at Bayi Film Studio. The beginning of this marriage is like a beautiful concerto, full of sweetness and longing.

Wu Gang, who was a husband for the first time, took good care of Zhao Ying. Whenever his work came to an end, he would write a letter to his wife who was far away, revealing his thoughts for his lover and his expectations for the future.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

When the two are reunited, their glue-like love scene often attracts the envy of others. The newlyweds seem to have the whole world in their possession, trusting that their love will stand the test of time.

However, as the years passed, cracks began to appear in this seemingly perfect marriage. Wu Gang longs to have a child and hopes to continue his love.

For him, forming a complete family is an important mission in life. But for Zhao Ying, who is in the prime of her youth, she is not ready to welcome a new life.

She prefers to devote her energy to her career and enjoy the life of the moment.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

This disagreement gradually evolved into a chasm between the two. Although Wu Gang understood his wife's thoughts, the sense of loss in his heart was increasing day by day. He began to devote more time and energy to his acting career, as if only when he was performing could he temporarily forget his inner anguish.

Every time I return home, facing an empty room, that longing for family grows stronger.

At the same time, Zhao Ying also felt the estrangement of her husband. In order to seek the realization of self-worth, she resolutely stepped into the business world. With her ingenuity, Zhao Ying quickly rose to prominence in the business field and achieved good results.

However, career success did not repair the rift in the marriage. On the contrary, due to their busy work, the couple got together less and left more, and their relationship gradually faded.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

The once sweet world of two people has gradually become lonely and lonely. There are fewer and fewer conversations between the two, and there are fewer and fewer topics in common. They begin to live their own lives, as if they were just strangers living under the same roof.

Those vows and alliances that were once made seem so fragile under the test of reality.

In 2003, after careful consideration, Wu Gang and Zhao Ying made the decision to end this marriage. The 15-year relationship came to an end. When they broke up, both of them remained sane and calm, but the pain in their hearts was indescribable.

The years they spent together, those laughter and tears, will become memories that will be cherished forever.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

This experience also gave Wu Gang a new understanding and thinking about relationship and marriage. He began to understand that love requires not only passion, but also mutual understanding and tolerance.

At the same time, he also realized that on the road of life, everyone has their own choices and pursuits, and sometimes it is a kind of wisdom to let go of what cannot be forced.

Although the marriage ended in failure, the 15-year experience has undoubtedly become an important lesson in Wu Gang's life. It made him more mature and gave him new expectations and thoughts about his future love life.

At the low point of Wu Gang's life, fate arranged an unexpected encounter for him. At the filming site of the TV series "Seventeen Days of Life and Death", Wu Gang met Chen Jin.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

At this time, Wu Gang was in the whirlpool of marriage crisis, and his heart was full of contradictions and pain. And Chen Jin, as an independent woman, gives the impression of being calm and rational and keeps a certain distance from feelings.

The two play husband and wife in the play, and as they get along day and night, they gradually discover that they have many common languages with each other. Wu Gang was attracted by Chen Jin's intelligence and independent spirit, and Chen Jin also admired Wu Gang's talent and maturity.

However, given Wu Gang's married status, Chen Jin has always maintained an appropriate distance. She understands Wu Gang's situation and respects his choice.

As time passed, Wu Gang's marriage to Zhao Ying came to an end. After the divorce, Wu Gang's heart was full of emptiness and loneliness. Every time he returned home, he felt extremely lonely in front of a deserted room.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

At this moment, Chen Jin became a warm sunshine in Wu Gang's life.

Chen Jin accompanied Wu Gang as a friend and became his confidant who talked about everything. She is always keenly aware of Wu Gang's mood changes and gives comfort and support in a timely manner.

The two often discuss life and art together, and find spiritual resonance in communication.

Despite much speculation about their relationship, both Wu Gang and Chen Jin chose to remain silent. They cherish this hard-won friendship and do not want to be affected by the eyes of the outside world.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

The relationship between the two is like a quietly growing seedling, inadvertently taking root and sprouting. Although neither of them clearly defined the relationship, the presence of each other undoubtedly brought warmth and comfort to each other's lives.

This tacit companionship has become an indispensable part of their respective lives.

As time passed, the relationship between Wu Gang and Chen Jin became more and more intimate, but it is difficult to define it with a conventional relationship model. The bond between them seems to have gone beyond ordinary friendship, but it is not completely in line with love in the eyes of the world.

This special relationship has sparked a lot of speculation and discussion from the outside world.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

Some people say that they are underground lovers, while others think that Chen Jin is Wu Gang's confidante. Faced with the disturbing speculation, Wu Gang and Chen Jin chose to remain silent.

They are not in the eyes of the unexpected world, but focus on their careers and lives, and interpret this unique friendship with their actions.

In daily life, Wu Gang and Chen Jin are inseparable. They often go out shopping together, and Wu Gang doesn't mind putting his wallet in Chen Jin's bag. This may seem like an over-intimacy to others, but it is a natural thing for them.

This tacit understanding and trust is the crystallization of their years of getting along.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

In February, the two also traveled together to Australia. On the streets of a foreign country, Wu Gang carried a large bag and a small bag, silently following behind Chen Jin, who was happily shopping for goods.

This picture can't help but remind people of an old husband and wife who have been in love for many years. However, their relationship is far more complicated than a simple husband and wife relationship.

The relationship between Wu Gang and Chen Jin is based on mutual understanding and respect. They appreciate each other and support each other, but maintain an independent life and career.

Chen Jin adheres to the concept of non-marriage, and Wu Gang respects her choice. This mode of getting along is precisely the secret of their long-term relationship.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

In the eyes of many people, the relationship between Wu Gang and Chen Jin may be a little incredible. But for them, this tacit understanding and companionship is a rare treasure in life. They interpret the true meaning of friendship and love in their own way, showing an emotional relationship that transcends the world.

Perhaps, it is precisely because they are not bound by marriage that they can find true freedom and happiness in each other's company. Wu Gang has experienced the failure of marriage, while Chen Jin chose not to marry, and both of them have their own thoughts on the traditional relationship model.

In this particular relationship, they find an emotional balance.

The story of Wu Gang and Chen Jin is like a moving mountain and flowing water, which makes us think: In this world, is there an emotion that transcends love? Their relationship is like a bosom friend in ancient legends, they have a heart for each other, understand and support each other, but maintain an independent personality.

Wu Gang: I have been married to my ex-wife for 15 years and have no children, but I have been with Chen Jin, who is unmarried and infertile, for 21 years

This kind of relationship may be exactly what many people dream of but are difficult to achieve. It is not bound by the eyes of the world and does not need to be defined by marriage, but it can give deep emotional comfort and spiritual support to both parties.

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