
40,000 a month! The man's blind date pretending to be a big sum was exposed, and the girl: I was reluctant to invite me to dinner

author:Five-year love said

It's hard to tell the real from the fake

In today's era of information transparency, there are still some girls who are deceived by boys, thinking that the other party is a big boss and a successful person.

As everyone knows, these may just be their careful packaging. Just like the anchor behind the camera, you can never know for sure if she is really a beauty or a big fat person who weighs 120 pounds.

40,000 a month! The man's blind date pretending to be a big sum was exposed, and the girl: I was reluctant to invite me to dinner

In Hunan, a modern version of the "painted skin" story was staged in a blind date. A 32-year-old man tries to capture the heart of a 22-year-old girl with the illusion of a "successful person", but ends up revealing the details.

Beautiful first sight

The incident happened in a shopping mall in Hunan, where the man met a young girl through an introduction. The reason why she is called a little girl is because she is only 22 years old and has just stepped into the workplace. Although the man is a full 11 years older than the girl, the girl does not mind the age difference and is willing to try it as long as it is suitable.

40,000 a month! The man's blind date pretending to be a big sum was exposed, and the girl: I was reluctant to invite me to dinner

The girl is wearing a white dress, which looks pure and beautiful, like a budding flower. After seeing her photos, the man decided that she was the type he liked: simple and cute, unpolluted by the world. In order to succeed on a blind date, the man dresses up carefully, puts on sunglasses, puts on designer shoes, and packages himself as a "successful person" and a "domineering president".

Chat flaws

During the chat, the man behaved very domineering and asked the girl about her job and income. The girl confessed that she worked as a cashier in a supermarket and earned about 3,000 a month. She also mentioned that she had never been in a relationship, and she had not even held a boy's hand.

40,000 a month! The man's blind date pretending to be a big sum was exposed, and the girl: I was reluctant to invite me to dinner

The man was moved and thought that he would be happy if he could be with such a good girl. So, he claimed to be a bar owner, and cocked Erlang's legs domineeringly and said: "You are with me, I will give you 4-50,000 pocket money a month, and you don't need to go to work." ”

The camouflage is shattered

The pocket money of 4-50,000 yuan a month makes the girl excited, and she secretly thinks that if this is true, she can save a lot of money in a year. The man continued to chase after the victory, saying that the girl looked like the star Zhao Lusi, which was the type he liked, and it was a trivial matter to spend money on her.

40,000 a month! The man's blind date pretending to be a big sum was exposed, and the girl: I was reluctant to invite me to dinner

However, the next act revealed the man's true colors. He said that he took the girl to dinner, but he did not take her to a hot pot restaurant, barbecue restaurant or Western restaurant, but only bought a dozen yuan of braised pork and a few cups of milk tea. This is extremely inconsistent with his status as a "successful person". The girl asked to see his bar, but the man said that if you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, and it is enough to eat some braised vegetables and milk tea.

The truth is revealed

After returning home, the girl inquired through the matchmaker and found that the man was not a boss at all, just a liar pretending to be a large sum. She immediately deleted his contact details and decided not to bother with him. The girl's friend couldn't help but laugh and said: "This is pretending to be a big money, deceiving a girl with no social experience like you, and you will suffer if you are fooled." ”

The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see it for a long time. In the process of blind date, whether it is the man's disguise or the girl's vigilance, it is a test of sincerity and falsehood. When girls go on blind dates, they should keep their eyes open, stay alert, and not be deceived by false appearances. Only by passing the test of time can we truly understand the true face and character of a person.