
Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

author:Xiao Literature Company
Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

Fan Kaijie, who was once deeply loved, the "quasi-son-in-law" who was brought to her parents by her, is now a thing of the past. He is still a "three-no youth" without an RV, but Li Shaminzi's life trajectory has changed dramatically.

She gently blew out the candle and silently asked herself in her heart: What changed the self who was once full of expectations for love? At the age of 30, how to continue to write the future chapter? On this special day, Li Shaminzi decided to face her heart and re-examine her life choices.

The encounter between Li Shaminzi and Fan Kaijie is like a serenade of youth, full of passion and longing. The 27-year-old is a talented singer-songwriter whose free-spirited personality is as much a captivation as his music.

Impressed by his talent and love for music, she did not hesitate to invest in the relationship.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

In Li Shaminzi's eyes, Fan Kaijie's "three nos" state - no real estate, no car, no stable and high income, is not an obstacle. On the contrary, she was impressed by his artistic talent and was even willing to use the wealth she had accumulated over the years to support him in pursuing his musical dreams.

Li Shaminzi often fantasizes about spending the rest of her life with Fan Kaijie, taking care of both parents, and facing life's challenges together.

However, when Li Shaminzi took Fan Kaijie to meet his parents, the test of reality followed. Although the father reluctantly accepted this "prospective son-in-law" for the sake of his daughter, the disappointment in his eyes was difficult to hide.

The mother expressed her hope more directly: she hopes that her daughter can find true love and form a happy family before the age of 30.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

Faced with her family's worries and her own inner insistence, Li Shaminzi felt in a dilemma. She knows that her parents' concerns are not unreasonable, but she is unwilling to give up this hard-won relationship.

In the dead of night, she would silently pray in her heart: hope that time would prove her choice.

Li Shaminzi is a woman who is extremely persistent in love, and once she invests in it, she will give it all and never give up. She once admitted that she is often the one who is broken up, and even if the other party has come out of the shadows, she will still be immersed in pain.

This trait is especially evident in the relationship with Fan Kaijie.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

However, as time passes, Li Shaminzi begins to realize that love needs to be run by both parties. She hopes that Fan Kaijie can stabilize and think about his future life, but Fan Kaijie seems to be more focused on his music world.

This conflict between ideals and reality began to bury hidden dangers in their relationship.

Despite this, Li Shaminzi still chooses to believe in the power of love. She struggles to reconcile her family's expectations with her own feelings, hoping to find a balance.

The sweetness and bitterness of this relationship are intertwined, and it has become the most unforgettable chapter of her youth.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

As time passed, the relationship between Li Shaminzi and Fan Kaijie gradually faced more reality tests. Fan Kaijie is still immersed in his own musical world, traveling around and singing in the streets.

Although his lifestyle is free and easy, it is difficult to bring Li Shaminzi a long-term sense of security.

Li Shaminzi began to feel powerless. On the one hand, she has to take care of her own career, and on the other hand, she has to plan for the future of the two. Whenever she mentions buying a house or planning for the future, Fan always looks nonchalant, as if none of this has anything to do with him.

This attitude made Li Shaminzi feel very lost, and she began to wonder if the relationship could stand the test of reality.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

The pressure on the family is also increasing day by day. The father's words often echo in Li Shaminzi's ears: "I only hope that my daughter can find a man who loves her as much as I do."

This sentence made her start to reflect: Is Fan Kaijie really the one who can give her happiness? The stable life she longed for seemed increasingly incompatible with the freedom that Fan Kaijie was pursuing.

Li Shaminzi began to perceive the huge gap between the two, not only the economic situation, but also the difference in outlook on life and values. She used not to care about Fan Kaijie's "three nos" state, and was even willing to support him with her own savings.

But the burden of reality makes her realize that love requires two people to face the challenges of life together.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

Whenever Fan Kaijie happily talks about his new songs and new inspirations, Li Shaminzi's smile hides deep worry. She began to wonder if she was too idealistic and ignored the pressures of real life.

Li Shaminzi stands at the crossroads of ideals and responsibilities, full of contradictions. She didn't know whether to stick to her choice and continue to support Fan Kaijie in pursuing his music dream, or whether to listen to the growing doubts in her heart and think about her future.

This contradiction, like an invisible blade, slowly cuts off this once sweet relationship.

In the middle of the night, Li Shaminzi often tosses and turns, recalling her parents' expectations and her own dreams. She begins to realize that true love requires not only passion, but also a shared purpose and a sense of responsibility.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

She hoped that Fan Kaijie could understand her concerns and plan for the future together, but every time she tried to communicate, she always ended in disappointment.

This tug-of-war between ideals and responsibilities made Li Shaminzi feel exhausted. She began to wonder if she should give up her expectations for the sake of love, or should she find a partner who could face reality together.

This choice is not only about her love life, but also about her future planning and self-positioning.

During these challenging days, Li Shaminzi gradually understood that love is important, but it also needs to be built on the basis of reality. She began to revisit the relationship, thinking about what she really needed and how to find a balance between love and reality.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

The bell of the Spring Festival rang, but it failed to bring new hope to the relationship between Li Shaminzi and Fan Kaijie. Fan Kaijie chose to return to his hometown, while Li Shaminzi stayed in Hunan.

This geographical separation seems to indicate the alienation of the two people's hearts.

Li Shaminzi stood in front of the window, looking at the fireworks blooming in the distance, with mixed feelings in her heart. She posted a meaningful phrase on social media: "The old don't make it to the New Year".

This sentence is like a key that opens the knot in her heart that has been sealed for a long time.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

The decision to break up was not sudden, but the pent-up emotions finally found an outlet. Li Shaminzi realized that this relationship had long since lost its original enthusiasm. Fan Kaijie is still the freelance musician who doesn't have a house or a car, but she has begun to yearn for a stable life.

The gap between the values and life plans of the two cannot be made up by simple love after all.

When Li Shaminzi told her father about this decision, she saw the relief in her father's eyes. The father patted her on the shoulder and said, "Daughter, you have finally figured it out." At this moment, Li Shaminzi truly realized his father's good intentions.

She understands that her father's concern is not only out of material considerations, but also out of deep concern for her future well-being.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

However, life after the breakup was not easy. Li Shaminzi often falls into self-blame and doubt: Is she too realistic? Did you live up to a sincere relationship? But every time she recalls the various contradictions and powerlessness when she was with Fan Kaijie, a force swells up in her heart and firms up her decision.

The end of this relationship seems to be an end to Li Shaminzi's youth. She begins to understand that love is important, but it is also necessary to consider the present and the future.

She is no longer the girl who will go out of her way for love, but has learned to find a balance between feelings and reason.

Li Shaminzi began to re-examine her life. She realized that true happiness should not be based on self-sacrifice. She decided to turn her attention to her career and personal growth, and stopped pinning all her hopes on another person.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

This decision made Li Shaminzi feel both relieved and apprehensive. She knows that the road ahead may be lonely and challenging, but she believes she has the courage and ability to face it.

The end of this relationship is not only an end, but also the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

Li Shaminzi, who ushered in her 30th birthday, seemed to have experienced a rebirth. She no longer sees "getting out of singles" as her only goal in life, but turns her attention to her career and self-improvement.

This change was not easy to come by, but it allowed her to find a new direction in life.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

Regaining her career has become the new focus of Li Shaminzi's life. She clenched the microphone again, stood on the stage of her choice, and threw herself into her work. In the professional world, she showed unprecedented confidence and focus, as if she had found her true self.

Colleagues were surprised to find that Li Shaminzi's enthusiasm and creativity seemed to be rekindled and radiated a dazzling light.

In her spare time, Li Shaminzi chooses to travel alone. She embarks on journey after journey to find inner peace in an unfamiliar city. These alone moments gave her the opportunity to learn to learn to understand herself and learn to speak to her heart.

Every trip is like a spiritual exploration, which gives her a new understanding and understanding of life.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

The changes in Li Shaminzi have also affected the people around her. Parents are relieved to see that their daughter has become more independent and confident, and no longer pins her happiness on others. Fathers often lamented, "My daughter has finally grown up."

This recognition gave Li Shaminzi more courage and strength.

On her 30th birthday, Li Shaminzi did not make a wish to find true love, but wished herself to maintain her love and pursuit of life. She understands that true happiness comes from inner fulfillment, not external conditioning.

The girl who used to suffer from gains and losses for love has now grown into a mature woman who knows how to cherish herself and has the courage to pursue her dreams.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

Entering the 30-year-old Li Shaminzi, she has learned to live peacefully with regrets. She is no longer obsessed with making up for the mistakes of the past, but chooses to live a wonderful life in the present. This change in mentality has given her a new understanding and experience of life.

Li Shaminzi deeply understands that life is not a problem that must be solved, but a picture that needs to be savored. The experience of former feelings, whether sweet or bitter, has become an indispensable part of her life.

She began to cherish the growth that came with these experiences, rather than seeing them as a burden.

"At the age of 30, I finally learned the importance of cherishing myself." Li Shaminzi often tells her friends around her. She believes that true happiness can only be achieved by learning to love oneself first.

Li Shaminzi is still single, Fan Kaijie still doesn't have a garage, and his father can rest assured this time

This hard-won wisdom of life allowed her to find a way forward at the intersection of her life at the age of 30.

Li Shaminzi understands that there may be setbacks and regrets on the road ahead, but she is ready to meet every challenge. Instead of defining and interpreting as gaps that must be filled, she embraces them as part of her life's journey.

This attitude of dancing with regret makes Li Shaminzi's life more calm and calm. She learned to find beauty in imperfection and opportunity in setbacks.

30-year-old Li Shaminzi is writing a new chapter in her life with a more mature and intelligent attitude.

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