
Steel plummeted, Moutai plummeted, housing prices plummeted, beef plummeted, what's wrong with the world?

author:Colorful magpie vkCsTe

Oops, this is incredible! Early in the morning, Lao Wang stared at his mobile phone and began to shout, steel diving, Moutai diving, housing prices and beef were not far behind. What the hell is going on? Why did these of us, who are usually high-minded, suddenly "overturned"? Is there a big move behind this?

Steel plummeted, Moutai plummeted, housing prices plummeted, beef plummeted, what's wrong with the world?

This year's market is really like a roller coaster, one moment to the sky, another to the ground, especially recently, dazzling. Steel, Moutai, housing prices, and beef, the four big guys who have always been as stable as old dogs, suddenly, it was like riding a roller coaster with a broken chain, and they fell directly "whoosh".

First, let's talk about steel. used to be iron-clad heroes, when did they become soft plasticine? Yesterday, I also heard Lao Liang next door say that he had just ordered a batch of steel last month, thinking that building a house could save a lot of silver, who knew that this month, the price dived directly, and it was more than a star and a half cheaper than when he bought it. Lao Liang cried with a sad face, saying that he had lost tens of thousands, which made it difficult for those of us who were going to build a house.

Steel plummeted, Moutai plummeted, housing prices plummeted, beef plummeted, what's wrong with the world?

Let's take a look at Moutai again, hey, this was originally a nobleman in the high wine, but it doesn't seem to work now. Some time ago, my cousin was proudly showing off to me that the price of Moutai he hoarded could rise, but now that I look at it, not only did the Moutai not rise, but it fell into a mess. The flesh on my cousin's face is about to collapse, and he is sad every day.

The matter of housing prices is even more confusing. In the past, when I bought a house, it was a sure-fire deal. What now? Housing prices plummeted, and friends who had speculated before began to panic, and some people even began to rush to sell their properties, for fear that if they didn't sell again, they would become a hot potato.

As for beef, it's a pie that fell from the sky. It used to be a day to eat beef, but now it's okay, and you can eat it any day. My neighbor Lao Liu, who used to be reluctant to eat beef often, can now smell the fragrance of his beef every night.

Steel plummeted, Moutai plummeted, housing prices plummeted, beef plummeted, what's wrong with the world?

All of this speaks of the fact that the market is changing, and it is changing violently. A combination of reasons led to this unprecedented plunge. What is the reason for this situation? Is there some big guy manipulating behind the scenes? Or is it just a correction of the market itself?

First, on a global scale, the increased uncertainty of the economic situation has caused many investors to become cautious and less bold in investing as before. For example, steel may be due to the decline in demand due to tight global trade. As for Moutai, with the change of people's consumption concept and the impact of policies, the market for high-end liquor has also begun to tighten.

The cooling of the real estate market may be due to the effect of the government's continuous regulatory policies in recent years, coupled with the increase in lending rates, which has caused many speculators to start withdrawing from the market. The decline in beef prices may be related to the recovery of supply chains at home and abroad and the reduction of production costs.

This series of changes makes people start to re-examine and think. Various voices have also begun to appear in the market, some people say that this is the self-regulation of the market, and some people think that there must be some unknown secret behind it. In any case, this crash has undoubtedly given us a lot of inspiration and let us see the other side of the market.

The volatility of the market continues as time goes on. Either way, life has to go on, and we have to do our best to adapt to it. After all, in these times of rapid change, the only constant is change itself.

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