
An article takes you to know about Shoko the Camel

author:Kelly writes to create freedom
An article takes you to know about Shoko the Camel

Lao She is a people's artist, and his novel "Camel Xiangzi" is thrillingly written, and Xiangzi's struggle against fate finally ended in a fiasco. So what is Shoko's life experience like? I will use an article to take you through the ups and downs of his life.

Shoko grew up in the countryside, lost his parents and a few acres of thin fields, and at the age of 18 went to the city to earn a living, he did almost everything that could be eaten by hard work, and soon he found that pulling a foreign car was an easier thing to make money.

Xiangzi, who has just entered the city, is simple and stout, not afraid of hardship, silent and thoughtful, his eyes seem to be always looking at his heart, he just wants to have a car of his own, he doesn't have to pay money, and his life is in his own hands. For this reason, he gritted his teeth and pulled the cart desperately; Save money and save hard. It took him three years to scrape together enough yuan to buy a car.

An article takes you to know about Shoko the Camel

Shoko was so happy, since he had this car, he had run faster, his life was more energetic, his hopes were greater, and he even thought of driving a factory. Xiangzi pulled his new car for half a year, but one day Xiangzi was arrested into the barracks with a car, Xiangzi escaped in the middle of the night, his car, a car earned by several years of blood and sweat, is gone! Shoko's heart ached, and he began to hate, hate those soldiers, hate everything in the world.

Life had to go on, and Shoko brought back the three camels that were captured with him and sold them for thirty-five yuan, after which he had the title of Camel Shoko.

He returned to Renhe and the car factory again, rented a car and pulled a car, he couldn't wait to buy another new car immediately, go out early and return late, sometimes just pull for a day and a night. Later, he gave Cao Fu a monthly package, and he put all the money he earned into a clay pot, and the money from selling camels was also put into it. What Xiangzi didn't expect was that all the money was extorted by Detective Sun, and the errand of pulling the monthly package was also blown.

An article takes you to know about Shoko the Camel

He went to Renhe and the car factory to rent a car again, this time he no longer wanted to be strong, no longer hopeful, he just wanted to mix a day is a day, eat when there is food, drink when there is work, do work when there is work, hands and feet are not idle, a few turns is a day, he is a donkey who is good at learning to pull the grind, I don't know if I ask three questions, I will only pull the grind away. Xiangzi handed everything over to the father and daughter of the Liu family, Hu Niu coaxed Xiangzi to marry her, Liu Siye disliked Xiangzi for pulling the car, and resolutely opposed Hu Niu marrying Xiangzi, he had a big quarrel with his daughter, sold the family property and left with the money, without leaving them a penny.

Xiangzi married Hu Niu, and Hu Niu used her own money to buy a wedding, and they lived a life without worrying about eating and drinking in the courtyard. Xiangzi disliked that Hu Niu was old, ugly and domineering, and was afraid that she would hollow out her body, so she wanted to go out to pull a car, but Hu Niu couldn't resist him and bought him a car. Shoko has his own car again, and he still pulls the car under the scorching sun and torrential rain, pulling the car when the illness is not completely cured, and he earns little money and has no surplus. The left hand in, the right hand out, one net a day. He didn't even dare to think about saving money. In addition, the tiger girl is pregnant, she is Xiangzi earns and spends as much as she wants, and she has to ask for the rise and fall of his money.

An article takes you to know about Shoko the Camel

The money was gone, the tiger girl also died in childbirth, Xiangzi sold the car, sent the tiger girl out, he took a day off and went to pull the car again, he was addicted to smoking, he had a dirty disease, lazy, had a big temper, loved to take advantage of small advantages, and became a poor egg who was full of two in a day. Then he learned that Xiaofuzi (the woman he loved) died after being sold to a brothel, he completely lost hope, he ate, drank, prostituted, gambled, he was lazy, he was cunning, his heart was gone, he was taken away, he hated pulling cars, he borrowed money, cheated money, and finally he betrayed his friends for money, and he completely became a walking corpse.

Xiangzi's tragic experience is undoubtedly caused by the demonic social environment, but there are also certain reasons of his own, if he didn't go out of the city in the middle of the night after buying a new car for the first time, maybe he wouldn't have met those soldiers, and if he married Hu Niu, he didn't hate her so much, and lived with her sincerely, and after Xiaofuzi's death, he completed his agreement with Mr. Cao and returned to Caofu to pull a monthly subscription...... These are all ifs, but there are no ifs in life, only results. Whether it's in or out of the play, it's the same.

Romain Rolland said: "A true hero is the one who loves life after seeing it as it is".

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