
Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

Wang Manyu had high hopes during the Paris Olympic cycle, and as the rising star of the Chinese table tennis team, she was once considered a future champion. However, what is unexpected is that Wang Manyu has suffered several important mistakes in this cycle. These mistakes not only affected her personal performance, but also called into question her image in the public eye.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

1. The first major mistake occurred at the World Cup. When Wang Manyu faced Hong Kong's first sister Du Kaiqin, she was defeated with a score of 0:3. This defeat not only caused her to suffer the embarrassment of a round round, but also took a serious blow to her confidence. Du Kaiqin said after the game that he found Wang Manyu's weakness in the game and successfully exploited it. And the result of this game also made many fans doubt Wang Manyu's strength.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

2. The second mistake came at the Macau Championship. Facing the Chinese player Yuan Jianan, Wang Manyu lost the game again 2:3 and stopped in the second round. In this game, Yuan Jiannan performed quite well, but Wang Manyu seemed a little powerless. After the game, Yuan Jiannan admitted that he had fully studied Wang Manyu's style of play and achieved success in the game.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

3. The third major mistake occurred at the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban. In this game, Wang Manyu lost 0:4 to teammate Chen Xingtong. To make matters worse, she also underperformed in the doubles match, losing 0-3 to South Korea's Shin Yu Bin/Tian Ji Hee. The results of these games not only made Wang Manyu suffer the embarrassment of shaving her head, but also made her state widely questioned.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

4. Wang's mistake was not just an accident, but a reflection of her confusion and confusion in the Paris Olympic cycle. In the finals in Nagoya, she lost 0:3 to Chen Xingtong again, suffering another shaved head. Chen Xingtong said after the game that he maintained a high level of concentration during the game, while Wang Manyu seemed a little absent-minded.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

5. In the mixed team World Cup, when Wang Manyu faced Diaz, he encountered another round of tours. In this game, Wang Manyu's performance was still not good, which was a big disappointment. Diaz said after the match that he found Wang's weaknesses in the match and successfully exploited them.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

6. The most shocking thing is that in the Saudi Grand Slam competition, Wang Manyu lost 1:3 to India's Batra and lost the Olympic singles qualification. In this match, Batra performed quite well, while Wang Manyu looked a little inadequate. After the match, Batra said that he had fully studied Wang Manyu's style of play and had achieved success in the match.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

These mistakes not only affected Wang Manyu's results, but also dealt a serious blow to her self-confidence. She said several times after the match that she needed more time to adjust and regain her sense of play.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

Wang's mistake sparked widespread controversy. Many netizens expressed their disappointment with her performance, believing that she did not play at the level she should have. Some even questioned her training attitude, arguing that she didn't work hard enough in training, which led to mistakes in the game.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

Experts believe that Wang Manyu needs more psychological counseling and technical adjustments. Table tennis expert Li Ming said that Wang Manyu's performance in the game reflected her psychological immaturity. She needs more game experience and mental coaching to stay calm and perform at her best when it matters most.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

In addition, the coaching team also needs to reflect on Wang Manyu's training. Coach Zhang Qiang said that Wang Manyu needs to pay more attention to details in training and improve his technical level. At the same time, she also needs to strengthen her physical training and maintain good competitive condition.

Despite her many mistakes during the Paris Olympic cycle, Wang Manyu is still the future star of Chinese table tennis. She needs to learn from her mistakes, adjust her form and start again. Only in this way will she be able to achieve better results in future competitions and prove her strength.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

Wang's Paris Olympic cycle has been full of challenges and setbacks, but these mistakes have also provided her with valuable lessons and lessons. Hopefully, she will learn from it, adjust her condition, and start anew to meet the challenges ahead.

Dear readers, what do you think of Manyu Wang's performance? What do you think she needs to improve? Feel free to share your views in the comments section and let's explore this topic together.

Wang Manyu lost 6 major mistakes in Olympic singles! The loss of Batra was the last straw that broke the camel's back

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