
There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

author:Wu so-called
There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Aunt Chen is a northerner, who cooks some food when she has nothing to do at home when she retires, and all kinds of pasta are her favorites, and she often makes steamed buns for her husband.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Suddenly, one day, my husband said to Aunt Chen seriously: "Wife, have you heard, recently someone said that fermented steamed bread causes cancer, and the reason is because yeast causes cancer." ”

In order to make the steamed buns fluffy and delicious, Aunt Chen will put some yeast, which is not only easy to ferment, but also has a high success rate, which suddenly said that it will cause cancer, which makes her start to worry.

With these questions, Aunt Li began to consult various materials and consult doctors, and finally found the answers inside.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

1. Yeast steamed steamed buns

Steamed buns are many people's breakfast choice, whether they make them themselves or cook them at home, they are often seen.

And the price of steamed bread is not expensive, cheap and affordable, you can buy delicious big steamed bread, which makes people feel full.

However, some people say that there are more and more cancer patients, and it is related to fermented steamed steamed buns, which makes many people very afraid.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

After all, as a common pasta, steamed bread is loved by many people, and it is not complicated to make steamed bread by yourself, as long as you put some yeast, the steamed steamed bread can be fluffy and delicious.

Fermented steamed steamed buns are a well-known cooking method, why do they cause cancer? The reason is in this yeast.

However, yeast is an important material to make steamed bread delicious, if you don't put yeast, the steamed bread will ferment for a long time, and it will be hard when steamed, which greatly reduces the taste of steamed bread.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Some friends even think that steamed bread is a favorite food of northerners, and they often see it on TV shows that making steamed bread in the north is also putting yeast, is their life expectancy very short? Or are there many secrets hidden that you don't know?

How should we identify and eat yeast in order to use yeast healthily? Read on!

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

2. Is yeast really carcinogenic?

Cancer is a disease that many people are afraid of, even if they talk about it casually, when they talk about these two words, they will inexplicably feel fear.

Because cancer is indeed terrible, in the eyes of many people, once diagnosed with cancer, it means that their life has begun to enter the countdown, and they will be frightened every day, causing their health to get worse and worse.

Nowadays, the progress of medicine is getting bigger and bigger, as long as it is detected in time, it can greatly increase the possibility of cure, and it can also reduce a lot of suffering.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

In fact, cancer is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is no prevention and attention to health details in life.

So yeast is really a carcinogen, do you need to avoid it in your life?

The answer is no, yeast is a kind of microorganism, and it is rich in minerals, eating in moderation is also beneficial to the body, and it is also a food additive often seen in food.

Especially when put into pasta, it can make steamed buns more delicious.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

After rigorous safety evaluation and scientific experiments, it has been confirmed to be a safe and reliable food ingredient, and there is no scientific evidence that can directly prove the relationship between yeast and cancer.

One thing to pay attention to and keep in mind is that no matter how healthy the food is, eating too much of it will have the opposite effect on the body.

Moreover, pasta is also a staple food, and long-term excessive intake will increase the risk of obesity, resulting in unbalanced nutrition, which will cause damage to the body.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Every time you make pasta, pay attention to the combination of the recipe, understand the production process, how many grams of flour with how much yeast, there is a healthy formula.

When buying yeast, remember to buy a certified brand, don't be greedy for cheap, use some yeast with no products, and avoid adding bad ingredients and chemicals to it.

Just know how to eat it in moderation, it will not bring too much harm to the body, and the possibility of causing cancer is even lower, or even very small.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

3. Look at carcinogenic foods

During the New Year's holidays, family and friends will cook all kinds of meals, and as a result, they can't finish eating, and if there is a lot leftover, they will put it in the refrigerator, and eat it for a few days, and some friends will eat it for nearly half a month.

There is no problem with this way of eating, leftovers should be properly preserved to avoid infection with other foods in the refrigerator, and eat them as soon as possible in a short period of time, which generally does not have much effect.

However, if the storage time is getting longer and longer, especially in the hot summer, the food has deteriorated and tasted and continues to be ingested, it is very dangerous and affects the health of the body.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Bacteria will continue to multiply, and these bacteria will produce nitrite during the multiplication process, which can increase the health risk.

Salted fish is a favorite food for many old people, because of the salty feeling, it is particularly easy to eat, and the older generation of the old people also have their own habit of drying salted fish, and some will be pickled for a few years, and then take it out to steam or fry to eat.

Salted fish requires high salinity to be salted and exposed to the sun, and these steps cause the fish to produce large amounts of nitrite during the dehydration process. When nitrite enters the human stomach, it may be converted into nitrosamines, a carcinogen, through a series of chemical reactions.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Salted fish is not recommended as a long-term food, it is okay to eat a little occasionally, and you can protect your body by knowing how to control it in moderation.

When it comes to barbecue, few people can resist it, especially young people, and there are a lot of people around the barbecue stalls in summer or winter. Not only is it crispy and delicious, but it can also be added with a variety of seasonings, which is very tempting.

In addition to vegetables, there are also various meats, as well as grilled fish, which are rich and varied, and after being smoked and grilled, a serious carcinogen benzopyrene will be produced.

In the long run, this eating habit may induce serious diseases such as stomach cancer and intestinal cancer.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Bacon and sausage, as a traditional winter delicacy, are particularly popular in many places, especially in rural areas.

They will start pickling it before the New Year, and then start eating it during the Chinese New Year, and sometimes put it in the refrigerator if they can't finish it. Because after pickling, even if it is moldy after a long time, many elderly people will feel that it doesn't matter, wash it with water, it will be steamed and eaten, and it can also be cut into thin slices to stir-fry.

Although bacon and sausage are delicious and traditional delicacies, bacon and sausage are rich in salt, and a large amount of nitrite is produced during the curing process, which is a strong carcinogen.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

And it is possible that it has been polluted by the outside world during the pickling process, and there will be risks in the area of cleanliness and hygiene.

For the sake of health, it is recommended that you do not eat bacon and sausages frequently or excessively, and throw away the trash can in time when you find that it is moldy and spoiled, and do not worry about waste and are reluctant to throw it away.

Pickles are a kind of pickled products that are deeply liked by the elderly, whether in the south or in the north, a little pickles will be prepared, eaten with porridge or with steamed buns, which has become the sought after and love of many people.

However, pickles require a lot of salt to pickle, and if the pickling is not successful, it will also deteriorate and become inedible.

And if it is pickles purchased outside, it is possible that some unscrupulous merchants will use industrial salt for production, which not only breeds bacteria, but also produces nitrite in foods with high salt, which greatly increases the risk of cancer.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Fourth, eat more foods to prevent cancer

Garlic is a good food for cancer prevention, but friends in the south will resist it, and most of it is used as a cooking dish, stir-fried with some ingredients, and widely used as a condiment.

But friends in the north are particularly fond of eating garlic, and they eat it raw one by one, which is the best way to eat garlic.

Garlic is a good help in inhibiting tumors, and garlic intake can be effective in reducing the incidence of cancer. Garlic also has a strong antibacterial ability, which helps regulate and enhance the body's immunity.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

If you find the taste of garlic unacceptable, you can try chopping garlic into a cold salad, and then ingesting it together, which can also achieve a helpful effect.

Sweet potatoes should have been eaten by many people, this is also a very popular food of the older generation, and they are also planted in their own farmland, and the sweet and soft sweet potatoes are particularly delicious.

Even now, many people are irresistible to sweet potatoes, and there are more and more sweet potato foods that can be made, sweet potatoes are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value.

The rich dietary fiber can help the healthy peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and if there are groups with constipation, you can eat some sweet potatoes appropriately, which will be improved.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

There is also an active substance in sweet potatoes, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and play a great role in the health of the human body.

Friends who have a habit of drinking tea should continue to keep it, because tea not only has the effect of preventing cancer, but also helps to prolong life and make oneself look more youthful and energetic.

Among them, green tea is very popular, rich in tea polyphenols can enhance the body's immunity, can help me effectively resist the invasion of viruses, and can also appropriately reduce the growth rate of cancer cells.

Many friends like carbonated drinks, you can try to drink some green tea, the amount is about 300 ml, don't be too strong when brewing, control the temperature of the tea, wait for the right time not to burn your mouth, and then slowly taste and drink.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer

Kiwi fruit as a very fruit tea pairing, sweet and sour is particularly delicious, kiwi is a nutritious fruit, rich in vitamins. In particular, the content of vitamin C surpasses that of many fruits, and even has the reputation of the queen of fruits.

Scientific research has further confirmed that kiwifruit has a special active substance, which can effectively block the production of "nitrosamines" that may cause cancer in the human body, and is a good fruit for cancer prevention.

There are more and more cancer patients, is it really related to fermented steamed buns? Is it true that yeast causes cancer


Steamed bread is a favorite delicacy of many people, and they often make it at home, and it is also a very common way to put yeast, so you don't have to panic excessively about yeast.

Making steamed bread with a moderate amount of yeast is not harmful to the body, and there is no proof that there is a risk of causing cancer. As long as you know how to use it in moderation and healthily, you can enjoy the delicious taste of steamed buns.

Reference sources for the content of the article:

Yeast causes cancer, and eating bread and steamed bread is harmful to health? Is there a scientific basis? Listen to the doctor's analysis - Zhang Lianliang loves popular science2023-05-22

What is good to eat to prevent cancer What to eat is good for cancer prevention - Cainiu health2021-05-13 

What to eat to prevent cancer - Source: 99 Health Net 2012-11-30

The 6 internationally recognized first-class carcinogenic foods are hidden on your dining table! ——Qingtong's perspective2022-09-07

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