
Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities

author:Yue Fence Relief

Extramarital affairs are a catastrophe in many people's relationships.

In real life, the proportion of people who have extramarital affairs is actually very high, but it is just whether they have been discovered or not.

However, whether it is an extramarital affair that is discovered or an extramarital affair that is well hidden, most of them will not go long, and when the time comes, they will automatically dissolve and forget about each other.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities

The reality of the fading novelty

All extramarital affairs start with hormonal bursts.

Especially when the marriage is not in progress, or when there are problems in the relationship between the husband and wife. At this time, people's emotions are like lakes, calm, without waves, without desires.

Suddenly, a heavy rain fell, and from a distance a stream flowed into the lake, which became lively and boiling, and even changed its color.

This is where the affair begins.

Because it is fresh, because it has not been seen or experienced, it gives birth to a sense of attachment, enthusiasm is high, and it is difficult to give up.

But people's feelings will eventually change, because people are fickle and demanding animals.

Therefore, when the novelty disappears, the heat of the relationship will decrease, and it will slowly feel that it doesn't matter. Thus, the separation became the end.

After all, there is no contract or responsibility in the beginning, so the separation is simple and easy.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities

Various realities under the interests

Extramarital affairs are also about profit.

For example, how much money the other party is willing to spend on me is a manifestation of how much they love me.

So, if you're having an affair, the less money you're injected, the faster it's divided.

In fact, many people do primary three, that is, use youth in exchange for benefits, and when the youth paid cannot be exchanged for the expected benefits, many juniors will retire.

And the end of extramarital affairs often ends after the junior.

After all, for cheaters, as long as they are profitable and can pay less, they are the most willing to do it.

Therefore, the second practical factor that most extramarital relationships do not go long is that the interests do not meet expectations, so they are separated.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities

There is a reality that is difficult to achieve

Extramarital relationships also hope to have results, and there is no junior who doesn't want to be on top.

It's just that most cheaters can't afford to take this responsibility.

Therefore, in extramarital relationships, there will be cases where the cheater cheats on the mistress, for example, I will divorce, but it will take time, etc.

When the deception can no longer be sustained, or when the promise cannot be kept, it is often the end of the extramarital relationship.

Everything must be stopped in time, and the same is true for extramarital relationships.

Therefore, the third practical factor that causes extramarital relationships to not go long is that it is difficult to have results, or they have turned around because they have already understood that there will be no results.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities

The reality of family and social pressures

Extramarital relationships are destroying and trampling on marriages.

Therefore, the family behind it is often one of the biggest pressures of extramarital relationships. This pressure is not how the original partner makes trouble, nor how the cheater is attached to the family.

You must know that if a person betrays his marriage, his heart will have long given up on marriage.

The reason why it is said that the family is the pressure of extramarital affairs is because, no matter whether you look at it squarely or not, the condition of family is there, and you can't avoid it or get around.

And people's feelings are sensitive and delicate, and any bit of hindrance is not handled well, which will cause estrangement, suspicion, and affect feelings.

Coupled with social pressures, worldly vision, and social moral contempt. When all these pressures are gathered together, no matter how good the relationship is, no matter how deep the feeling, will be defeated by reality, and separation will be inevitable.

Why do most extramarital relationships not go long, and they can't escape these four realities


Extramarital affairs have time cycles, and many people know this.

It's just that many people don't understand the specific reasons why there is a time cycle.

However, no matter how vigorous the extramarital affair is, it will not go far, and this is something that no one can change.

Because there are too many practical factors that affect extramarital affairs, it is destined that extramarital affairs can only be a scar in marriage, and cannot replace marriage.