
Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

author:Tao knowledge


Hello ladies and gentlemen, during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao was surrounded by a bunch of capable people, and there were too many civil and military generals to count. Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu and Jia Xu, these five are respected by everyone as Cao Cao's five major think tanks, which shows how high their status is in Cao Ying.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Among these five, Jia Xu is particularly famous, and everyone also nicknamed him "The First Poisoner of the Three Kingdoms". Why? To put it simply, it is because Jia Xu's ideas are often "ruthless" enough to directly hit the enemy's vital points.

He doesn't pay attention to benevolence, righteousness and morality like other strategists, Jia Xu pays more attention to practical results, even if this method sounds a bit "lacking in morality".

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Some people on the Internet joked that Jia Xu was like Cao Cao's mood regulator. Whenever Cao Cao felt that what he had done was too much and he couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart, when he thought of Jia Xu's more "ruthless" ideas, he would feel that he was actually merciful.

There is also a very interesting joke, saying that Cao Cao was there and said: "I'd rather I lose the world than let the world lose me!" ”

As a result, Jia Xu interjected: "Lord, I have an idea here......" Cao Cao heard it, and quickly stopped: "Hey, wait, we can't be too sorry for the world......"

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Although this is a joke, it also reflects the "poison" of Jia Xu's strategy from the side, and even a ruthless character like Cao Cao has to be weighed.

Therefore, Jia Xu won the title of "No. 1 Poisoner of the Three Kingdoms", which is really not covered, his resourcefulness is indeed ruthless and desperate!

So, why can Jia Xu be called the "No. 1 Poisoner of the Three Kingdoms" in an era when the Three Kingdoms strategists gathered?

Click on it and talk about it.

In the long river of the Three Kingdoms, there is such a strategist, his name may not be as well-known as Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, although it is not obvious, but it shines with a unique and dazzling light.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

This strategist is Jia Xu, a legendary figure from Wuwei, Gansu, he is one of the five indispensable strategists under Cao Cao, and he is an important contributor to the foundation stone of the Cao Wei Empire.

Jia Xu, this person is not simple, he is like the kind of master hidden in martial arts novels, usually looks mediocre, but when it comes to the critical moment, the shot is earth-shattering and crying.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

His life has been like walking on a road full of thorns and traps, but he has always been able to rely on his extraordinary wisdom and deep insight into human nature to save the day again and again, and even take advantage of these difficulties in turn to win victory for himself and his lord.

Today, let's talk about a few of the wise man's "big moves" and see how they stirred up the Three Kingdoms.

1. Counterattack on Chang'an: The key to the gate of troubled times

Back then, Dong Zhuo was rampant and domineering, but once he died, the Xiliang Army under his command was like a fly without a head, and it was a mess. Wang Yun, this guy, as soon as he saw that Dong Zhuo had fallen, immediately wanted to "cut the grass and eradicate the roots" and wipe out the Xiliang army.

As for the generals Li Dao and Guo Yan, they originally planned to admit their cowardice and run away and go back to their hometown Liangzhou to avoid the limelight.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

But at this moment, Jia Xu stood up, and his words directly rewrote history.

"You're running away like this now, without even a decent resistance, and any petty officer on the road can arrest you. Why don't we go the other way, gather all our forces, attack Chang'an directly, and avenge Dong Zhuo! If we succeed, we will have infinite scenery, and if we fail, it will never be too late to run. ”

Jia Xu's words were simply a shot in the arm for the desperate Xiliang Army. When they hear it, hey, that makes sense!

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

As a result, a group of rabble, who originally planned to disperse, under Jia Xu's planning, really counterattacked Chang'an and turned the Eastern Han court upside down.

This battle not only plunged the Eastern Han Dynasty into chaos, but also laid the foundation for the Three Kingdoms. You say, is this Jia Xu's poisonous plan ruthless and poisonous enough?

2. Attack it unprepared: Cao Cao's nightmare night

Jia Xu is not only scheming, but also very good at hiding himself. After the counterattack on Chang'an, he was as low-key as a transparent person, and few people knew that he was the black hand behind it. Later, he defected to Zhang Xiu and became Zhang Xiu's think tank.

In 197 AD, Cao Cao, a hero in troubled times, fell in love with Zhang Xiu's territory and killed him with a large army. Zhang Xiu saw that he was Cao Cao's opponent, so he simply surrendered.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

But Cao Cao, this guy, got cheap and behaved, not only confiscated Zhang Xiu's army, but also occupied Zhang Xiu's aunt Zou, and what is even more excessive is that he also planned to dig up Zhang Xiu's corner and collect Zhang Xiu's henchmen and generals.

Zhang Xiu was called an aggrieved, so he went to Jia Xu to discuss countermeasures. When Jia Xu heard it, hey, this Cao Cao doesn't treat people as human beings too much, so he has to give him some color. So, he gave Zhang Xiu an idea: "Let's have a night attack, take advantage of Cao Cao's defenselessness, and catch him off guard." ”

Just do it, Zhang Xiu, under Jia Xu's planning, first drunk Cao Cao's general Dian Wei, and then stole his weapons. Then, taking advantage of the night, he led the army to Cao Cao's camp.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Cao Cao was panicked, but fortunately, Dian Wei resisted desperately, and he barely escaped.

But in this battle, Cao Cao suffered heavy losses, and the close generals such as Dian Wei, Cao Ang, and Cao Anmin were all killed on the battlefield.

This plan not only made Cao Cao suffer a big loss, but also made him lose a potential heir - Cao Ang. You say, is this Jia Xu's poisonous plan ruthless and accurate?

When Cao Cao saw this battle, he also muttered in his heart, so he simply withdrew first, wanting to avoid its edge.

Zhang Xiu saw that Cao Cao had run away, and he felt that victory was in front of him, so he immediately wanted to catch up with Cao Cao with his soldiers and horses, and served Cao Cao a pot.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

But at this moment, Jia Xu stood up, he was like a calm military advisor, poured cold water on Zhang Xiu, and said, "Big brother, don't worry, it's not time to catch up now." When Zhang Xiu heard this, he was not happy in his heart, thinking that I was about to win, why did you stop me?

As a result, Zhang Xiu didn't listen to the persuasion and chased after him, what was the result? was beaten by Cao Cao and fled back in embarrassment.

Zhang Xiu suffered a big loss this time, not to mention how depressed she was. But at this moment, Jia Xu spoke again, he said: "Big brother, now is a good opportunity, let's chase it again!" ”

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

When Zhang Xiu heard this, the whole person was stunned, thinking if this military advisor was crazy? Just suffered a defeat and let me chase it? But after thinking about it, although Jia Xu persuaded him not to chase before, what he said every time was very reasonable, so he did it half-convinced.

Unexpectedly, this chase really brought out a big victory, not only regaining all the territory lost before, but also giving Cao Cao a lesson.

After the news of this matter spread, everyone admired Jia Xu so much. Why? Because Jia Xu understands people's hearts too well, he knows that Cao Cao's withdrawal is not because he can't be defeated, but because he has more important things to deal with.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Therefore, he concluded that when Cao Cao retreated for the first time, he would definitely personally make the palace to ensure the safety of his troops. When Cao Cao felt safe, he would let his guard down and move his energy to other things. At this time, it is the best time to fight back. Jia Xu took advantage of Cao Cao's psychological change to make Zhang Xiu fight a beautiful turnaround.

3. Sowing discord: The separatist drama of the Xiliang Army

After the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao temporarily restrained his ambition to go south and turned his head to use troops against Hanzhong.

At this time, Ma Chao, Han Sui and others in Liangzhou saw Cao Cao's posture and thought that he was going to destroy himself, so they united to resist. Cao Cao looked at it, okay, you guys, still dare to argue with me? Come on!

At the beginning of the confrontation between the two armies, Cao Cao actually did not have an advantage, and was even chased by Ma Chao to cut his beard and abandon his robe, and he was embarrassed.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

But Cao Cao is Cao Cao after all, he quickly stabilized his position and grasped the initiative of the battle step by step. Seeing that the Xiliang army could not hold on, they had no choice but to sue for peace.

But where would Cao Cao let them go easily? What he wants is to eliminate these threats once and for all. At this time, Jia Xu stood up again, and he offered Cao Cao a strategy: "It's just a matter of leaving." Although these four words are simple, they speak to the crux of the Xiliang Army - internal discord.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

When Cao Cao heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately adopted Jia Xu's strategy. He first had a seemingly friendly meeting with Han Sui, Ma Chao and others, and then deliberately smeared and revised the letter, making Ma Chao suspicious of Han Sui.

This trick is simply the pinnacle of psychological warfare!

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Sure enough, a rift soon broke out between Ma Chao and Han Sui, and even a fire broke out. Cao Cao took the opportunity to launch an attack and pacified the Guanzhong region in one fell swoop. In this battle, Jia Xu's poison plan once again played a decisive role.

The above are a few very famous strategies made by Jia Xu during the Three Kingdoms period.

His schemes are called "poison schemes" because they are often able to hit the most vulnerable areas of the human heart, causing incalculable consequences.

Jia Xu has been with five masters in his life, but no matter where he is, he can get along well and get the trust and reuse of the lord.

This is not something that ordinary people can do. When it comes to resourcefulness and the way of dealing with the world, Jia Xu has his own set of unique cheats.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

You think, in that troubled era, it's good to be able to save your life, let alone rise step by step and become a confidant. Why is Jia Xu so good? The key lies in his cautious, humble and low-key character, as well as his ability to perceive people's hearts and understand human nature.

Let's start with caution. Jia Xu knew in his heart that although he was smart, he couldn't be too public. After all, the tree is a big wind, and the gun shoots the first bird. Therefore, he is always cautious in doing things, for fear of leaving a handle on others.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

In officialdom, he never participated in those deceitful struggles, nor did he easily take sides. He is like a bystander, quietly observing everything and then giving his own advice at the critical moment. In this way, he not only avoided a lot of unnecessary trouble, but also made his suggestions more precious and valuable.

Let's talk about this humility and low-key. Although Jia Xu is talented, he never boasts. He always gives credit to others and takes the fault on himself.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

This attitude has earned him an extremely high reputation and respect among his colleagues and subordinates. Everyone felt that he was a trustworthy and trustworthy person, so they were willing to make friends and cooperate with him. In this way, Jia Xu's connections are getting wider and wider, and his influence is also increasing.

Of course, Jia Xu's most powerful thing is his ability to perceive people's hearts and understand human nature. He always has an accurate grasp of other people's minds and ideas, so as to develop the most effective strategies to deal with them.

For example, in the Battle of Tongguan, he saw through the rift and contradiction between Ma Chao and Han Sui, so he presented Cao Cao with a discordant plan. As a result, this plan really worked, and Ma Chao and Han Sui turned against each other and killed each other. Cao Cao regained the Gansu region without much effort. This battle shows Jia Xu's resourcefulness to the fullest!

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

Also, before the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao actually had a chance to avoid defeat. At that time, Jia Xu suggested that Cao Cao first stabilize the internal governance of Jingxiang, and then plot against Eastern Wu after his strength was strong.

It's a pity that Cao Cao didn't listen to it, but he was caught off guard by the Sun and Liu coalition forces, and he lost so badly! If Cao Cao could have followed Jia Xu's advice at that time, maybe the history of the Three Kingdoms would have been rewritten!

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

So, let's say that Jia Xu is really too smart! He not only knows how to be forbearing, humble and low-key, but also knows how to perceive people's hearts and understand human nature. He can always give the most correct advice at critical moments to help the lord turn danger into disaster and turn danger into safety. How can such talents not be reused and trusted?

Of course, some people will say that Jia Xu is too ruthless and poisonous. Because his tactics are often ruthless moves to kill people without seeing blood. For example, he persuaded Li Dao and Guo Yan to attack Chang'an, which led to chaos in Chang'an City and the displacement of the people.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

and he later helped Cao Pi seize the throne, and he also used a lot of intrigues and tricks. But we also have to look at the problem from a different perspective. Who can guarantee that they will not have some blood on their hands in those troubled times? Besides, Jia Xu also had to do it as a last resort for self-preservation and survival. He didn't take the initiative to hurt innocent people!

In general, Jia Xu is a very complex and charming character in the history of the Three Kingdoms. He not only has otherworldly wisdom and talent, but also has a deep and introverted personality and way of dealing with the world.

Why is Jia Xu the bottom line of Cao Cao's life? You see what he has in mind

His life is full of legends and controversial topics that people will never forget.

Although he may not be as famous as Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu and others in history, the wisdom and talent he showed are enough to be remembered by future generations!

About Jia Xu's story, that's all for today, if you know other Jia Xu's stories, please leave a message in the comment area.

Pay attention and don't get lost on the road to growth!

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