
Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

author:A brief review of the game of Raippi

As a well-known "social cow" on the domestic Internet, I believe that many netizens have seen many of Haidilao's "revitalization" initiatives, such as the most well-known birthday wishes, which have made many diners who do not know the truth feel the general attention of "social death".

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

But if you want to say that the Haidilao waiter who can make everyone "social cow" look stupid, I don't know if you have seen it? Recently, hundreds of "paper people" sang and danced vigorously in a certain store in Haidilao, directly attracting other diners and even restaurant staff to come and watch!

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

The rhythmic melody and the dynamic fox dance steps directly stunned the onlookers, you must know that in the past, the staff led the dance in Haidilao, but now the customers came directly to grab the live!

It is understood that this wave of "paper people" who look at Haidilao waiters as stupid actually comes from the NetEase MMO online game "Against the Cold", which is an offline gathering of player gangs in the game.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

Since "Against the Cold" recently ushered in the 6th anniversary of its launch, they also wanted to take this opportunity to get together and play when they were drunk, so they danced the well-known dance song "Nine-Tailed Fox" in the game.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

When jumping, they also wore the masks of the characters in their own games, at first glance, it looked like the characters of "Against the Cold" had traveled through reality, which was indeed full of magic, and it was no wonder that even the "well-informed" Haidilao staff were stunned: I have never seen such a crazy game!

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

After being posted on the Internet, the moving dance steps of these "Against the Cold" players also attracted many netizens who heard the news to make pilgrimages, in addition to ridiculing them for being too "social cows", many mobile game players also came to "learn from the experience", saying that they had to dance like this.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

Interesting social atmosphere, it can be seen that this wave of anniversary celebrations is very happy for both mobile game players in "Against the Cold"! But in fact, in this online game, the social atmosphere of players has always been good, and like the above-mentioned groups, there are many people who extend the friendship in the game to offline.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

In particular, the "love" in the game has been successfully launched in the past 6 years, and the friendly social atmosphere has also made the 6th anniversary of "Against the Cold" very successful.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

Take the opening day of the anniversary event last weekend, the major servers in "Against the Cold" were crowded with new and old players, and the evening activities were even more crowded, in addition to blessing their favorite games, many players also came for the 6th anniversary of the generous benefits.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

It includes more than 30 luxury outfits to choose from, as well as two free costumes, at least 25 rare coupons, a 6th anniversary title, a glittering beauty selection box, and a month of free face pinching and body pinching.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

The official gifts prepared by "Against the Cold" for players can be called extremely luxurious, with a total value of up to 1,000 yuan! Therefore, this wave of activities has won unanimous praise from players, and this 6th anniversary can be said to be full of both feelings and benefits.

Hundreds of paper men danced a fox dance in Haidilao, looking at the waiter as stupid: a bunch of crazy people

Let all "Against the Cold" players have an unforgettable anniversary! What do you think about this? Let's talk about it in the comment section.

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