
The woman asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan to get married, and her boyfriend should make a counter-request: a marriage inspection must be done before marriage!

author:Light Emotion

**The marriage inspection turmoil behind the sky-high bride price: why did she insist? **


In modern society, bride price, as an ancient traditional custom, is still regarded as an important part of marriage in many places. However, when the bride price is too high, it often leads to a series of social problems. Today, what we want to talk about is a marriage inspection turmoil caused by the sky-high bride price. The protagonists of the story, Xiaofang and her boyfriend Xiaojie, will reveal the emotional entanglements behind this.

The woman asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan to get married, and her boyfriend should make a counter-request: a marriage inspection must be done before marriage!


In this bustling city, I, Xiaofang, an ordinary office worker, 28 years old this year, come from an ordinary family. My parents were hard-working workers, and they worked so hard to get me to college. After graduating, I was able to find a stable job and start my own independent life.

Xiaojie is my boyfriend, we met in college, and our relationship has always been very good. He is sincere, kind, and works hard. We have been through many ups and downs together, and we have also planned a bright future together. However, when we were about to enter the palace of marriage, we reached an impasse because of the bride price.

There is a custom in my hometown that a man needs to give a certain bride price to the woman when he gets married. This is a traditional custom, which means that the man respects and loves the woman. However, as time passed, the bride price gradually increased, and it became an unbearable burden for many families. Although my parents did not seek to be rich, they also wanted to secure some security for my future. Therefore, under the discussion of the parents of both sides, our family put forward a bride price request of 200,000 yuan.

The woman asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan to get married, and her boyfriend should make a counter-request: a marriage inspection must be done before marriage!

When Xiaojie heard this number, he was obviously a little surprised. But he quickly understood and responded. He said: "Xiaofang, I love you, and I am willing to give everything for you." I will find a way to get together the 200,000 dowry. Hearing him say that, I was both moved and guilty. I know that his family is not wealthy, and this 200,000 is undoubtedly a huge pressure on him.

However, just when I thought everything was going smoothly, Xiaojie suddenly made a request: "Xiaofang, I think we should go for a marriage inspection before we get married." "His words came as a bit of a surprise to me because we had never discussed this before. I was curious and asked, "Why did you suddenly think of having a marriage test?" "I feel like it's a sign of responsibility for both of us," he explained. After all, marriage is a lifelong event, and we need to make sure of each other's health. ”

After listening to this, I felt a little conflicted. On the one hand, I think his request is reasonable; On the other hand, I was worried that the marriage examination would expose some problems that I was unwilling to face. But in the end, I agreed to his request.

A few days later, we went to the hospital together for a marriage check-up. The whole process was not complicated, but it was extremely painful for me. I was afraid that my physical condition would be discovered, and I was afraid that Xiaojie would change his opinion of me because of this. However, when the test results came back, I unexpectedly discovered an amazing secret.

The doctor told me that I had a genetic disorder that, while not major at the moment, could affect my fertility in the future. This news is undoubtedly a huge blow to me. I never imagined that I would suffer from such a disease, let alone imagine the impact it would have on my marriage.

The woman asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan to get married, and her boyfriend should make a counter-request: a marriage inspection must be done before marriage!

I hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to tell Xiaojie the news. After hearing this, he was silent for a long time. Then, he raised his head and looked at me and said seriously, "Xiaofang, I love you, not only because of your appearance and character, but also because of your inside. This illness doesn't change my feelings for you. However, I think we should be honest about this problem and find a way to solve it together. ”

I was touched by his words. I never thought he would be so accommodating and understanding of me. We decided to go to the doctor together to discuss treatment options and minimize the impact of this disease on our future lives.

After this marriage inspection turmoil, I deeply realized that marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families. In this process, we need mutual understanding, tolerance and support. As a traditional custom, the bride price should also be agreed upon according to the actual situation of both families, rather than blindly pursuing a high bride price. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the happiness and fulfillment that marriage brings.