
Without too much decoration, the motherhood is already shining, and the grass selfie pregnant woman photo is recorded during the third trimester of pregnancy!

author:Light Emotion

**Don't decorate too much, motherhood is already sparkling - my meadow selfie in the third trimester**

On this sunny day, I stood on the grass, feeling the breeze blowing, and my heart was full of anticipation and joy for the new life that was about to come. I am a 29-year-old expectant mother named Xiaoya, who met her husband Applejack on the university campus and worked together after graduation to finally have her own nest in this city.

I work as a graphic designer and am always busy with various design projects, but since I became pregnant, I have been focusing more on the arrival of my baby. Applejack is a caring husband who always tries his best to take care of me and make me feel at home.

Without too much decoration, the motherhood is already shining, and the grass selfie pregnant woman photo is recorded during the third trimester of pregnancy!

In the third trimester of pregnancy, my body gradually became bulky, but my heart was full of strength. I know that this is the magical power that motherhood has given me, so that I can still maintain my love and expectation for life in the last stage of my life.

One day, the sun was shining, and I had the idea to take a set of maternity photos on the grass to record this special moment. Applejack listened to my idea and immediately expressed her support and accompanied me to choose the right costumes and props.

We came to a wide meadow with green grass and wildflowers, as if it was the most beautiful backdrop that nature had prepared for us. I changed into a long, loose skirt and paired it with a pair of comfortable flats, which was simple yet elegant. Applejack was in charge of taking my photos, carefully adjusting the angles and lighting to capture my best moments.

I stood on the grass, feeling the warmth of the sun and the breeze blowing. I gently stroked my belly, imagining that the little life inside was growing healthily. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the power of life and the warmth of motherly love. In this moment, I felt peace and happiness that I had never felt before.

Without too much decoration, the motherhood is already shining, and the grass selfie pregnant woman photo is recorded during the third trimester of pregnancy!

Applejack begins to press the shutter to capture the moment. From time to time, he shot from the side, capturing my smiling face and bulging belly; Sometimes I shoot from behind, documenting my harmony with nature. Each photo is full of love and anticipation, as if you can feel the brilliance of motherhood shining.

During the shoot, I couldn't help but think about the bits and pieces of pregnancy. From the initial surprise and uneasiness, to the later expectation and happiness, each stage is full of challenges and gains. I felt the miracle of life and the greatness of mother's love, and I also learned to cherish and be grateful.

When I saw the photos Applejack had taken for me, I was amazed by how beautiful I was. I had a happy smile on my face and a motherly glint in my eyes. My belly was high and bulging, as if it were a mountain full of life. These photos not only document the good times I had in the third trimester, but also bear witness to the deep emotional bond I have with my baby.

I shared these photos with my family and friends, and they liked and left messages of blessings. I feel very happy and satisfied, because I know that the radiance of my motherhood has illuminated those around me and made them feel the beauty of life and the power of motherly love.

Without too much decoration, the motherhood is already shining, and the grass selfie pregnant woman photo is recorded during the third trimester of pregnancy!

Now, the baby has been born safely and has become a new member of our family. Every time I think back to that experience of taking a selfie on the grass in the third trimester, I feel extremely happy and emotional. Because I know that it was the moment when the glory of motherhood shone the brightest, and it was also one of the best memories of my life.

Without too much decoration, motherhood is already sparkling. Every mother-to-be is the most beautiful woman, and they radiate the light of maternal love on their bodies and illuminate the whole world. Let's cherish this beautiful emotion together!

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