
The mother posted the 12 daughters in the family, all of whom are playful and cute online: Do you not like her son?

author:Light Emotion

**Mom posted the 12 daughters in the family, all of whom are playful and cute online: Do you not like her son? **

Do you know, I recently saw a super hot topic on the Internet, a mother posted about her family's 12 daughters, each of whom is as beautiful as a flower, playful and cute. This makes me wonder, does this mother dislike her son? Don't worry, listen to me tell the story behind this.

The mother posted the 12 daughters in the family, all of whom are playful and cute online: Do you not like her son?

# My story begins

Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Xiaohua, I am 38 years old this year, I am an ordinary office worker, and I am also the mother of these 12 daughters. That's right, you heard it right, it's 12 daughters! You may think it's a fantasy, but this is me and my family, ordinary and full of joy.

My family lives in a small city that is not very prosperous, and my husband and I are both teachers, and we have always liked children. Soon after we got married, we had our first daughter, and since then, our lives have been like hanging up, with one daughter after another coming into our lives. To be honest, in the beginning, we also thought about having a son, but as time went on, we gradually realized that the joy and happiness that daughters brought us cannot be described in words.

# The world of daughters

Our family is like a mini-United Nations, with 12 daughters with their own characteristics and hobbies. The eldest daughter is quiet and introverted, likes to draw and read; The second daughter is lively and cheerful, and she is an athlete; The third daughter is a musical genius, and she plays the piano so well...... Each of our daughters is our pride, and our growth and progress make us feel extremely pleased and proud.

Although there are many children in the family, my husband and I never feel tired. We work together to take care of the children's lives and learning. Whenever we see them playing around and sharing happiness, our hearts are filled with satisfaction and happiness. Of course, with so many children in the family, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts and disputes. But it is these contradictions and disputes that allow them to learn how to get along with others, how to understand and tolerate others.

The mother posted the 12 daughters in the family, all of whom are playful and cute online: Do you not like her son?

# Son? Daughter? \n\nSpeaking of our son, we actually had expectations. But as time went on, we gradually discovered that the joy and happiness that our daughters brought us was enough to make us feel satisfied and happy. We do not feel regret or loss because we do not have a son, on the contrary, we cherish and appreciate these lovely daughters even more.

I know that some people may feel that we don't like our sons, or that we are patriarchal. But I would say that we don't think that way. Every child is our heart, whether it is a son or a daughter, we will love and care for them with all our heart. It's just that life has given us 12 daughters and let us experience happiness and joy that are different from ordinary people.

# The secret of happiness

So, how do we manage to make so many children live in harmony and grow up happy? I think this is mainly due to the way we are educated and the atmosphere in our family. From an early age, we teach our children to respect each other, understand each other, and tolerate each other. We encourage them to express their views and ideas, while also respecting their choices and decisions. In such a family atmosphere, children are free to grow and develop their own interests.

The mother posted the 12 daughters in the family, all of whom are playful and cute online: Do you not like her son?

In addition, we often organize family activities to give children the opportunity to participate and share the joy together. For example, we cook together, clean together, play games together, watch movies together...... These activities not only enhance the relationship and tacit understanding between the children, but also make our family more warm and harmonious.

# Conclusion

In closing, I would like to say that whether you like a son or a daughter, the most important thing is to cherish and appreciate every child you have. Every child is a unique treasure, and the joy and happiness they bring to us cannot be measured by money or material things. Let's care for them and accompany them to grow up!