
In order to eat a cat strip, the kittens all stood up! Netizen: It defeated 90% of the cats on the whole network

author:Light Emotion

### In order to eat a cat strip, the kittens all stand up! Netizen: It defeated 90% of the cats on the whole network

**Headline Description**:

Today I will bring you a super cute story! A cute little kitten has learned to stand up in order to eat a delicious cat strip! This cute scene not only made us laugh, but also made us sigh at the kitten's cleverness and persistence. Let's take a look at how this little cat beats 90% of the cats on the whole network and becomes the cat that can "stand" the most!

In order to eat a cat strip, the kittens all stood up! Netizen: It defeated 90% of the cats on the whole network


Hello everyone, I am the editor of Toutiao, and today I want to share with you an interesting fact about my little cat "Lele". Lele is a two-year-old orange cat with a round body, a fluffy tail, and a pair of eyes that are always full of curiosity, which makes people want to pet its head at a glance.

Lele is a "little bully" in our family, and every time he eats, he has to be the first to rush to the table, for fear that he will eat one less bite. But lately, Lele's appetite seems to have gotten better, and she has a soft spot for the family's cats. Whenever it sees a cat, its little eyes will light up, as if to say, "Give it to me, give it to me!" ”

One day, I had nothing to do and decided to amuse. I put a cat strip on the high counter and watched Lele jump around, but I never reached it. Lele was obviously a little anxious, it circled around the counter a few times, and looked up at the cat strip from time to time, and his eyes were full of longing and helplessness.

In order to eat a cat strip, the kittens all stood up! Netizen: It defeated 90% of the cats on the whole network

Just when I thought Lele was going to give up, it suddenly stopped, squatted on the ground, and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, Lele slowly stood up! Its short legs supported its round body, and it staggered forward. Although it wasn't very steady, Lele was clearly excited because it found itself one step closer to the cat strip!

I quickly took out my phone and recorded this magical scene. Lele also seems to know that he is "performing", and he works harder to stand firm, taking the second and third steps forward...... Although every step was staggering, Lele never gave up. Finally, it managed to stand on the counter and grabbed the cat strip tightly with its little paws!

I was stunned to see this! I didn't expect Lele to learn to stand up in order to eat a cat strip! What a miracle! I hurriedly posted this video on the Internet, but I didn't expect it to quickly arouse heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens said: "This little kitten is so smart! It beats 90% of the cats on the web! Some netizens said: "It's so cute to watch it sway!" I would also like to have a kitten like this! Of course, some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this little cat is a foodie!" ”

In order to eat a cat strip, the kittens all stood up! Netizen: It defeated 90% of the cats on the whole network

Looking at the comments of netizens, I couldn't help but laugh. Yes, Lele is indeed a foodie, but he is also a smart and persevering kitten. It tells us with actions: as long as we have a goal in mind, nothing can stop us from moving forward!

Since Lele learned to stand up, its position in the family has become more solid. Whenever I take out the strip, it is always the first to rush over and then stands up expertly and grips the strip tightly with those little paws. I was also very happy to see the content of it.

In fact, Lele's story also gave me a lot of inspiration. In life, we will inevitably encounter various difficulties and challenges, but as long as we maintain a firm and brave heart like Lele, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals. At the same time, we must also learn to appreciate the little beauty in life, just like Lele, the appearance of working hard for a cat strip is also worth learning and cherishing.

Well, that's all for today's sharing! If you are also touched by Lele's story, or if you have anything to say, please leave a message in the comment area! Let's praise Lele and praise the little beauty in life!

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