
The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

author:CSR Kanyu


In the vast black soil, Daqing City hides a surprising "poisonous woman" - Cheng Shumei.

Don't get me wrong, the "poison" here is not a derogatory meaning, but a description of her unbelievable special habits: eating pesticides and drinking gasoline, but still laughing at life, as if she has a superhero gene that "is inviolable".

Is this a paranormal phenomenon or an unsolved mystery of science? Let's clear the fog and find out!

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

Amazing move by a strange woman

Cheng Shumei, the farmer lady in the black soil of Northeast China, has a family routine with her neighbors on weekdays, and her smile is brighter than the sunflowers in the field.

But as soon as someone mentioned the word "Cheng Shumei", the reaction of the people in the village became subtle, the corners of their mouths rose unconsciously, but their eyes flashed with a bit of "you know" mystery.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

Why is that? It turned out that Aunt Cheng had an extraordinary secret hidden in her heart - her love for gasoline, which is not something that ordinary people can understand.

Speaking of which, this matter has to be traced back to a sunny day.

That day, Aunt Cheng was busy in the yard, and inadvertently, a fresh and exciting smell of gasoline wafted over, like a cool breeze suddenly blowing in summer, which made people's hearts shock.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

For others, the taste may be ordinary, but for Aunt Cheng, it is simply a call from the depths of her soul, and at that moment, she seems to have found the "true destiny" in her life.

Since then, Aunt Cheng has formed an indissoluble bond with gasoline, and this obsession is a little deeper than the love of the old king in the village for his sauerkraut tank.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

On weekdays, Aunt Cheng is still the amiable lady, but as soon as she has the opportunity to get close to the gas station or smell even a trace of gasoline, her eyes immediately light up with a different spark.

The children in the village are naughty, and occasionally joke: "Aunt Cheng, are you a racing car driver in your last life?" At this time, Aunt Cheng always smiled from ear to ear, her eyes were bent into crescents, and she didn't refute, just enjoying the fun brought to her by this unique hobby.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

At first, she only occasionally "tasted" a few sips, but gradually, Cheng Shumei's craving for gasoline was like a wild horse, out of control.

She began to frequent the neighbors' farm machinery, and even begged her family to buy a diesel-powered boat, just because the diesel fuel could relieve her "lovesickness" a little.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

But this is obviously not a long-term solution, when gasoline became scarce, Mrs. Cheng's eyes turned to another "delicacy" - pesticides.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

While working in the fields, Cheng Shumei accidentally discovered "666 powder", a pesticide that has long been banned, and driven by curiosity, she decided to "try it".

This taste actually opened the door to a new world, and since then, pesticides have become her "daily snack".

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

The puzzling "invincibility of all poisons"

You heard it right, Cheng Shumei swallowed about 130 kilograms of pesticides and nearly 100 barrels of gasoline in a few years, which sounds like a myth.

What's even more amazing is that instead of being poisoned and falling, she is living a healthy life, which simply challenges the limits of human physiology.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

The results of the hospital's examination showed that except for some iron deficiency anemia, Cheng Damiang's other physical indicators were normal.

This can't help but make people scratch their heads: is she really special?

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

The process of searching for the truth

The media moved when they heard the news, and Cheng Shumei's story quickly fermented and became a hot topic on the streets.

The experts couldn't sit still and intervened in the investigation.

In the laboratory, the guinea pig has become a heroic "pioneer", and a series of toxicity tests have tried to unravel the mystery of Cheng Shumei.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

The mystery was revealed, and it turned out that the 666 powder that Cheng Shumei ate had expired for ten years, and its toxicity was greatly reduced, almost equivalent to an "ineffective drug".

It's like eating a bunch of expired potato chips that, while unhealthy, are not fatal.

Her pica was eventually diagnosed with "heterophilia", a mental illness that can cause patients to have a strong appetite for non-food items.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

Warnings and reflections on events

Cheng Shumei's story is like a fun adventure in life, and it is like a warning song played on an old-fashioned gramophone.

It tells us that life is sometimes more magical than a magician's hat, and in the blink of an eye, it can be as fragile as freshly baked porcelain, and it can't withstand our casual "improvisation".

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

In today's era of mobile phones and information pouring in, we have to train a pair of sharp eyes, use the golden key of science to open the door to true knowledge, and keep those ignorant and curious goblins out.

Speaking of which, pica, on the surface, it looks like a mouthful, dig deeper, it's a complex psychological drama.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

Our society is like a big family, we have to have a little more understanding and warmth for each member, especially the care of the soul.

Whether you are in the neon-lit city or the countryside with a leisurely view of Nanshan, every heart deserves to be cared for, like the gentle sunshine in spring.

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination

Therefore, we not only have to hold the "little yellow umbrella" of knowledge in our hands to protect from rain and sun, but also have to pull our friends and family around us to build a big awning for mental health together.

After all, life is mixed enough, a little more care, a little less misunderstanding, so that the heart and body can be healthy and happy, and meet every tomorrow happily.

No, it's both down-to-earth and full of human touch, so that our days can be enjoyable, isn't it?

The Northeast aunt is not invasive, and she is safe and sound after eating 130 kilograms of pesticides, and the doctor finds the truth after examination


Cheng Shumei's legend is like a realistic version of "The Impossibility on the Tip of the Tongue", which is not only hilarious, but also more about deep thinking about life.

It teaches us to respect life and cherish health, and at the same time, it also reflects society's neglect of the mental health of marginalized groups.

In this story, we are both spectators and participants, and may we all learn from it and use the light of science to illuminate the way forward and make life better and healthier!

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