
Tomorrow night's premiere of "Boiling Mountains", Bao Jianfeng will unload the aura of idols, and the old drama bones will play on the same stage, not to be missed!

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

, friends, guess what we're going to talk about today? That's right, it's the "Mountains and Rivers in the Depths of Time" that countless drama fans are looking forward to, a masterpiece that can make you laugh and be moved! This drama is like a mysterious snack in your school bag, as soon as you take it out between classes, the whole class will gather around to get a piece of the pie, and the popularity is very high!

Let's talk about the actor Li Xiaofeng first, performed by the powerful male god Huang Xuan, the acting skills are like the hands of a magician, with a slight wave, the soul of the character is vivid. Coupled with the senior acting schools Wang Jinsong and Liu Yijun, these three are out of the horse, and the aura is more violent than the summer heat wave, hitting your soul beach and stirring up layers of waves.

Tomorrow night's premiere of "Boiling Mountains", Bao Jianfeng will unload the aura of idols, and the old drama bones will play on the same stage, not to be missed!

"Mountains and Rivers in the Depths of Time" tells a story about change and rebirth, set in a mountain village with nine bends and eighteen bends, from backwardness and closure to the spring breeze of the Internet, and then to the gorgeous turn of rural revitalization. Li Xiaofeng's role, like the inconspicuous grass around us, suddenly opened and hung, counterattacking into a towering tree, which made people look at it and exclaimed: "This wave of operation, steady!" ”

The director and screenwriter, the "fairy combination", have a good reputation for the dramas they have created together, but this time they have put in a lot of effort, the scene is arranged like an oil painting, and every frame can be intercepted as a wallpaper. Especially the morning mist in the mountains, it is so beautiful that people want to pack it up and live in that painting.

Tomorrow night's premiere of "Boiling Mountains", Bao Jianfeng will unload the aura of idols, and the old drama bones will play on the same stage, not to be missed!

The cast, that's called a star-studded, in addition to the few we mentioned earlier, there are also the new generation of Xiaohua Zhao Lusi and the tough guy Xiaosheng Chen Xiao, their addition makes this drama have both the mellow sense of the age and the vitality of youth, just like the perfect fusion of classics and trends, take a sip, the taste is mellow and fresh.

Friends, the days of drama famine are about to become a thing of the past, and "Mountains and Rivers in the Depths of Time" is about to land, we must not only chase, but also chase new heights and become the topic king of the circle of friends. After reading it, remember to take action, like, leave a message, and forward three times, so that this heart-touching drama will burn every corner like wildfire.

Tomorrow night's premiere of "Boiling Mountains", Bao Jianfeng will unload the aura of idols, and the old drama bones will play on the same stage, not to be missed!

All in all, this drama is not just a pastime, it is a touch of the soul, an emotional resonance. "Mountains and Rivers in the Depths of Time", let's look forward to it together, feel it together, and let the power from the depths of time warm each of us. See you on the set, and don't forget, bring your most sincere smile and a heart ready to be touched!

Tomorrow night's premiere of "Boiling Mountains", Bao Jianfeng will unload the aura of idols, and the old drama bones will play on the same stage, not to be missed!

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