
Qin Hailu Bao Jianfeng "broke the game" mid-life crisis, and "Time is Just Right" ended warmly

author:New Express

New Express News starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, Tian Yu, Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, Jia Xiaohan starring in the modern urban life healing drama "Time is Just Right" has ended on Hunan Satellite TV. The play tells the life choices and problems encountered by Xu Meng'an, Chen Wanzhen, and Xu Mengxin, three urban women with different personalities and completely different living circumstances, focusing on love, friendship and family affection, presenting their transformation and growth. The audience can also get a glimpse of the courage to face the difficulties of life and the power to fight with the world from their stories, and middle-aged women can still go to the summer of life and interpret the connotation of middle-aged happiness.

Qin Hailu Bao Jianfeng "broke the game" mid-life crisis, and "Time is Just Right" ended warmly

Most modern urban dramas focus on the love entanglements of young and promising handsome men and beauties, while "Time is Just Right" focuses on middle-aged people. They are the backbone of the modern system society, and they will also face a lot of workplace, family and self pulls. The drama shows the pain points without selling anxiety, presents the most real middle-aged dilemmas and solutions to problems, so that middle-aged people can find resonance, and also let people who have not entered middle age see hope and beauty. "Time is Just Right" greatly restores the texture of real life with a down-to-earth life style and a plot design that makes people laugh and tears, and has been recognized by the audience.

Qin Hailu Bao Jianfeng "broke the game" mid-life crisis, and "Time is Just Right" ended warmly

"Time is Just Time" runs the concept of "home" through the creation, allowing the audience to see that there will be conflicts between parents and children, quarrels between husband and wife, and differences between sisters whose blood is thicker than water, but the big family is learning to tolerate the small family, and the small family is more closely related to the previous generation. The delicate and vivid brushstrokes depict moving stories, triggering the most tender emotional resonance in the audience's hearts and stimulating the audience's desire to discuss. Starting from the drama to the reality itself, the audience analyzes themselves in a confessional attitude, and continues to pass on the warmth in a way of mutual encouragement, "Time is Just right" uses literary and artistic works to convey the power of soothing people's hearts, allowing more audiences to look at themselves and see the various states of life, showing the realistic strength, resonance temperature and emotional thickness of realistic works.

Qin Hailu Bao Jianfeng "broke the game" mid-life crisis, and "Time is Just Right" ended warmly

"Time is Just Time" allows the audience to see the life states of different people through differentiated character creation. The work also makes a breakthrough in the shaping of female characters, using a unique female perspective as a starting point to explore multiple social issues. Xu Meng'an, played by Qin Hailu, is a vigorous and resolute working woman, but she is different from the previous image of an omnipotent heroine, in the face of the dual pressure of workplace and life, she strives to explore the wisdom of balancing family and career. Chen Wanzhen, played by Zuo Xiaoqing, pursues the realization of women's social value and self-worth, ends her life as a full-time wife and returns to the workplace to pursue her dreams. Xu Mengxin, played by Pan Zhilin, chose to share the hardships with her husband when he went bankrupt, showing the tenacity and high-spiritedness of women. In addition to the female characters, the male characters in "Time is Just Right" have no facial makeup and no absolutely perfect "Su Gan" character design. Li Lin, played by Bao Jianfeng, is a technician and a family cook, who did not feel sorry for himself after being laid off, but worked hard to overcome difficulties and strive to find new opportunities; Yu Hai, played by Tian Yu, is a typical machismo who slowly begins to understand his wife after the marriage ends.

Qin Hailu Bao Jianfeng "broke the game" mid-life crisis, and "Time is Just Right" ended warmly

It is known that in order to restore the lives of middle-aged people, Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng drew inspiration from life to show the multifaceted nature of the characters. Qin Hailu, who has a strong appearance, will go home and say "husband hug" when she is wronged, which is also applied to the daily life of Xu Mengan and Li Lin, the two have been adhering to the loving mode of getting along and facing many problems together. In order to more realistically present the status of middle-aged women's second child, Qin Hailu gained nearly 30 pounds. Bao Jianfeng shared the wisdom of getting along with each other such as "speaking" about things at home and being able to express them in the family, and he said that he would also learn from Li Lin the way of "pretending to be safe and safe".

"Time is Just Time" depicts a vivid picture of middle-aged urban life for the audience, allowing the audience to see more real details of life, and feel the emotional thinking and healing expression with the present. The work takes the family as the center and the state of life as the axis, constantly excavating the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and also reflecting the continuous development of people in the family, workplace and society, and the infinite unknown possibilities. The summer of life is always in the present, raise your head and walk forward, you can see the right time.

Written by: New Express reporter Xu Shaona

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