
Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

author:Xiao Hao chatted about interesting things


With the rapid development of the Internet, various new forms of network culture and entertainment have emerged one after another, among which the mass fitness activities represented by square dancing have gradually entered people's field of vision and become a favorite entertainment method for middle-aged and elderly groups. As the craze for square dancing continues to heat up, some topics related to square dancing have also begun to appear frequently in the public eye, some because of its positive energy by people, and some because of the various contradictions and disputes involved in it have aroused a certain degree of social attention.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Recently, a tragic incident occurred in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, which pushed the topic of square dancing to the forefront of public opinion, a popular "Brother Jiabao" who danced in the local square was attacked by a bald man with a knife in the process of dancing, the identity of the bald man turned out to be the husband of Brother Jiabao's dance partner, the reason why he would do such an extreme behavior to Brother Jiabao, was because he suspected that his wife had an affair with Brother Jiabao, so that the nature of the whole thing was completely different. It is no longer just an ordinary criminal case, but a tragic incident involving marriage and emotional entanglements.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Event recap

Cause of the incident

The incident happened in a square in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, when it was the peak of dancing in the afternoon, many citizens will choose to come to the square to dance and exercise during this time period, "Brother Jiabao" is also one of the most popular, his funny dress and lively and cheerful personality make him quite popular in the local square dance circle.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

On the same day, Brother Jiabao and other dancers sang and danced together in the square, attracting many passers-by to watch, just in the process of his dancing, a bald man suddenly rushed up, and even held a sharp knife in his hand, and slashed at Brother Jiabao, Brother Jiabao's dancers shouted when they saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull, only to reluctantly subdue the bald man, this scene was also filmed by passing citizens, and uploaded to major platforms through the Internet.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

The event passed

Through the exposure of the video, this incident of stabbing people quickly aroused heated discussions among the public, and in the video, Brother Jiabao's injuries were also terrifying, fortunately, he was lucky to escape when he was cut for the first time, but the bald man did not mean to stop, and still waved the blade in his hand wildly at Brother Jiabao, until Brother Jiabao fell to the ground, and then left the scene satisfied.

It is understood that the identity of this bald man is not simple, he is the husband of a female companion when Brother Jia Bao was dancing, the reason why he would do such an extreme behavior to Brother Jia Bao was because he suspected that his wife was having an affair with Brother Jia Bao, such a direct injury incident also made the local police attach great importance to it, he was quickly arrested by the police, and was severely punished in accordance with the law.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Event impact

The occurrence of this tragic incident not only caused irreparable damage to the parties, but also sounded the alarm for the rest of the square dance lovers, who originally thought that square dancing was just a simple entertainment activity, but they did not expect that there was such a big security hazard hidden in it, in this incident, some personal information of Brother Jia Bao was also made public, including some of his remarks and photos on social platforms, which also became the focus of speculation from the outside world.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

There is also a square dance sister named "Yang Erlang" who was also involved, and some people suspected that she had something to do with this tragic incident, but "Yang Erlang" himself denied this, and set his social platform to "only allow friends to comment", hoping to get rid of these false rumors as soon as possible, such a move made the outside world's speculation more fierce, and also brought a certain amount of trouble to her life.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Event analysis

The reason behind the incident

Judging from the information we have learned so far, the occurrence of this tragic event is not a simple impulse, there are very complex emotional entanglements in it, and the reason why the bald man will hurt Brother Jia Bao is mainly because he suspects that his wife is having an affair with Brother Jia Bao, and this suspicion is not fabricated out of thin air, but has a certain basis.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

It is reported that the bald man's wife is the brother he met when he was dancing in the square, and in his usual interactions, he did find that his wife's attitude towards Brother Jiabao was a little special, and he would even quarrel with him for some things about Brother Jiabao and other dancers, so that he would naturally have doubts about the relationship between the two, and when he saw his wife and Brother Jiabao interacting intimately in the square, the anger in his heart finally broke out completely.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Reflections behind the event

The occurrence of this tragic event has sounded a warning bell for people, so that everyone has begun to reflect deeply on the various issues involved, that is, the stability and importance of marriage and family, if there are any problems in the marriage, we should choose reason and communication, not to solve it in a violent way, otherwise, not only can not solve the problem, but also bring irreparable harm to others and themselves.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

Everyone should know how to protect themselves, whether in real life or in the online world, they need to know how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and avoid irreversible impact on their lives because of impulse.


In the process of participating in this activity, we should always keep in mind the principle of safety first, whether it is in the choice of activity venues or in the interaction with others, we need to maintain a certain degree of vigilance and rationality, to avoid irreparable impact on our lives because of some unexpected circumstances.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

It is hoped that through such a tragic event, more people can pay attention to marriage and family, respect the lives of others, and examine their own behavior, so that everyone can draw some useful inspiration from it and build a harmonious and beautiful social environment.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

brief summary

Through this incident, we can see that what is involved is not just an ordinary criminal case, but a very complex emotional entanglement and marital conflict, and such a tragic event has also sounded a wake-up call for people to begin to reflect deeply on the various issues involved.

In today's highly developed information society, everyone has the potential to become a "hot topic" in the mouth of others, we should know how to protect ourselves, whether in real life or in the online world, we need to maintain a cautious and rational heart, to avoid irreversible impact on our lives because of impulse.

Brother Jiabao, an Internet celebrity, was stabbed to death! Suspected of causing trouble to the female dance partner, netizens: Why don't you run

It is also hoped that through such a tragic event, more people can pay attention to marriage and family, so that everyone can draw some useful inspiration from it and build a harmonious and beautiful social environment.

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