
Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

author:Treasure hunting

Jin Jing and her boyfriend have a stable relationship, and they generously announced the good news of their pregnancy before they got married. The optimistic and cheerful Jin Jing still recorded the show generously after she became pregnant, and did not stop working because of this, after pregnancy, the comedian Jin Jing finally became a group pet this time, and everyone would tease her and take care of her emotions at the same time.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

As a pregnant woman, this special stage will change physiology and psychology, and almost every pregnant woman has had anxiety about body deformation, let alone female stars. Although Jin Jing is a comedian in internal entertainment, and she does not have a particularly slender figure, she will also be fragile and anxious at this time.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

Jin Jing has always been seriously pregnant during pregnancy, which caused her to not be able to eat a little heavy food, and she often had morning sickness, vomiting everything she ate, and the fetal baby in her belly also had to absorb nutrients, and Jin Jing's own weight was lighter than before.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

Due to the relationship between pregnancy and genetics, Jin Jing revealed that her mother also had severe morning sickness when she was pregnant, which lasted until she was 6 months pregnant. And I finally survived to the 6th month, my appetite finally improved, and my weight did not change.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

She was very satisfied with the result, so she went to eat a spicy tang meal to celebrate, although she only ate some low-fat foods such as konjac and coriander, and weighed 2 pounds the next morning.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

If we ordinary people, who only gained two pounds in 6 months of pregnancy, we have to steal fun. But for Jin Jing, these two catties made her feel very bad.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

Jin Jing has always been a swimmer, not just to get in shape. In order to lose these two catties, she came to the swimming pool in the community again with a 6-month-old pregnant belly and swam a full kilometer.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

Unexpectedly, Jin Jing made another big oolong, she thought that the swimming length was 50m, so she could swim two kilometers in an hour, which is the speed at which she can participate in the competition! As a result, when I asked about the property, I found that the pool was only 20m, so she didn't swim to a kilometer at all, and Jin Jing could only laugh at herself for doing it in vain.

Jin Jing became seriously thinner during pregnancy, gained two pounds in a spicy meal, and bluntly said that he was anxious and swam 1 km with a pregnant belly

It is not difficult to see that Jin Jing's pregnancy state is still so good, and she is more beautiful than before, as optimistic and funny as ever, and her mentality is maintained very well.

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