
The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

author:A collection of fairy tales
The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry
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The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

In 2016, the Chinese entertainment industry ushered in a surprising news: an actor named Zhang Tong won the Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor. The name may seem somewhat unfamiliar to many, however attentive viewers may recall that he created an impressive image of Monk Wei in the hit drama "Bright Sword".

What is puzzling is that before winning this award, Zhang Tong disappeared for 5 years. What caused the once-hot actor to disappear? And what was the force that brought him back to the screen and finally made it to the podium? Behind this seemingly glamorous success, what kind of hardships are hidden? Let's unveil the mystery of Zhang Tong's legendary experience and explore his mental journey from crawling out of the abyss of depression to shining again in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Tong's story began on the campus of Nankai University. As a child from an ordinary family, he was supposed to follow his parents' expectations and embark on an ordinary but stable life path.

However, fate quietly changed his trajectory at this time.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

By chance, Zhang Tong, who was sweating on the playground, was discovered by a talent scout. The eyes that are good at discovering talents have taken a fancy to Zhang Tong's sunny and handsome appearance.

In just a few hours of advertising shooting, Zhang Tong not only tasted the sweetness of acting work, but also opened a door to his dream.

In order to improve the family's economic situation, Zhang Tong began to frequently shoot all kinds of advertisements. Over time, he made his mark in the industry and even caught the attention of professional modeling agencies.

However, opportunities often come with challenges. The company put forward a harsh condition: Zhang Tong must go to Paris for further study at his own expense, and he can only officially sign a contract after returning to China after completing his studies.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

Faced with more than 400,000 yuan in further study expenses, Zhang Tong's parents poured everything they had to raise this huge amount of money for their son. With the expectations of his family and his own dreams, Zhang Tong embarked on the road of studying in a foreign country.

In Paris, he had to deal with not only the language barrier, but also the enormous financial pressure. In order to save money, he even had to buy cheap dog food to satisfy his hunger.

However, it was during these difficult years that Zhang Tong came into contact with the performing arts by chance and was deeply fascinated by them.

With a love for acting, Zhang Tong resolutely decided to change his professional direction. Although this decision was unexpected by the family, they chose to support it silently. In this way, an ordinary Nankai student embarked on a long journey to chase his dream of acting.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

After returning to China, Zhang Tong, with the experience accumulated in Paris and his passion for acting, began to look for opportunities in the domestic film and television industry. Despite a difficult start, he is confident that he will eventually find his place in this challenging industry.

This experience not only exercised Zhang Tong's will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Tong, who returned to China with a dream, thought that he would be able to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry soon with his study experience in Paris. However, reality gave him a slap in the face. He travels everywhere, but few people are willing to give him a chance to perform.

Even if you get the occasional opportunity, it's just a few small roles that don't matter.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

In 2002, Zhang Tong ushered in his first TV series "Flowers Bloom and Sound". Although the work didn't attract much attention, he wasn't discouraged.

On the contrary, this experience strengthened his pursuit of an acting career. He firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will eventually wait for his own opportunity.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In "Seven Fairies of Joy", the role of "Eagle" played by Zhang Tong finally made the audience remember his name. Although this character is not the protagonist, Zhang Tong's performance left a deep impression on the audience.

This small success gave him the motivation to keep going.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

However, the real turning point came when he took over the role of Monk Wei in "Bright Sword". The role of Monk Wei seems to be tailor-made for Zhang Tong. He perfectly integrated his masculinity and stubborn personality into the character, creating an unforgettable image of a tough guy.

Zhang Tong's interpretation made Monk Wei one of the most popular characters in "Bright Sword", and also made him a hot new star overnight.

The broadcast of "Bright Sword" made Zhang Tong famous overnight. The major crews have extended olive branches to him and invited him to participate in new plays. However, after becoming famous, Zhang Tong was not satisfied with this.

He knows that in this highly competitive industry, only continuous improvement can be invincible.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

With such a belief, Zhang Tong is determined to seize this rare opportunity, take on more dramas and accumulate more experience. He has participated in many film and television dramas, but unfortunately, most of his works have failed to cause a sensation like "Monk Wei" again.

With the passage of time, the audience gradually forgot about Zhang Tong's existence. The directors who had thrown olive branches to him also withdrew their invitations. In a short period of time, Zhang Tong deeply felt the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, which made him feel extremely lost and helpless.

However, for the sake of his dream, Zhang Tong chose to continue to persevere. He told himself that this path was his own choice, and that no matter how difficult it was, he would keep going with determination.

He began to be more strict with himself, constantly learning new acting skills, and trying to improve his acting skills.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

Zhang Tong's experience is like a mirror, reflecting the cruel reality of the film and television industry: it is gratifying to become famous overnight, but how to maintain the popularity after becoming famous is the real test.

It also tells us that in this rapidly changing industry, only by continuous learning and continuous progress can we gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition.

After a brief period of glory, Zhang Tong's career fell into a trough. This gap not only brought a blow to his career, but also had a huge impact on his psychology.

The aura of the past faded, leaving behind endless confusion and self-doubt.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

During this difficult period, a collaboration with a well-known director became the last straw that crushed Zhang Tong. The director mercilessly pointed out that Zhang Tong's acting skills are not even as good as those of freshmen in art schools, and his adaptability is extremely poor.

This sharp criticism was like a hammer, completely destroying the only remaining self-confidence in Zhang Tong's heart.

From that moment on, Zhang Tong began to fall into deep self-doubt. He could no longer face the camera at ease, and interacting with the other actors became extremely difficult. Every time he stood on the set, he felt an indescribable fear and uneasiness.

In the end, unable to withstand this pressure, Zhang Tong made a difficult decision: temporarily leave the showbiz and go home to adjust his state.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

However, this "temporary" recuperation lasted for five years. In the past 5 years, Zhang Tong's life has fallen into darkness. Accompanied by his girlfriend Guan Siting, he went to the hospital for help, and was eventually confirmed to be suffering from major depression.

Faced with this cruel diagnosis, Zhang Tong could only rely on drugs for slow conditioning.

At the height of his illness, Zhang Tong had thoughts of suicide many times. Every time he stood on the edge of a tall building, there was a fierce struggle in his heart: should he choose to end this painful life, or continue to persevere? Every time, it was his girlfriend Guan Siting's timely appearance that pulled him back from the brink of despair.

Guan Siting's unconditional support and companionship became Zhang Tong's only light in these dark years. She did not hesitate to give everything she had, even her life, to save her beloved.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

In the face of such a deep love, Zhang Tong gradually regained the courage to live. He began to realize that he had to live not only for himself, but also for the people who loved him.

The silence of the past five years is not only Zhang Tong's personal loss, but also the regret of the entire film and television industry. An actor who once had high hopes disappeared from public view in this way.

Zhang Tong's experience also reveals the cruel reality behind the showbiz: under the glamorous surface, how many artists' psychological pressure and mental distress are hidden? Although the silence of these five years has temporarily removed Zhang Tong from the spotlight, it has also given him the opportunity to re-examine himself and think about life.

This experience, although painful, laid the foundation for his future rebirth.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

After five long years of struggle, Zhang Tong finally came out of the haze of depression. This difficult experience not only honed his will, but also gave him a deeper understanding of life and acting.

Zhang Tong, who returned to the showbiz, is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, exuding unprecedented light.

In 2016, the opportunity came again. The TV series "Desperate Defender Division" extended an olive branch to Zhang Tong. This time, Zhang Tong devoted himself to the role with a new mentality and a deep understanding of performance.

He incorporates his own mental journey over the past five years into the performance, giving the character a unique depth and tension. This wonderful performance not only made the audience seem to see the shadow of Monk Wei in "Bright Sword" again, but also showed a more mature and restrained Zhang Tong.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

Zhang Tong's efforts have finally paid off. With his outstanding performance in "Desperate Defender", he won the first important award in his life - the title of Outstanding Actor of the Feitian Award.

When standing on the podium, Zhang Tong was still immersed in shock. "I didn't prepare any thank-you words because I didn't expect to win the award," he said! This sincere emotion touched the hearts of everyone present.

In 2021, Zhang Tong ushered in another important turning point. In the TV series "Awakening Age", the role of Li Dazhao played by him once again detonated the Internet. Interestingly, many viewers did not realize that Li Dazhao was played by Zhang Tong when they watched it.

He fully integrated himself into the role, so that the audience only saw the vivid Li Dazhao, not the actor Zhang Tong.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

For Zhang Tong, the audience did not recognize him when watching, but it was a great compliment. This just confirms that his acting skills have reached the point of perfection, which can make the audience completely immersed in the role and forget the existence of the actor.

This kind of "invisible" acting skills is exactly what many actors dream of but are difficult to achieve.

Zhang Tong's rebirth and success are not only his personal victories, but also inject a new vitality into the entire film and television industry. His experience proves that as long as you have the spirit of perseverance, you can shine again even after a low point.

At the same time, his success has also brought hope and encouragement to actors who are going through difficult times.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

Today's Zhang Tong has become one of the high-profile powerful actors in the Chinese film industry. However, success didn't stop him. On the contrary, he has always maintained a humble attitude, constantly challenging himself to pursue higher artistic realms.

In terms of career choice, Zhang Tong seems to be more and more cautious. He no longer blindly pursues the quantity of works, but pays more attention to the quality and artistic value of his works. He believes that only by constantly improving his acting skills can he present more wonderful roles to the audience.

This attitude of pursuing art is particularly valuable in today's fast-paced entertainment industry.

Recently, Zhang Tong has begun to set his sights on the theatrical stage. For him, this is undoubtedly a new challenge and enjoyment. Although this means that he may appear less in film and television productions, he believes it will help him further advance in the performing arts.

The disappearance of "Monk Wei" Zhang Tong is the sadness and loss of the entire film and television industry

Zhang Tong's choice reflects an excellent actor's persistent pursuit of art.

However, for audiences who love Zhang Tong's film and television works, it is undoubtedly a pity that he turned to the theater stage. Behind this regret, it reflects a kind of sadness in the entire film and television industry: actors who really focus on acting and constantly improve themselves are becoming more and more difficult to find a suitable position in the film and television industry.

Zhang Tong's story is, to some extent, a microcosm of the entire Chinese film and television industry. It not only shows the cruelty and challenges of this industry, but also highlights the preciousness and preciousness of artistic pursuit.

I look forward to the future, there will be more actors like Zhang Tong, who can insist on themselves on the artistic road and bring more excellent works to the audience. At the same time, I also hope that the entire film and television industry can provide more opportunities and stages for such actors, so that real acting skills can be respected and recognized as they deserve.

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