
84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

author:A collection of fairy tales
84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together
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84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

In Hong Kong's dazzling entertainment industry, a love story spanning half a century has attracted widespread attention. 84-year-old showbiz superstar Xie Xian and 35-year-old COCO have gone through a 12-year romantic journey hand in hand.

How did these lovers, who have a huge age difference, meet? How did they persist for so many years in the eyes of the world? What's even more puzzling is why this seemingly indestructible relationship finally came to an end? After the breakup, the life trajectories of the two showed completely different directions.

Let's unveil this legendary love together, explore the hidden stories within, and feel the power of love beyond age.

ON AN ORDINARY NIGHT IN THE BUSTLING CITY OF HONG KONG, THE HAND OF FATE QUIETLY INTERWEAVES THE TRAJECTORIES OF XIE XIAN AND COCO'S LIVES. Xie Xian, who had just experienced a failed marriage, met the similarly scarred COCO in a bar with a quiet atmosphere.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

Xie Xian's gentle temperament and mature and steady charm are like a good medicine to soothe COCO's wounded heart. And COCO's youthful and beautiful face and innocent personality awakened the long-dormant passion in Xie Xian's heart.

However, when a reporter asked why COCO chose to be with Xie Xian, her answer was unexpected. COCO CANDIDLY STATES THAT IN ADDITION TO HER NEED FOR EMOTIONAL COMFORT, SHE ALSO HAS PHYSICAL NEEDS.

The blunt remarks caused an uproar online, with speculation about the true nature of the relationship. Some people think that COCO is for Xie Xian's wealth and status, while others think that she just made a choice on the spur of the moment.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and criticism, Xie Xian and COCO did not back down. On the contrary, they proved the sincerity of their feelings with practical actions. The two often do not shy away from showing their intimacy in public, walking the streets arm in arm, hugging and kissing, as if to declare their love to the world.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

This attitude of courage to face the eyes of the world has also made many people begin to re-examine this relationship that transcends ages.

As time passed, speculation about COCO's ulterior motives died down. People see two people who love each other, regardless of age or identity, sincerely giving their feelings.

Xie Xian seemed to have returned to his youth in front of COCO, his eyes were full of pampering and affection. And COCO used thoughtfulness and companionship to add infinite warmth and joy to Xie Xian's later life.

This chance encounter that began in a bar has evolved into a legendary romance that has caused a sensation in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. It not only breaks people's stereotypes of age gaps, but also gives a new definition of love.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together


The love story of Xie Xian and COCO is not a flash in the pan, but has withstood the test of time and has been a good story in the entertainment industry for 12 years.

This relationship, which spans half a century of age difference, not only breaks the world's vision, but also becomes a model of sincere love.

In the past 12 years, Xie Xian seems to have regained the vitality of youth. Despite his advanced age, he is always enthusiastic and energetic in front of COCO. They can often be seen walking hand in hand on the streets and alleys, and Xie Xian takes care of COCO carefully, his eyes are full of doting.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

On social occasions, he shows his love without hesitation, telling a silent promise with kisses and hugs, as if to make up for the missed years.

COCO has also proved its sincerity with practical actions. From the age of 23 to 35, she dedicated the most brilliant years of her youth to Xie Xian. During this time, COCO was not only Xie Xian's lover, but also became an indispensable partner in his life.

Her thoughtfulness and care added infinite warmth and joy to Xie Xian's later life.

The affection between the two is so palpable that the outside world begins to speculate whether they have been secretly married. Although the two have never responded positively to this rumor, their relationship is indeed more like a loving old couple than an ordinary couple.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

Their tacit understanding and intimacy make many young couples sigh to themselves.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. The generation gap caused by the huge age gap, the pressure from the outside world, and the difference in the focus of their lives have all brought challenges to their relationships.

But every crisis, they have worked together to get through it, which has strengthened the recognition of their feelings by the outside world.

Over time, people gradually accepted this "year-old love" combination. Their stories have inspired many and proved that love can indeed transcend the boundaries of age.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

Xie Xian and COCO spent 12 years composing a moving love concerto, which also added a unique color to the Hong Kong entertainment industry.


In 2018, a shocking news was like a bolt from the blue, causing an uproar in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. At a public event, Xie Xian suddenly announced that he had broken up with COCO, who had been in love for 12 years, and this unexpected announcement made many people who paid attention to this "year-old love" feel incredible.

JUST A FEW DAYS AGO, XIE XIAN AND COCO WERE PHOTOGRAPHED BY THE MEDIA ON A SWEET DATE, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD BREAK UP IN A BLINK OF AN EYE? At the press conference, Xie Xian's expression was complicated, with both unconcealable reluctance and a hint of relief.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

When pressed by reporters, he simply said "it's time to finish" without revealing further details.

Immediately afterwards, an even more exciting news spread quickly on the Internet: COCO was rumored to have received a breakup fee of up to 20 million yuan. Although this figure has not been officially confirmed, it has sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

Some people think that this confirms that COCO has ulterior motives from the beginning, and some people think that this is a kind of compensation for Xie Xian's years of companionship with COCO.

In the face of rumors of the breakup fee, Xie Xian remained silent, neither denying nor admitting it. This ambiguous attitude has intensified speculation and discussion in the outside world. COCO, on the other hand, chose to keep a low profile and did not say a word about the matter, which added to the mystery of the end of the relationship.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

At the time of the breakup, COCO was 35 years old and was in the prime of his life. She has given 12 years of her youth to be by the side of a man who is 49 years older than herself, which is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice.

No matter how the outside world judges, this relationship is an indelible experience in COCO's life.

This once sensational love story came to an end.

After the breakup, the trajectory of Xie Xian and COCO's lives has taken a dramatic turn, as if fate has played a huge joke at this moment.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

COCO SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN REBORN AND HER LIFE HAS BECOME COLORFUL. On social media, she can often be seen with photos of her gathering with friends, going out to high-end venues, and dressing brightly.

Her smile was brighter than ever, and her eyes flashed with freedom and vitality. Attentive netizens found that although COCO's figure is slightly plumper than before, she is still charming and exudes the unique charm of a mature woman.

This state of life makes one wonder that perhaps the breakup was a relief for her, allowing her to embrace her own life again.

In stark contrast to COCO's rejuvenated state, Xie Xian. This former film superstar, after losing the company of COCO, life seems to have lost its former color.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

His sons and daughters are busy with their careers and have little time to spend with them. Although they have lovely grandchildren, they are mainly taken care of by their former daughter-in-law Cecilia Cheung, and Xie Xian has become an "empty nester" instead.

The once lively life suddenly quieted down, making the former "playboy" seem a little lonely.

However, unexpectedly, many netizens began to publicly express their hope that Xie Xian and COCO could get back together. Behind this call, it may be out of yearning for this love that spans age, or it may be the expectation of Xie Xian's happiness in his later years.

Interestingly, some netizens ridiculed: "Xie Xian's family's emotional outlook is really unique, the father likes young girls, but the son prefers mature women!" Although this kind of comment is ridiculous, it also shows that the Xie family is different in terms of feelings.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

Although the outside world has expectations for the reunion of the two, Xie Xian and COCO seem to have started their new lives. COCO is enjoying its own wonderful life and redefining its self-worth.

Xie Xian, on the other hand, looks back on his legendary life in peace, and perhaps in the process, he can find a new meaning in life.

This once sensational love story may have become a beautiful and unforgettable memory in the lives of the two. It not only changed the trajectory of Xie Xian and COCO's lives, but also made us see the complexity of love and the impermanence of life.

In this story, there may be no real winners or losers, there are just the paths they choose in life.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

Xie Xian's life can be called the epitome of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, full of legends. In the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, he was a top superstar in Hong Kong's entertainment industry, creating countless classic roles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

His acting career has spanned major changes in Hong Kong's film and television industry, from Cantonese films to Chinese films, from black and white films to color films, Xie Xian has left a strong mark.

In 2019, Xie Xian won the "Lifetime Achievement Award" at the Academy Awards, which is the highest praise for his brilliant acting career. However, in addition to his dazzling achievements on the screen, Xie Xian's "achievements" in the love field are also eye-catching.

The titles of "Playboy" and "Prodigal Son in Love" are not only a recognition of his charm, but also a sign of his suave side.

84-year-old Xie Xian has raised COCO for 12 years, and he is still living a wonderful life after breaking up, and netizens are talking about getting back together

From acting superstar to prodigal son in love, to sensational love in his later years, Xie Xian's life is like a wonderful movie, full of dramatic twists and profound life situations.

His story is not only a personal legend, but also a testimony of the times, reflecting the changes in Hong Kong's entertainment industry and the evolution of social concepts. Xie Xian's life experience has undoubtedly added a unique and unforgettable color to the Hong Kong film and television industry.

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