
Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

author:A collection of fairy tales
Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles
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Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

At the Berlin Film Festival in 2019, a Chinese-speaking actress was particularly eye-catching. She is Yongmei, who won the Golden Bear Award for her role as Wang Liyun in "Long Time and Long Days".

When she stood on the podium, the age of 50 did not affect her radiance in the slightest.

In the interview after the award, the reporter inevitably mentioned a topic that many people are concerned about: "Are you worried about the arrival of aging? Faced with this question, Yongmei's answer surprised everyone present.

She said calmly: "I am not afraid of the baptism of time. The confidence and calmness contained in these words make people wonder: what gave this actress the courage to face the passage of time so calmly? What kind of wisdom is hidden in her life experience? Let's walk into the story of Yongmei and uncover the secret of her charm.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

In 1970, Hohhot, the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, ushered in a special new life. A Mongolian baby girl was born, and her parents named her Senjidema, which means "fairy" in Mongolian.

This divine name seems to foreshadow her future extraordinary destiny. However, her father had other plans. Influenced by classical Chinese poetry, especially his love for the poem "Yongmei", he chose a poetic Chinese name for his daughter - Yongmei.

When she was young, Yongmei never thought that she would become an actor who shined on the screen. She completed her studies in accordance with the rules and was admitted to the University of International Business and Economics. After graduation, she, like thousands of ordinary people, became an ordinary employee of a foreign trade company.

Life seems uneventful, but fate is secretly brewing for the better.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

In 1993, a seemingly ordinary trip to Beijing completely changed the trajectory of Yongmei's life. On the train to the capital, she meets a man named Luan Shu.

This chance encounter not only opened a chapter of her love, but also opened the door to the world of acting for her.

The appearance of Luan Shu made Yongmei begin to re-examine her life. She thinks back to her father's teachings and thinks about what it means to be happy and satisfied.

That's when the opportunity crept in. She was invited to star in the Black Panthers' music video "Don't break my heart" as the leading actress.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

This experience made Yongmei feel the charm in front of the camera for the first time, and also gave her the idea of becoming an actress.

The gears of fate began to turn. Yongmei's performance attracted the attention of the famous director Gao Xixi. In 1995, when Gao Xixi was looking for a heroine for the TV series "Muyun's Man", he thought of this fledgling but full of potential.

Faced with this opportunity, Yongmei resolutely resigned from her stable foreign trade job and embarked on a road full of unknowns in acting.

From the Mongolian steppe to the bustling city, from an ordinary employee to a new actor, Yongmei's life has undergone a huge transformation. However, no matter how the environment changes, the values taught by her father have always stayed with her and become the guide for her to maintain her original intention in the entertainment industry.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

In 1993, a train to Beijing became a turning point in Yongmei's life. During this serendipitous journey, she meets Luan Shu, a person who will completely change the course of her life.

This encounter not only opened Yongmei's love chapter, but also opened the door to the world of acting for her.

The gears of fate are quietly turning. Soon after, Yongmei got an unexpected opportunity to play the lead role in the music video for Black Panther's "Don't break my heart".

Standing in front of the camera, Yongmei felt the charm of the performance for the first time. Her natural performance and unique temperament have attracted the attention of people in the industry.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

Among them, the famous director Gao Xixi was deeply impressed by this newcomer. In 1995, when Gao Xixi was looking for a heroine for the TV series "Muyun's Man", he thought of Yongmei.

This opportunity came suddenly, but at the right time. Yongmei stands at the crossroads of her life and faces a major choice.

She recalled her father's teachings: to have the courage to find your true self and return to yourself. Although the foreign trade job is stable and the income is considerable, deep down, Yongmei feels an indescribable restlessness.

After careful consideration, Yongmei made a decision that surprised everyone around her. She resolutely resigned from her job in a foreign trade company and accepted Gao Xixi's invitation.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

This decision means that she will leave her comfort zone and face a whole new world.

However, the road to acting has not been easy. After the broadcast of "Muyun's Man", the response was mediocre. In the next nearly ten years, Yongmei could only play supporting roles, and her works failed to attract widespread attention.

Faced with such a situation, many people may choose to give up and get back on track. But Yongmei didn't.

She always believes that as long as she perseveres, she will eventually wait for her own stage. This belief sustained her through the difficult years. Every role, no matter how big or small, Yongmei is fully dedicated.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

She sees every performance as an opportunity to learn and grow, and constantly hones her acting skills.

In the process, Yongmei gradually developed her own unique performance style. She does not pursue exaggerated performance, but is committed to showing the inner world of the character vividly.

This kind of focus and dedication laid the groundwork for her future success.

Looking back on these years, Yongmei often sighs: it was that unexpected encounter and brave choice that allowed her to find her true self. Despite the hardships of the road, she never regretted it.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

Because she knows that only by embarking on this road can she realize her own value and make life bloom with the most beautiful brilliance.

In her long supporting career, Yongmei has always maintained a calm and firm heart. She gives her all to every role, big or small. This dedication and dedication finally ushered in a turnaround in 2004.

In the hit drama "Chinese-Style Divorce", Xiao Li, the second female number one played by Yongmei, has attracted widespread attention from the audience. This role not only gave her the joy of becoming popular, but also strengthened her determination to continue to pursue her acting career.

However, fame did not make Yongmei lose herself. She knows that in this rapidly changing entertainment industry, it is more important than anything else to maintain her original intention. In order not to be distracted by the hustle et de la social activity, she made a surprising decision: set her phone to call forwarding mode and only allow others to contact her via text message.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

This seemingly simple move, but she persisted for a full fifteen years. This determination reflects Yongmei's emphasis on concentration and quality of life.

Although "Chinese-style Divorce" brought Yongmei a certain popularity, in the following years, she still appeared in front of the audience as a supporting role. In the face of doubts from the outside world, especially when some people wondered why she always played the role of "playing soy sauce" in film and television dramas, Yongmei chose to respond calmly on social media: "I am patiently waiting for the role that belongs to me, I am not in a hurry, I hope you can also understand."

This indifference and self-confidence stems from her deep understanding of herself and her acting career.

Yongmei firmly believes that every role is an opportunity to grow. She constantly hones her acting skills and delves into the inner world of each character. Whether it is Xiao Li in "Chinese-Style Divorce" or Nie Tian in "Assassin Nie Yinniang", Yongmei strives to perfectly interpret the inner temperament of the character.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

She is not only playing the role, but also shaping the vivid life.

Finally, in 2019, Yongmei ushered in the peak moment of her career. In the movie "Long Time", she successfully created the role of Wang Liyun.

This is not only her first time playing the leading role, but also won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival for her outstanding performance, becoming the third Chinese actress to win this honor at the Berlin Film Festival after Maggie Cheung and Xiao Fangfang.

The moment she stood on the podium, Yongmei's heart was full of emotion and gratitude. This hard-won honor is the best reward for her persistence for more than 20 years.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

She proved with practical actions that as long as she sticks to her original intention and remains patient, she will eventually wait for her own highlight moment.

After winning the award, Yongmei did not immerse herself in honor, but thought more deeply about the mission of the actor and the true meaning of life. She believes that "compared with the superb acting skills, how to make yourself a more perfect person is the most critical mission of an actor and should go all out."

This kind of thinking reflects Yongmei's deep understanding of the acting career and her unique insights into life.

From an unknown supporting role to a film queen at the Berlin Film Festival, Yongmei spent more than 20 years composing a persistent hymn. Her story tells us that success is not achieved overnight, it requires time precipitation, unremitting efforts, and a firm belief in self.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

Yongmei's experience is undoubtedly an inspiration and inspiration for all dreamers.

After winning the Golden Bear Award, Yongmei did not immerse herself in the aura of honor. On the contrary, this award made her think more deeply about the nature of an actor and the meaning of life.

She often said: "Compared with the superb acting skills, how to make yourself a more perfect person is the most critical mission of an actor and should go all out."

This sentence expresses Yongmei's unique understanding of her acting career.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

In Yongmei's view, actors are not only playing roles, but also shaping lives. Whether it is Xiao Li in "Chinese-Style Divorce" or Nie Tian in "Assassin Nie Yinniang", Yongmei can always perfectly interpret the inner temperament of the character.

She is not satisfied with superficial imitation, but strives to go deep into the inner world of the characters and show the unique charm of each character to the fullest.

For the definition of beauty, Yongmei has her own unique opinion. In this age of youth and perfection, she insists that every age has its own unique charm.

She once said: "Girls in their twenties are full of youth, women in their thirties have rich life experiences in their eyes, and women in their forties and fifties, although their skin texture is not as smooth as when they were young, the sparkle of wisdom in their eyes is incomparable to that of young people."

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

This comprehensive understanding of beauty makes Yongmei more relaxed in choosing characters and shaping characters. She is not in a hurry to pursue the perfection of her appearance, but focuses on showing the inner beauty and vitality of her character.

This attitude is also reflected in her daily life. She does not deliberately pursue the "frozen age" effect, does not rely too much on makeup and retouching, but calmly accepts the traces left by the years on her face.

Yongmei's philosophy of being an actor is essentially a philosophy of life. She believes that true beauty comes from the precipitation of the heart and the accumulation of wisdom. This philosophy has not only influenced her performance style, but also shaped her unique attitude towards life.

In Yongmei, we see not only an excellent actor, but also a wise man who constantly pursues self-improvement and has the courage to face the truth of life.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

Yongmei, who has entered the age of knowing her fate, has an amazing attitude towards age and aging. During one shoot, she made an unusual request to the photographer: "Can I keep my appearance as much as possible?" If I have to fix it, don't fix my wrinkles too much.

Those fine lines are the precious traces that I have interwoven with sweat and time.

These words express Yongmei's deep understanding of life. In her view, wrinkles are not a curse of time, but a gift of time, a witness to the course of life. She reconciles with her wrinkles and is no longer frustrated or upset by them, but rather grateful and proud.

Yongmei's attitude has made her a clear stream in the entertainment industry. She does not pursue "frozen age", does not deliberately embellish her image, but calmly accepts the traces left by time on her face.

Actress Yongmei is 50 years old: The beauty in her life is not retouched photos, but a life with wrinkles

This kind of authenticity and calmness is where her most touching charm lies.

In this era of pursuit of perfection, Yongmei tells us with her own actions: the most beautiful thing in life is not the retouched photos, but the wrinkled years. Her story is undoubtedly a gentle and powerful examination of contemporary aesthetics.

Yongmei shows not only the beauty of the outside, but also the wisdom and courage of the heart. She uses her life to illustrate what true elegance and ease are, providing us with a new perspective on aging and aging.

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