
Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

author:CM 111


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Ouch, this is not our big star Du Jiang.

This time he was really popular, but not because of the release of a new play, nor because he won any awards, but because he took his family on vacation and was met by netizens, and then he became popular on the Internet.

It's really a "casual can be the focus".

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

I heard that Du Jiang dragged his family on vacation this time, with his ten-year-old son and his youngest daughter who appeared for the first time.

This family was by the pool in the resort, and was captured by netizens enjoying the moment of family fun.

I have to say that Du Jiang's casual dress and his attentive appearance of playing with his children are really comfortable to watch.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

Especially the kid who didn't forget to hold his mobile phone while playing in the water, it seems that he is a little networm who never leaves his hand.

According to netizens who witnessed the scene, the resort was simply a fairyland on earth, providing Du Jiang and his family with an excellent place to relax.

This vacation not only gave us the privilege to see the private life of Du Jiang's family, but also allowed everyone to see another side of him as a father.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

Especially his little daughter, although she was not officially introduced to the public by her mother Huo Siyan before, this appearance is really eye-catching, adding a lot of mystery to this family trip.

This kind of natural family gathering, Du Jiang's interaction with the children is really eye-catching.

The innocence of the youngest daughter, and the representative characteristics of children in the new era, all make people happy to see it.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

Not only does this show the everyday fun of a family, but it also reflects how today's children grow up surrounded by technology.

This chance encounter not only made netizens full of curiosity about the private life of Du Jiang's family, but also gave everyone a deeper understanding of their parent-child relationship.

Well, this kid has grown from a lively and cute little kid to a teenager who is full of curiosity about the world, and the intimate interaction with his sister is even more heart-wrenching.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

And Du Jiang's youngest daughter, wearing cute hair accessories and a dazzling dress, is simply the highlight of this family tour.

By her brother and father's side, her innocent appearance really made people feel the harmony and happiness of the family.

When netizens saw these warm pictures, they couldn't help but like and leave messages.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

The comment area was really lively, everyone was full of praise for Humm's mature performance, and also gave a thumbs up to the cute appearance of the youngest daughter.

Many people also expressed high praise for Du Jiang and Huo Siyan's parenting methods, feeling that they have created a loving and caring family environment for the children.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

This family trip, through the sharing of photos on the Internet, gave us a glimpse of the daily life of Du Jiang's family.

From the smiling faces of the children to their interactions with their parents, every detail shows a heartwarming and authentic scene of family life.

These vivid moments not only prove the happiness and harmony of Du Jiang's family again, but also make more of us feel the warmth and beauty of the family.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

It's really enviable.

Du Jiang took the two babies on a trip and was met by chance, um, hum, lying by the pool, looking at his mobile phone, and the mysterious sister appeared for the first time

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