
Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

author:Dousha watch Hong Kong films
Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of information and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

#头条首发大赛#阿那亚戏剧节的如期开幕, all of a sudden, Aranya brought together stars from all walks of life across the country and ushered in an unprecedented lively scene.

When I saw the scenery of Aranya, I realized that the celebrities were willing to go to Aranya, maybe not only because they wanted to participate in the theater festival, but also because they wanted to go to Aranya to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

On a beach, some netizens met Du Jiang's family. To everyone's surprise, Du Jiang's family came to Aranya this time, not only bringing two children, but also two dogs with them. Attend the event to bring the dogs with you, it seems that the dogs are really regarded as members of the family.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

When netizens met Du Jiang occasionally, Du Jiang was strolling on the beach with the newly adopted puppy "Pearl", which was very comfortable and leisurely. And the pearl in Du Jiang's arms is also very well-behaved lying in Du Jiang's arms, motionless, very cute.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

Maybe it's because Du Jiang needs to walk the dog often when he comes to Aranya, and Du Jiang's family has been met many times when he comes to Aranya this time.

Another netizen also met Du Jiang. At that time, Du Jiang was holding two puppies in one hand and a bag of delicious food in the other, following the steps of the puppies. Behind Du Jiang, his son was riding a mountain bike with a basketball in the basket, and slowly followed his father. I have to say that Du Jiang's family is really down-to-earth.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

This peaceful and tranquil scene touched many people. And it is not difficult to see that Du Jiang's family is very caring and likes small animals very much.

It is said that parents are the best teachers for children, Du Jiang and Huo Siyan are so loving, presumably a pair of children will not be bad in the future.

Thinking of the frightened look in the eyes of the pearl who had just come to Du Jiang's house, and then looking at the present, with oily and slippery hair, lively and active, I have to sigh, pearl can be regarded as finding a good family in this life, and in the future in Du Jiang's house, there will be endless blessings.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions
Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

Perhaps because Du Jiang's family often travels in groups, many people have found their traces in Aranya this time. Once, instead of walking the dog, Du Jiang took his two children out to play. And netizens who saw them found that Du Jiang's 10-year-old son has grown a lot taller now, as if he is already a big child.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

However, judging from a few photos at the time, um hum has been playing with a mobile phone in his hand, and many netizens began to discuss, is it really good for such a young child to hold his mobile phone every day?

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

In my opinion, a child like Uh-huh is the age when he loves to play with electronic products, maybe his parents think that since this time he is out to relax and play, he should play with his mobile phone. And Du Jiang and Huo Siyan are very good at educating their children's parents, and they will definitely not be unrestrained about hum, so everyone doesn't have to worry too much.

There are also netizens who have spotted familiar faces on the beach in Aranya.

When a slender woman wearing sunglasses, flowing green, and slippers appeared on the beach, it was as if she had magical powers, and the eyes of the people around her unconsciously focused on her. And at this time, netizens were surprised to find that this was not Jin Chen!

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

Jin Chen's trip was very low-key, and he didn't follow more people around him. Jin Chen didn't wear makeup, and he was dressed very casually, wearing a simple green suit, the material was very light, wearing a pair of comfortable black cave shoes on his feet, and a white canvas bag on his shoulder, which was not quite the same as the amazing Jin Chen that everyone saw on weekdays. However, at this time, Jin Chen should want to relax himself, so he will go out to play without makeup and sunglasses.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

Not only that, but Aranya has also appeared a familiar face in the past few days - Li Jian. This time, Li Jian came with his wife Meng Xiaobei. Meng Xiaobei was wearing a ruffled striped shirt, a navy blue skirt, and a small fancy satchel, looking very youthful and energetic, like a little girl.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

As for Li Jian, dressed like an old cadre, walking with Meng Xiaobei, just looking at the back and outfits, I would never have thought that this was a couple.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

And Li Jian and his wife were accompanied by a man with glasses in a white shirt. Sharp-eyed netizens discovered that this person is not the founder of Aranya!

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

And according to some netizens, when Li Jian came to Aranya last year, the founder was also accompanied. Maybe Li Jian and the founder have known each other for a long time and have an unusual relationship, or maybe the founder appreciates Li Jian's talent, anyway, every time Li Jian comes to Aranya, the boss is by his side, and the cards are really full.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions
Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions

Some people also said that Li Jian brought his wife to Aranya, in addition to participating in the theater festival, he also wanted to take a look at the real estate in this place. Presumably, Li Jian and his wife also love the beautiful scenery of Aranya very much, so they moved the idea of buying a house here.

Du Jiang's family was met by chance, hugging the pearl made people teary-eyed, and the 10-year-old hum mobile phone did not leave his hand to cause heated discussions
Source: Source: Source: Source.

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