
Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

author:Two ancestors

[Star Daddy Mengbao New News] Du Jiang's trip with his son caused a sensation: Hmm, the charm of the little master has been upgraded, and the mysterious sister has revealed the secret for the first time!

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

After Huo Siyan received unanimous praise from netizens for adopting an experimental dog, the picture of Du Jiang taking the two babies on a trip was captured by lucky netizens, which quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

This unexpected exposure not only showed Du Jiang's gentle side as a super daddy, but also unexpectedly revealed the little-known sister beside him, which surprised many fans.

Uh-huh: Xiao Zhengtai's gorgeous turn

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

In the photos shared by netizens, Du Jiang is dressed in casual clothes, with a bright yellow short-sleeved shirt with gray shorts, and a pair of simple slippers, which not only loses the star style, but also reveals a casual affinity.

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

Standing next to him, Huh, who is only 10 years old but has already shown the demeanor of a little adult, with a black long-sleeved top and yellow printed shorts, and a pair of straight and slender legs indicate that the potential of the future star is unlimited.

Every public appearance of Uh-hum makes people marvel at his rapid growth, from the little cute baby in the past to the handsome guy today, every change is impressive.

Sister debuts: A mysterious existence

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

And the biggest highlight of this trip is the mysterious sister next to him.

She appeared in a cute ball-headed shape, dressed in a fresh green flower dress, like an elf coming out of a fairy tale world, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

The appearance of her sister has answered the long-standing curiosity of the outside world about Huo Siyan's family members.

Although Huo Siyan has never publicly mentioned this little baby, this unexpected exposure has undoubtedly made her sister the focus of everyone's attention.

Family time, full of warmth

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

From the photos, it is not difficult to find that the activities of Du Jiang's family near the hotel are full of fun and love. From time to time, bask in the sun by the pool and enjoy the intimate time between parents and children; Sometimes they sit side by side on the benches, as if they are telling interesting stories about their journey.

It is particularly worth noting that my sister seems to have received more care and attention during this trip, and was held in the arms of her father Du Jiang!

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

And Hum is sitting alone on the side, although he is a little lonely, but it is this kind of picture that makes people feel Hum's growth and responsibility as an elder brother, he has learned to be independent, and began to show his little manly side.

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother
Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

Conclusion: The transmission of love, the testimony of happiness

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

Du Jiang and Huo Siyan's series of family dynamics not only let the public see the daily life of celebrity families, but also conveyed positive family values and love for life.

Du Jiang took two children to travel and was met by chance! Uh-huh, tall and handsome! The mysterious sister is treated more than the elder brother

From caring for animals to accompanying their children, they tell stories of love in their own way, silently. Continue to write a chapter of happiness that belongs to them.


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