
Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

author:A tricycle driver

Songyuan's "Brother Jiabao" square dance partner was tragically killed, and the murderer turned out to be a drunk passerby! What kind of human tragedy is hidden behind this bizarre murder? In the face of public opinion, is square dancing really wrong?

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

"Brother Jiabao" Zhao Moumou, a square dance enthusiast who is famous on the Internet for his unique dancing posture and strange costumes, suffered a death without warning on a summer night that should have been the same as usual.

According to the police report, the perpetrator Zai Moumou was actually a passer-by whom he had never met. When he came to the square after drinking, he was dissatisfied with the casual eye contact with "Brother Jiabao", thinking that he had been "provoked", and he actually went into a vicious rage and stabbed the defenseless "Brother Jiabao" with a knife. After a dozen knives, a fresh life fell. And the murderer's motive for committing the crime was just a whim after being drunk.

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

How incredible does it sound that an ordinary person would lose his life on a normal night because of the unusual behavior of another stranger? In the last moments of "Brother Jiabao"'s life, what we saw was a man dodging, struggling, and begging in vain, but no one dared to step forward to stop the bystanders.

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

After the public outcry, square dancing was once again pushed to the forefront. Some have taken aim at square dancing, as if the national fitness campaign had become a source of evil. However, can the murder of "Brother Jiabao" really be blamed on square dancing?

Objectively speaking, square dancing does have some problems, such as noise disturbance and occupation of public space. But none of these are root causes. In the final analysis, it is a question of the personal qualities and behavior of the participants. **Most square dance lovers dance happily, which not only exercises the body, but also enriches their lives, what is the sin?

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

On the contrary, some bystanders make judgments, cynicisms and even personal attacks on square dances, which is an uncivilized and irrational performance. **In the video of the murder process of "Brother Jiabao", we heard a lot of cheering voices, which cannot but be said to be a kind of pathology.

In addition to the indifferent bystanders, the core of this case is the perpetrator himself. As a 53-year-old man, how could Zai Moumou do such a heart-wrenching act?

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

Some say that it was alcohol that confused his mind. It is true that alcohol amplifies a person's emotions and weakens self-control. But there is a world of difference between making a mistake while drunk and committing a crime under the influence of alcohol. Moreover, judging from the surveillance video, although Zai Moumou's steps are vain, he is conscious and his movements are neat, and it is difficult to say that he is unconscious.

So the question is, why does a stranger who doesn't even know each other's name can hold a grudge and brutally kill people just because they look at each other?**What is reflected behind this is an adult male's extremely distorted, paranoid psychological state, and pathological desire for control.

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

"Brother Jiabao" is keen to dance with women, and may have hit the murderer's pain point and become the object of his anger. However, this deformed psychology of seeking a sense of existence and control through violence exposes his inner cowardice and incompetence.

In the face of the death of "Brother Jiabao", we must condemn the cruelty of the murderer and deplore the loss of a fresh life, but we must also reflect on the light and darkness of human nature.

Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was stabbed to deathContinued: He was stabbed more than a dozen times, the murderer was exposed, and the video of the incident leaked out

The reason why the law exists is to punish illegal and criminal acts, so as to safeguard the rights and interests of the good and punish the evil deeds of the lawbreakers.

At the same time, each of us ordinary people also has the responsibility to introspect, overcome indifference, have the courage to take responsibility, and jointly create a mutually caring and positive social atmosphere.

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