
Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

author:Ultra Face @ Righteous World


The gossip world of the entertainment industry is as complex as a kaleidoscope, and the latest developments are dizzying. Although the divorce turmoil between Wang Xiaofei and Da S, a former model couple, has settled, with their respective new relationships, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei entering a new life, Da S held hands with Korean star Gu Junye, thinking that they would open a new chapter.

However, when the question of children's belonging became a hot topic again in Beijing, everything became intriguing again.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

The newlywed Yan'er Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, their love story is like sweet honey, and the air is filled with the smell of happiness. However, there are also some slight waves in this happiness: Xiao Yue'er and Xiao La, the two intimate little padded jackets, are worried about their father in Beijing, and every call in the video is full of longing.

It's just that after every call, Da S's wish seems to be shaken, which makes Wang Xiaofei can't help but show a helpless smile.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

Big S's repeated hexagram changes are obviously not accidental. Whenever Wang Xiaofei waits for the return of her daughters with great anticipation, she always ushers in a deep loss. Internet public opinion began to be concerned, and many netizens couldn't help but question: "Big S, what is the purpose of this?"

Don't you let the children meet their fathers? Of course, some people pointed out understandingly: "Maybe Big S has her concerns, after all, the children are still young, and frequent long-distance travel is really not easy for them." "

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

When public opinion was hotly discussed, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei took decisive action, and they flew to Taipei together to face the problem. The determination of the couple is evident, and they are extremely worried about the future of their children, and they are doing their best.

After arriving in Taipei, Wang Xiaofei was high-spirited and had a profound conversation with Big S, which almost sparked. Fortunately, Ma Xiaomei's timely mediation prevented the situation from deteriorating further.

Their love and responsibility are so sincere that they are touching.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

Ma Xiaomei, a beautiful woman with real talents, not only has outstanding appearance, but also impresses people with her thoughtful wisdom. She noticed that Wang Xiaofei was anxious about the child's trivial matters, and did not hesitate to lend a hand.

Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan spoke of her even more strategically, praising her as a caring daughter-in-law who knows how to care for others. Obviously, Ma Xiaomei's position in the Wang family has been as solid as a rock.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.
Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

During their days in Taipei, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei returned with a full load, they successfully solved the return of their children, and took this opportunity to purchase a top luxury villa, with luxurious decoration style, as if shining.

All these signs indicate that they have developed a deep emotional bond with life in Taipei, and seem to have come to see it as a long-term place to live.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

Of course, this new home is not just for the two of them, because the crystallization of love is coming! Yes, the news that Ma Xiaomei was pregnant with a little life made Wang Xiaofei ecstatic, and his smile was so bright that it seemed that the sun was shining.

He treats her like a treasure, cooks all kinds of food with his heart, and accompanies her to share romantic moments, whether it is shopping or the cinema. Their sweet interaction, envious of others, is full of happiness!

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are immersed in the honey pot of love, and Da S and Gu Junye on the other side are also living a comfortable life. However, their lifestyle is very different from the former, often appearing in top venues and savoring the luxury of everyday life.

Netizens jokingly said: "Big S seems to regard Gu Junye as an endless ATM." But after all, this is just a conversation among netizens after dinner.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

What we have to mention is Wang Xiaofei's birthday celebration. On this day, his joy was like a spring breeze, bringing together warm blessings from all directions.

Especially Ma Xiaomei's careful cooking, the table full of love, made this birthday extraordinarily rich. They shared happiness and enjoyed themselves in the amusement park together, and the sweet and warm picture was unforgettable!

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

The gossip in the entertainment industry is endless, it is like a never-ending drama, revealing the mellowness of family affection and the intoxicating fragrance of love. The love story of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei is like a moving music, proving that the power of love is enough to conquer all challenges.

The life of Big S and Gu Junye shows multiple life perspectives and values. We sincerely wish them that no matter what path they choose, they will find true happiness in their respective lives.

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

While showbiz news can be appealing, don't forget to turn the spotlight to more in-depth topics. Things like the growth and education of children, as well as the steady progress of social welfare, are important areas for us to explore true values and goals in a noisy world.

Let's focus on the essence and illuminate the true meaning of life!

Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.
Big S stuck to his position, refused to allow the two babies to return to Beijing, resolutely refused to give Zhang Lan the right to raise children, and the live broadcast confrontation broke up.

We warmly invite everyone to express their views and participate in this in-depth discussion, your insights are the spark of our progress, and we look forward to your wonderful comments!

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