
"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

author:And Ze Walker

On the road of parenting, every parent hopes to give their children the best care so that they can grow up healthy and happy. However, overprotection and spoiling can sometimes be an obstacle to a child's development.

The ancients said: "To get children's safety, you need to get three points of hunger and cold", this saying from the Ming Dynasty's "Wan Mi Zhai Medical Book" contains profound parenting wisdom, reminding us not to feed our children too much, dress too warmly, in order to ensure their safety and health.

"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

Three-point hunger: the mystery of children's spleen and stomach transport

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, children are born with a deficient spleen, and the spleen and stomach function are relatively weak. This means that although children need the qi of the water valley to nourish their bodies, they cannot bear the burden of too much food. Because overeating, it is easy to lead to problems such as indigestion. As the old saying goes, "the spleen is often insufficient", and the spleen and stomach function of children are not fully developed and cannot handle large amounts of food like adults.

This is also confirmed by modern medicine. Eating too much will increase the load on the child's gastrointestinal tract, whether it is the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract or the secretion of digestive juices, which cannot meet the digestion and absorption of too much food. This can lead to problems such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which can seriously affect the health of children. Moreover, overeating will also stimulate the strengthening of gastrointestinal blood circulation, thereby increasing the burden on the heart and also affecting the heart function of children.

"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

Therefore, it is very important to maintain a state of "three-point hunger" and let the child's spleen and stomach get proper rest and recovery. In daily life, we should pay attention to controlling the amount of food and drink of children to avoid overeating them. At the same time, you can also choose some easy-to-digest and nutritious foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., to help children better absorb nutrients and maintain good health.

Three points of cold: the delicate protection of children's lungs

In addition to eating and drinking, clothing is also an issue that needs special attention during parenting. As the old saying goes: "If you want to have a child's peace, you need to get three points of cold." This is because children's lungs are very delicate and prone to respiratory infections, which can cause lung inflammation such as cough, asthma, and fever. If you dress too warmly, your child will sweat easily, and after sweating, you will be able to get cold, leading to colds and other diseases.

Modern medicine also supports this view. If your child dresses too warmly, it will not only sweat easily, but it will also affect the body's thermoregulatory function. Once you sweat excessively, your pores are in a dilated state, and they are easily attacked by the cold outside, which can lead to colds and other diseases. Moreover, colds may also cause a variety of complications such as pneumonia and myocarditis, which pose a greater threat to children's health.

"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

Therefore, it is very important to maintain the state of "three points of cold" so that children's lungs can be properly exercised and adapted. In daily life, we should adjust our children's clothing reasonably according to the change of seasons. Don't blindly overdress your child and overwarm them, but choose the right clothes according to their actual needs and physical condition. At the same time, it can also properly exercise children's cold tolerance, such as outdoor activities in autumn and appropriate clothing reduction in winter, to help them better adapt to changes in the environment.

Parenting is all about balance

It is not easy to put into practice the parenting concept of "three points of hunger and cold". It requires careful observation and patient adjustment in our daily lives to find the right balance for our children. Here are some specific suggestions to help you better practice this parenting philosophy:

  1. Eat a diversified diet and pay attention to acid-base balance: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, rice and noodles are acidic foods, while vegetables, fruits, legumes and their products are alkaline foods. We should encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruits to neutralize the acids in the body and maintain the acid-base balance. At the same time, it is important to eat a varied diet and not let your child be picky or picky eaters, so as to ensure that they receive comprehensive nutrition.
  2. Drink a small amount of soup before meals to stimulate digestive juice secretion: Giving your child some small amount of soup before meals can stimulate their digestive juice secretion, increase appetite, and help digestion. It's like a warm-up before exercise, which allows the digestive organs to work better.
"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

3. Eat a good breakfast to ensure growth and development: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for children. A nutritious breakfast can provide your child with the energy and nutrients they need in the morning, ensuring their growth and energy. Therefore, we should pay special attention to the quality of our children's breakfast and prepare some foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals for them.

4. Seasonal changes in clothing and clothing: Children's clothes should be increased or decreased according to the changes in the seasons. Don't blindly overdress or underdress your child, but choose the right clothes according to their actual needs and physical condition. In autumn and winter, children's cold tolerance can be properly exercised, so that they can gradually adapt to changes in the environment.

5. Observe the child's physical condition: In daily life, we should closely observe the child's physical condition and find out their discomfort or abnormality in time. If your child has symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion, cough, or fever, he or she should seek medical attention in time to avoid worsening the condition.

"If you want to have children's safety, you need to get three points of hunger and cold", this ancient parenting wisdom still has practical guiding significance. It reminds us not to overprotect and spoil children in the process of parenting, but to give them proper exercise and opportunities to adapt to the environment. Only in this way can children grow up healthier and happier.

"Three points of hunger and cold" is not an old saying, it is the science of parenting! In doing so, the child gets sick less

Of course, the road to parenting is not always easy, and it requires wisdom and love. As parents, we should continue to learn, explore, and practice to find parenting methods that are suitable for our children. At the same time, we should also give our children enough care and companionship, so that they can feel the warmth and happiness of the family.

Dear readers, what do you think of the old saying "To have a child's safety, you need three points of hunger and cold"?

How do you put this parenting philosophy into practice in your daily life?

Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your experiences and opinions, and let's discuss parenting together.

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