
How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

author:Li Analysis

From the initial saber rattling to the final heart-to-heart relationship, the story between Guan Yu and Huang Zhong can be described as a journey of ups and downs.

They were opponents at first, and they met in a narrow way during the Battle of Changsha, and they did not give in to each other, and they were on equal footing.

When the young Guan Yu was full of confidence in his martial arts, he decided that his three hundred men were enough to kill the elderly Huang Zhong.

And Huang Zhong, a veteran, although his hair is gray, his martial arts are strong, and he also respects Guan Yu.

The two sides engaged in a fierce duel, and they were inseparable from each other for a while. This battle is not only a contest of force, but also a psychological confrontation.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

Guan Yu is arrogant and disobedient to Huang Zhong; And although Huang Zhong has good strength, he is not willing to lose to the newborn calf. The two sides have their own thoughts and are not convinced by each other, which lays the foundation for future disputes.

In the blink of an eye, they went from rivals to comrades. With his outstanding performance in the Battle of Dingjun Mountain, Huang Zhong became famous in one battle and won the title of "Five Tiger Generals".

But Guan Yu, who is in the prime of life, is worried about this: Huang Zhong is just an old man, can he really be on an equal footing with himself?

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

The deep reason why Guan Yu was hostile to Huang Zhong was that he thought that Huang Zhong was just an ordinary general, and he was a high-ranking power. Fei Shi had to come forward to reason, pointing out that Huang Zhong could not shake Guan Yu's position under Liu Bei after all.

Guan Yu has a psychological shadow, so conceited and self-assured, which comes from the insecurity in his heart. After all, the older Huang Zhong gets, the more dragged he becomes, and Guan Yu, as a younger generation, is actually very hit in his heart.

Although the contradictions between Guan Yu and Huang Zhong continued to escalate, they finally chose the overall situation first. Although the two have very different personalities, they are both loyal and brave generals under the command of Shu Han, and they have won many meritorious services for Liu Bei.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

Although Guan Yu is unstoppable, he is inevitably a little reckless when fighting; Huang Zhong, on the other hand, is old and steady, and never acts rashly. It is precisely because of this complementarity that they can finally reach a tacit understanding and become comrades-in-arms who treat each other with all sincerity.

In the long run, the contradiction between Guan Yu and Huang Zhong is not irresolvable. The root cause of their discord is due to their different positions and values.

Guan Yu is young and vigorous, eager to prove himself; Huang Zhong is old, and he only wants to do his best without expecting glory. One pursues honor, and the other focuses on duty, which is destined to make it difficult for them to reach a consensus 100%.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

However, it is precisely because of the difference in positions that the two can complement each other. Guan Yu's personal efforts and daring to act somewhat complemented Huang Zhong's old and steady life.

And Huang Zhong's calmness and calmness can often stop Guan Yu from being too impulsive and reckless. From this point of view, they are like two sides of the same coin, one is indispensable.

In the final analysis, the story between Guan Yu and Huang Zhong tells us that even if there are contradictions and differences in getting along, as long as we can tolerate each other and listen to each other's views, we will definitely be able to go to the end.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

After all, they are fighting for the same goal, sharing common beliefs and ideals, and this layer of ties has long bound them together.

For modern people, the story of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong is also revelatory.

In this society where you have me and I have you, we often encounter disagreements and conflicting tempers, but as long as we can tolerate each other and appreciate each other's strengths like them, we will definitely be able to turn hostility into friendship.

In life and career, we need to help each other and walk in lockstep, rather than conquer each other and exclude each other. Only in this way can we finally become lifelong comrades-in-arms who fight side by side.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

Thinking about the story of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong, the conflict between them actually stems from the difference in age and experience. Guan Yu is young and strong, high-spirited, and thinks very highly of himself, thinking that he is invincible.

Huang Zhong, on the other hand, has rich experience, has been chiseled over the years, and has already seen a lot of things. Guan Yu despised Huang Zhong because of pride, and Huang Zhong did not care about young people because he was old.

This kind of generation gap is destined to make it difficult for them to understand each other's position 100%. Guan Yu is hot-blooded, impulsive and reckless, and regards personal honor too seriously.

Huang Zhong, on the other hand, has already experienced vicissitudes of life, and is not too obsessed with power, fame and fortune, and only seeks to do his best. It is this gap in perception that creates the estrangement and prejudice between them.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

Over time, however, they also learned to understand and tolerate each other. Guan Yu began to realize that he should not just look at the surface, although Huang Zhong was old, he was powerless.

And Huang Zhong also understands that he should not be too entangled in the publicity of young people, but should be tolerant and guided. It is this mutual letting go and appreciation that enables them to finally turn their rivalry into friendship.

It can be seen that although the generation gap objectively exists, it is not unbridgeable. As long as you listen to each other's ideas and try to think from the other person's point of view, you will be able to embrace differences and reach reconciliation.

This is also true in modern society, where the gap between different age groups often stems from differences in ideas and values. However, as long as we treat it with an open and inclusive attitude, we will definitely be able to find common ground and resolve the estrangement.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

In life and career, we often encounter situations that we cannot fully understand with others, but that does not mean that we will break up.

Listening to each other's views and tolerating each other's differences will eventually shorten the distance between each other and reach a high degree of tacit understanding.

And this ability to appreciate and tolerate each other is the most precious wisdom of our time.

Only by letting go of prejudices and embracing differences can we truly become friends and good partners who care for each other.

How Guan Yu and Huang Zhong went from sabre-rattling to heart-to-heart, an unknown story!

In general, although the story of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong takes place in the war era, the precious wisdom contained in it will never go out of style.

It tells us that different people have different pursuits and values, but as long as we listen to each other and understand each other, differences can be resolved and hostilities can be turned into peace.

In this era full of differences, we should draw strength from them, strive to become open-minded and broad-minded people, embrace each other's differences with a generous heart, and finally achieve a true "heart-to-heart treatment".

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