
Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

author:Maruko Bunsha
Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?
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Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

On the star-studded stage of Deyun Club, the existence of a person is like a mystery. He is not the brightest star, but he is respected by everyone as "Big Brother".

This person is Feng Zhaoyang, a behind-the-scenes hero who works silently in Deyun Club.

Interestingly, Feng Zhaoyang's son Feng Zixuan began to learn perm when he was a child, and he also became Guo Qilin's founding disciple. This seemingly ordinary family plays an indispensable role in Deyun Club.

Feng Zhaoyang's story is not only the growth process of a cross talk artist, but also the epitome of the little-known friendship and inheritance within Deyun Club. He can memorize "The Name of the Dish" backwards, but he never shows it off; He was unknown, but he stepped forward in times of crisis.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

Let's uncover the mystery of this legendary "big brother" and explore the moving story hidden behind the hustle and bustle of Deyun Club.

Feng Zhaoyang's journey to Deyun Club began when he and Yu Qian joined this charismatic cross talk group almost at the same time. Although he failed to become Yu Qian's chief disciple, with a philosophy similar to that of his master, he quickly gained a firm foothold in the Deyun Society.

Feng Zhaoyang is low-key and introverted, always paying in obscurity, but showing extraordinary talent and responsibility at critical moments.

In the art of cross talk, Feng Zhaoyang can be said to have a solid foundation. His mastery of traditional opera is breathtaking, especially his ability to memorize the "Newspaper Dish Name" backwards, which shows his profound artistic attainments.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

However, Feng Zhaoyang never used these talents as capital to show off, but often humbly and gave the opportunity to be in the limelight to other colleagues.

Feng Zhaoyang's son, Feng Zixuan, seems to have been born with artistic genes. He has been learning perm since he was a child, and stands out among the younger generation of Deyun Club with his unique fashion sense.

Feng Zixuan not only inherited his father's talent, but also quickly became the new darling of Deyun Club with his handsome and chic appearance.

Interestingly, the process of Feng Zixuan becoming Guo Qilin's founding disciple reflects the unique inheritance method and profound human touch of Deyun Society. When Feng Zixuan was born, Feng Zhaoyang personally visited him and implored Guo Qilin to accept him as an apprentice.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

This move not only shows Feng Zhaoyang's humble character, but also reflects the deep friendship within Deyun Club. Guo Qilin readily agreed, regarded Feng Zixuan as his own, and cultivated it carefully.

The story of Feng's father and son is like a mirror, reflecting the cultural heritage and human touch inherited from generation to generation of Deyun Club. Feng Zhaoyang's silent dedication in front of and behind the scenes, as well as Feng Zixuan's emergence as a new generation of cross talk actors, jointly composed a moving family legend of Deyun Club.

The experience of the father and son not only shows the close interpersonal relationship within Deyun Club, but also reflects the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese art in the new era. Feng Zhaoyang's low-key and Feng Zixuan's rise, just like the past and future of Deyun Club, together constitute the unique cultural charm of this cross talk group.

Their stories explain what is the real artistic inheritance and what is the essence of the spirit of Deyun Club.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

In the unique cultural palace of Deyun Club, the relationship between master and apprentice is far more than simple skill teaching, but more like a deep bond with father and son. Teacher Yu Qian is a model of this kind of relationship, and his seemingly casual but ingenious standards for accepting apprentices - lighting cigarettes, pouring wine, and learning to perm hair - actually contain deep meaning.

This is not only an examination of skills, but also a comprehensive test of the apprentice's carefulness, thoughtfulness and learning ability.

As Yu Qian's chief disciple, Guo Qilin has not been involved much in the field of perms, but he is meticulous in taking care of his master. Whenever I see Guo Qilin's dedicated and gentle expression when he lights cigarettes and pours wine for Yu Qian, people seem to be able to feel the harmonious friendship between master and apprentice.

Guo Qilin's respect and care for Qian is not only reflected in the tacit cooperation on the stage, but also in the thoughtfulness of life bit by bit.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

And Feng Zhaoyang, as Yu Qian's second disciple, is also highly respected by the master. He has a similar personality to Yu Qian, low-key but principled, and this character has earned him wide respect in Deyun Club.

Feng Zhaoyang's respect for his master is reflected in all aspects of life, whether on or off the stage, he shows the qualities that an excellent apprentice should have. His humility and diligence made Yu Qian have high hopes for him and treat him as his own.

The most touching thing is that this deep mentorship continues to the next generation. When Feng Zixuan was born, Feng Zhaoyang took the initiative to ask Guo Qilin to serve as the child's master.

This move not only reflects the recognition of Guo Qilin's artistic talent, but also the inheritance and continuation of this master-apprentice friendship. Feng Zhaoyang's decision shows his deep affection for the big family of Deyun Club, and also reflects his sense of responsibility for the inheritance of cross talk art.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

Guo Qilin gladly accepted this important task and regarded Feng Zixuan as his own. He carefully taught Feng Zixuan the skills of cross talk, and at the same time passed on the culture and spirit of Deyun Club to this young junior.

On the stage of Deyun Club, Guo Qilin can often be seen guiding Feng Zixuan, and his focused eyes and patient teaching all reveal the pride and expectations of a master.

Feng Zixuan's hobby of learning to perm since he was a child, to a certain extent, is also a kind of inheritance of Mr. Qian's apprenticeship standards. This is not only the learning of skills, but also the continuation of culture.

In Deyun Club, each generation is striving to pass on this unique art and spirit.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

This kind of mentor-apprentice friendship constitutes the unique cultural gene of Deyun Club. It not only ensures the inheritance of the art of cross talk, but also maintains the emotional bond of this big family.

Here, the relationship between master and apprentice is not only teaching and learning, but also a process of mutual support and mutual growth. It is this deep friendship that has allowed Deyun Club to always maintain its unique charm and vitality in the fierce competition in the entertainment industry, and has also made this cross talk group a banner for the inheritance of traditional culture.

On the radiant stage of Deyun Club, although Feng Zhaoyang is not the most dazzling star, he is the most reliable "big brother" in everyone's hearts. His selfless dedication has injected a warm and tenacious force into Deyun Club, and has become an indispensable spiritual pillar of this cross talk family.

Feng Zhaoyang's selfless character was fully revealed when Zhang Yunlei encountered an accident. When Zhang Yunlei was in danger of his life due to serious injuries, Feng Zhaoyang resolutely put down all his work and waited in front of the sickbed day and night.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

He acts not out of obligation, but out of heartfelt care. When Zhang Yunlei woke up from a deep coma, the first thing that caught his eye was Feng Zhaoyang's tired but concerned face.

This scene has become a vivid portrayal of the unity and friendship of Deyun Club, and it has also made Zhang Yunlei tell it emotionally many times on the stage in the future, which has become a classic proof of the friendship within Deyun Club.

However, Feng's concern is not limited to times of crisis. In daily life, he also takes care of other brothers and sisters. No matter when and where, as long as someone needs help, Feng Zhaoyang is always the first to lend a hand.

He is like the Dinghai Divine Needle of Deyun Club, giving his companions a solid support in the wind and rain. This kind of selfless dedication has made Feng Zhaoyang win the reputation of "big brother" in Deyun Club.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

In Deyun Club, Feng Zhaoyang plays multiple roles. He is a skilled cross talk actor who can memorize "The Name of the Dish" backwards; He is a reliable big brother who always stands up at critical moments; It is also a stickler of traditional culture, interpreting what is the real spirit of Deyun Club with practical actions.

He doesn't care about personal gains and losses, and always puts the interests of the team first, which is particularly valuable in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Feng Zhaoyang's behavior not only won the respect of his colleagues, but also shaped the unique cultural atmosphere of Deyun Club. Here, competition gives way to cooperation, and the aura of the individual is inferior to the honor of the team.

Whenever there is an opportunity to be in the limelight, Feng Zhaoyang always does not hesitate to give it to others, and this selfless attitude infects everyone in Deyun Club.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

Feng Zhaoyang used his selflessness and responsibility to interpret what the real "big brother of Deyun Club" is. His story is not only a portrayal of personal character, but also the epitome of the spirit of Deyun Club.

On this competitive stage, Feng Zhaoyang used his way to compose a moving song of affection, so that Deyun Club still maintains a unique human touch and cultural heritage in the wave of commercialization.

The development process of Deyun Club, from Guo Degang to Guo Qilin, is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the inheritance and transformation of Chinese cross talk art. The struggle of the two generations of father and son is not only a personal growth history, but also a microcosm of the transformation of Deyun Club and even the entire Chinese cross talk industry.

Looking back, the scene where Guo Degang worked hard like an acrobat in a glass house for a meager remuneration is still embarrassing. The hardships and persistence at that time laid a solid foundation for the future glory of Deyun Club.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

With his unique sense of humor and sharp language style, Guo Degang has injected new vitality into the traditional art form of cross talk, attracting a large number of young audiences and rejuvenating the declining cross talk.

Today, 24-year-old Guo Qilin has grown into a representative of the new generation of Deyun Club. He not only inherited his father's mantle of cross talk, but also made a name for himself in variety shows and film and television works with his own efforts.

Guo Qilin's success marks the completion of Deyun Club's gorgeous transformation from a traditional cross talk stage to a modern comprehensive entertainment. His performance style not only retains the essence of traditional cross talk, but also incorporates elements that young people like to see, and successfully pushes the art of cross talk to a broader stage.

The struggle of the two generations of father and son reflects the transformation and growth of Deyun Club. From a small theater to a big stage, from a single cross talk to diversified development, Deyun Club keeps pace with the times and innovates while maintaining the true character of traditional art.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

Their success is not just an individual victory, but also the result of the whole team.

In this process, "invisible heroes" like Feng Zhaoyang have made great contributions. They pay silently and stick to the tradition, providing a solid backing for the development of Deyun Club.

It is with the support of these behind-the-scenes heroes that Deyun Club can be invincible in the fierce market competition, and continue to innovate and create brilliance.

Feng Zhaoyang's story has brought us a lot of profound thoughts. As an excellent cross talk actor, he has superb skills, and he can recite "The Name of the Dish" backwards, showing a deep traditional foundation.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

However, in this era of pursuing fame and fortune, Feng Zhaoyang has always kept a low profile, and even when he has the opportunity to be in the limelight, he often humbles others. This attitude towards the world is very precious in the entertainment industry where Vanity Fair is like a battlefield.

However, it was this indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune that made Feng Zhaoyang stop on the road to popularity. This begs the question: in today's society, how can artists find a balance between staying true to their heart and pursuing success? Feng Zhaoyang's choice may give an answer: the true value of art should not be measured only by popularity.

Feng Zhaoyang interprets the essence of cross talk art in his own way, seeks innovation in inheritance, and sticks to his original intention in a low-key manner. This spirit is an important cornerstone of the sustainable development of Deyun Club.

His story is not only a personal biography of a cross talk artist, but also a microcosm of the development of traditional Chinese culture in modern society.

Guo Qilin's closed disciple has been learning to perm his head since he was a child, and his father is actually the "big brother" in Deyun Club?

Feng Zhaoyang's experience tells us that while pursuing innovation and business success, we should not forget the original intention and the value of tradition. This kind of persistence may not bring instant fame and fortune, but it can allow art to maintain its authenticity and charm over a long period of time.

In the fast-paced modern society, Feng Zhaoyang's story undoubtedly provides us with an important enlightenment: the true value of art lies in the balance between perseverance and innovation.

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