
Bulgarian scholar: On the one hand, against China, on the other hand, China is needed, and the West is stuck in self-contradiction

author:China Daily, China Watch Think Tank


In the 70 years since the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were promulgated, they have transcended the distinction between social systems and ideologies and have become important principles for regulating state-to-state relations. Although the current US and Western governments have adopted a strategy of isolation and suppression against China, the majority of the people support rational and constructive dialogue and comprehensive development of relations with China. This contradiction between ideological confrontation and the pursuit of economic interests has divided Western countries. A new type of international relations based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is needed in today's world.

Bulgarian scholar: On the one hand, against China, on the other hand, China is needed, and the West is stuck in self-contradiction

By Zahari Zahariev, President of the Bulgarian National Federation of the Belt and Road Initiative

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. In the past 70 years, despite the earth-shaking changes in the international situation, the importance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence remains the same, and cannot be overemphasized.

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence refer to mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. It was first proposed by then-Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai as a guideline for handling international relations. It is not only the cornerstone of China's independent foreign policy of peace, but also a valuable guideline for adjusting state-to-state relations, and its influence transcends the differences in social systems and ideologies of most countries in the world.

In 1955, at the Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia, the participating countries jointly issued ten principles guiding international relations, including five principles of peaceful coexistence. Since then, as third world countries seek a fairer international political and economic order, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been widely recognized and adopted by the vast majority of developing countries, and their global influence has been expanding day by day.

Today, however, what we are witnessing is a global contest, not only an ideological confrontation, but also a psychological warfare that is comparable to the Cold War between East and West in the past. Not only that, but certain forces, especially those seeking to weaken China's international influence, are deliberately pulling down a new "iron curtain". China's economic achievements, prosperity, successful development model, and outstanding performance in meeting the challenges of the new era have made it an "imaginary enemy" in the eyes of Western countries.

Bulgarian scholar: On the one hand, against China, on the other hand, China is needed, and the West is stuck in self-contradiction

Image source: Xinhua News Agency

Although the Cold War officially ended as early as the 90s of the 20th century, we can still see that some countries are trying to isolate China in every possible way, including some old methods of the Cold War and many new tricks.

Unfortunately, the situation we are facing today is not a short-term historical framework, but a long-term strategy adopted by the United States and NATO, with enormous risks. The world will witness an unprecedented geopolitical, ideological and geoeconomic confrontation that may even be on the verge of self-destruction. Huge amounts of resources and forces are being invested in this "new Cold War", coupled with military confrontation and psychological warfare, a global thermonuclear war could break out at any time.

It is impossible not to talk about China, which has shown unprecedented prosperity in the digital age. Therefore, any attempt to exclude China from these areas is not conducive to world stability.

The modern world basically follows the law of civilization development, and only by advancing in the direction of peaceful development and international development can it usher in prosperity. This process begins at the economic level, gradually penetrates into the spiritual realm, and eventually extends to the realm of political dialogue. Such a political dialogue should be friendly and intellectual, with the power to unite all of humanity and to build, not destroy.

Bulgarian scholar: On the one hand, against China, on the other hand, China is needed, and the West is stuck in self-contradiction

Image source: China Daily

Another fact that cannot be ignored is that despite the psychological tactics adopted by the West against China, the majority of the people in these countries are still inclined to support rational and constructive dialogue with China and develop relations with China in an all-round way.

Thus, we see an interesting phenomenon: although the imperialist bloc composed of the United States and its "little brothers" in Western Europe has spared no effort to pursue a policy of suppression against China, business people have not bought it, which shows that there is a divergence between political positions and economic interests.

Despite calls for U.S. companies to stop investing in China or cut off economic cooperation with China, no serious company has heeded such "advice" and bowed to political pressure. The contradiction of Western countries confronting China in military and political terms, and relying on China in economic interests on the other, has become a destabilizing socio-political factor, leaving deep rifts in these countries.

In the process of promoting the new type of social relations that are increasingly needed around the world, the Chinese factor has played an important role, although it has not been revealed. This is the practical significance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

Bulgarian scholar: On the one hand, against China, on the other hand, China is needed, and the West is stuck in self-contradiction

Image source: China Daily

Producer: China Daily, China Watch Think Tank

Editor-in-charge: Song Ping Xin Xin

Editor: Zhang Zhao

Interns Qin Ke and Zhu Shiqi also contributed

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