
【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

author:Healthy Shenyang
【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?
【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?
【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?
【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?
As we age, especially lack of exercise and irregular diet, we are prone to abdominal obesity.

Q: What is abdominal obesity?

A: Abdominal obesity is also known as visceral obesity and central obesity. Abdominal obesity brings great hidden dangers to health. Abdominal obesity can easily cause heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver and other diseases. Abdominal obesity is also a predisposing factor for dementia.


Q: Why is dementia prevented early?

A: One of the main types of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease of the nervous system characterized by memory loss, which can cause abnormalities in mental behavior and reduce the ability to perform daily living, in addition to memory loss, as well as numeracy, comprehension, and speech impairment.

The early stage of Alzheimer's disease is called the subjective cognitive decline stage, when the patient is always worried about memory loss, but the objective examination does not reach dementia and does not affect the ability to perform daily life. Dementia should be prevented early.

【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

Q: What is the relationship between abdominal obesity and dementia?

A: Abdominal obesity is a predisposing factor for dementia.

A study of more than 9,000 subjects with an average age of 55 showed that as belly fat increased, the gray matter in the brain decreased. The brain volume is also lower than that of normal people, which is prone to memory loss, brain atrophy and the risk of dementia. Another study looked at 8,000 Asian people. Studies conducted with an average age of 51.4 years showed that for every 0.27 kg increase in visceral fat, the cognitive age of the brain aged by 0.7 years.

【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

Q: How can I prevent and reduce abdominal obesity?


1. Rational food.

A reasonable diet plan includes a reasonable dietary structure and intake. The basic principle of the composition of a weight-loss diet in patients with abdominal obesity is low energy. Low in fat, moderate in protein, and increase the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. Consuming more fiber, on the one hand, can increase satiety and prevent more energy intake, and on the other hand, promote the elimination of cholesterol and toxins. Avoid fried foods, try to use steaming, boiling, and stewing cooking methods, avoid adding meals, and drink sugary drinks. At the same time, patients are advised to control salt intake, less than 5 grams of salt per day, quit smoking, and limit alcohol.

【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

2. Keep moving.

Exercise is an integral part of weight loss, and long-term regular exercise can help reduce abdominal obesity. The choice of exercise program is based on the patient's interests. Compared with the patient's age and physical tolerance, jogging, brisk walking, skipping rope, swimming, and aerobics can be selected, which is a more suitable and optional exercise. The amount and intensity of exercise should be increased gradually, with the ultimate goal of exercising for 150 minutes a week, three to five days a week.

3. Develop good eating habits.

Eating fast, suppering on time, eating good meat, eating too late, staying up late, poor sleep quality, alcoholism, these poor diet and lifestyle habits are important reasons for the accumulation of visceral fat, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up early.

Eating a reasonable diet and exercising for a long time can reduce visceral fat and make us healthier.

【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

Author: Zhao Bin

Source: Shenyang Fifth People's Hospital

Editor: Pei Li

Proofreading: Chen Ziqi

Preliminary review: Wang Jinchun

Review: Xu Jiang

【Health Literacy Popularization Campaign】Can Abdominal Obesity Increase the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in the National Health Literacy Awareness Month?

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