
Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

author:The stars are from the media

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Recently, there have been a series of bridge collapses in India that have shocked the world.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In just nine days, five bridges collapsed one after another, causing serious casualties and property damage.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

The incident has attracted global attention, and media outlets around the world have reported on it.

According to the analysis of professionals, the reason for the collapse of these bridges is mainly to cut corners.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In order to save costs, some bridge construction companies use substandard materials and processes in the construction process, resulting in bridges that cannot withstand pressure under extreme weather conditions, and eventually lead to tragedy.

The incident sparked heated discussions on social media at home and abroad.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Domestic netizens have expressed shock and anger, questioning the ineffective supervision of relevant departments, which has threatened the lives and safety of people.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Foreign netizens expressed concern about the level of infrastructure construction in India, believing that such quality problems would have a serious impact on India's development.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Some netizens even ridiculed: "If India wants to surpass China and the United States, let's start by building a bridge!" ”

The heated debate has exposed India's shortcomings in infrastructure construction and raised doubts about India's future development.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

The current state of infrastructure construction in India

Bridges, waiting halls and other accidents are frequent

In recent years, there have been frequent infrastructure construction problems in India, among which accidents such as bridges and departure halls have attracted particular attention.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

The collapse of the five bridges in nine days is just the tip of the iceberg, but there are many other projects under construction or already built that pose safety hazards.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

These accidents not only brought great inconvenience to the lives of local residents, but also caused casualties and property damage.

The quality of India's infrastructure construction has become the focus of social attention.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Problems such as cutting corners, poor supervision, and non-standard construction abound.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

These problems not only lead to frequent engineering accidents, but also significantly shorten the service life of infrastructure.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In the face of quality problems, the development prospects of India's infrastructure construction are worrying.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Compared with China and the United States, the gap between India and China in terms of infrastructure development is very obvious.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Whether it is bridges, roads, electricity, water conservancy, etc., the speed and quality of development of China and the United States far exceed that of India.

Taking bridges as an example, China and the United States have mature bridge construction technology and reliable quality, while India has frequent bridge collapse accidents.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

This gap is not only reflected in infrastructure construction, but also in economic development, scientific and technological innovation, education level and other aspects.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In the face of this situation, the Indian government and all sectors of society should deeply reflect on it, increase investment and supervision of infrastructure construction, improve the quality of projects, and narrow the gap with developed countries such as China and the United States. Only in this way will India be able to go further and further on the road of economic development.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States
The gap between competitiveness and efficiency

In terms of competitiveness and efficiency, the gap between India and China is clear.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in infrastructure construction, scientific and technological development, and economic growth.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In contrast, while India has made progress in some areas, its overall competitiveness and efficiency are still far lower than China's. A Western scholar pointed out after comparing China and India in all directions that it is almost impossible for India to catch up with China in a short period of time.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

This view has caused heated discussions abroad, and many foreign netizens believe that India's competitiveness is even worse than that of some third world countries.

Education is the future of the country, and the gap between China and India is equally stark in this regard.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In various international competitions, Chinese students performed well, and the total number of gold medals ranked first. Indian students, on the other hand, performed comparatively poorly.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

This phenomenon reflects the disparity between the two countries in terms of education level and talent training. If India is to close the gap with China, improving the standard of education is the key.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Faced with this embarrassing situation, Indian netizens began to laugh at themselves.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

They have been discussing various problems in India on social media, from the quality of infrastructure to the lack of education, and even jokingly called India a "representative of a third world country".

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

This self-mockery reflects the Indian people's dissatisfaction with the state of the country and their desire to catch up with China and achieve the goal of becoming the world's largest economy.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In the process of this all-round comparison, the deep reflection and self-ridicule of Indian netizens left a very deep impression on foreigners. They recognise that India still has a long way to go before it can achieve this goal. And all of this needs to start with improving competitiveness, efficiency and education.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States
Western scholars have pointed out India's shortcomings:

In recent years, India's desire to become the world's largest economy has become louder and louder, and many foreign media have reported on this.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

The day before yesterday, a Western scholar gave a different view in a speech. He compared China and India in an all-round way, and bluntly pointed out India's shortcomings in infrastructure, education, and competitiveness.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

This view immediately attracted widespread attention and put India in an embarrassing position.

Deep reflections from Indian netizens:

In the face of the sharp comments of Western scholars, Indian netizens did not blindly refute them, but began to reflect deeply.

They buzzed the matter on social media, with one person quipping: "If India wants to become the world's largest economy, it must start by building bridges." This kind of self-deprecating ridicule reflects the dissatisfaction and concern of Indian netizens about the current situation of the country.

India's vision to become the world's largest economy:

Despite the challenges, India has a vision to become the world's largest economy.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Currently, India is the world's fifth-largest economy, with a large young population and a vast market.

India still has a long way to go to achieve this goal. In terms of infrastructure construction, education, science and technology, India needs to make more efforts to narrow the gap with China and the United States and other countries.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

In this embarrassing situation, how India chooses will determine its future development.

Will we continue to bask in the glory of the past, or will we bravely face the reality and strive to improve the competitiveness of the country?

This is a question worth pondering. And the self-deprecation and reflection of Indian netizens may be the beginning of India's rise.

"Made in China" is no longer synonymous with low-end and low price, but has gradually risen as a symbol of high quality.

Indian bridges have "cut corners", five collapsed in nine days, and foreigners questioned: how to surpass China and the United States

Globally, whether it is consumer electronics, home appliances, automobiles, high-speed rail, aerospace and other fields, the quality and technical content of Made in China have been widely recognized.

This is in stark contrast to the phenomenon of cutting corners on Indian bridges, which makes netizens at home and abroad sigh: "Made in China" has been at the forefront of the world.

The emergence of a group of Indian-born people among the CEOs of large American companies has aroused the concern and concern of American netizens.

This phenomenon does not represent an improvement in India's overall competitiveness.

On the contrary, the success of these Indian-American CEOs in the United States is largely due to the mature market environment and high-quality educational resources in the United States.

In China, technology companies have also made remarkable achievements, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, etc., and the success of these companies is inseparable from the reserve and innovation ability of China's science and technology talents.

In recent years, China has made major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, 5G communications, new energy vehicles and other fields, which not only enhance the competitiveness of domestic industries, but also contribute to global scientific and technological progress.

At the same time, India's input and output in the field of science and technology are relatively low, and the gap with China is becoming increasingly obvious. This gap is not only reflected in infrastructure construction, but also in talent training, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects.

It is self-evident that it will be difficult for India to surpass China in a short period of time.

The advantages of "Made in China" are the result of the continuous accumulation of the mainland in science and technology, education, industry and other aspects.

In the face of such a competitive landscape, India needs to face up to its own shortcomings, strive to improve the level of infrastructure construction, and increase scientific and technological innovation in order to occupy a place on the world stage in the future.

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