
Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this online movie Jianghu, the wind is surging, and heroes from all walks of life have appeared on the stage, trying to set sail in this digital sea and find their own treasures.

Recently, a film called "Piranha" pierced the night sky like a meteor, instantly attracting countless eyeballs, but its light seemed too dazzling to make people squint - not because of the shine, but because of its frowning "edge ball" play.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Let's look at Xu Dongdong, an actress who is sexy and topical, how in this low-cost film with a cost of only 5 million, set off a big and small storm.

The undercurrent of controversy in the grand opening of the premiere

As soon as "Piranha" appeared, it was like a hungry fish meeting breadcrumbs on the water, and the audience's enthusiasm for clicking hit like a tsunami, and it rushed to the top of the popularity list within 2 hours.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Behind this, Xu Dongdong's sexy label and the seemingly exciting title of the film have undoubtedly become the biggest eye-catchers.

The precision marketing of the publicity team is like a fire, igniting the curiosity of the audience, and everyone has poured in to see it.

However, as high as the expectations are, there are as many disappointments as possible, and when the audience actually faces this movie, it is like taking a bite of a shiny apple on the outside, but it is moth-eaten inside.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Dongdong's charm and character embarrassment

Xu Dongdong, a woman whose name is the topic, from "Residual Sin" to "Chasing the Dragon", every time she appears, she has its own topic attributes.

In "Piranha", the heroine she played seems to have become synonymous with "contradiction", on the one hand, she wants to be independent, refuses her boyfriend's funding, and on the other hand, she has to find work on vacation because of her shyness. ”

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Dongdong's charm is understandable, but in this film, her performance seems to be dragged down by the embarrassing setting of the role, sex appeal has become the only selling point, and her acting skills have become a supporting role.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

"Fantasy Drifting" at a cost of 5 million

5 million, in the era of rampant swath, this money thrown into the water may not even make a sound.

The crew of "Piranha" obviously wants to do the most with the least amount of money, but the result is a bit like dividing a dollar into ten portions, each of which is not enough for a breakfast.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

The special effects are like a retro game from the last century, the sound effects seem to have been borrowed from the next set of work, and the editing makes one wonder if the director is a temporary worker.

Low cost is not the original sin, but when it is laid bare in front of the audience, the roughness is like a plate of unseasoned sashimi, which is hard to swallow.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Plot? Logic? Inexistent!

If the plot of the movie "Piranha" is a meal that should be full of color and flavor, then it may be missing a few key seasonings, just like the chef hurriedly left the peppercorns and ingredients on the stove, so that the whole dish lacks the essence of flavor.

Our heroine, who was still the "Iron Lady" in the workplace in the last second, stepped on the sky-high and called for wind and rain in the world of "The Queen Wears Prada", but the next second she changed her painting style abruptly, and became a waiter serving dishes in the resort, as if she had instantly traveled to the warm neighborhood of "Ode to Joy". ”

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Let's take a look at the second female again, her role setting is simply walking a tightrope, playing "edge ball" and walking on the edge, making the audience stunned for a moment, and muttering in her heart: "Is this testing the lower limit of our IQ, or does the screenwriter really think it's fashionable?" This kind of blatant "teaching film" has a sense of déjà vu, which really makes people feel that they have been forcibly lowered to the viewing level.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

The plot design of "Piranha" is like a sudden summer rainstorm, which is unhurried and elusive.

The audience scratched their heads in confusion and asked themselves: "Is this director playing mystery, or did he really forget to open an 'IQ recharge card' for the script?" "Watching the whole film, it's like riding a roller coaster, rushing into the sky for a while, and falling to the bottom for a while, making people's emotions rise and fall with the plot, and I don't know what to do.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

The anger and helplessness of the audience

"Return the money! Refund! It has become the main theme of the film's comment area.

The audience's anger was not only because of the waste of money, but also because of the disappointment with the quality of the film.

The absurdity of the plot, the setting of the characters, and the blatant "edge ball" have all become a thorn in the hearts of the audience.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

This outbreak of dissatisfaction not only affected the subsequent box office of the film, but also seriously damaged the reputation of Xu Dongdong and the production team.

In the Internet era where "tap water" is prevalent, the avalanche effect of word-of-mouth cannot be underestimated.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

Industry Apocalypse: Finding Direction from Failure

The film "Piranha" stirred up waves on the Internet, but in the end, it was like a sand castle on the beach, gently wiped by the tide of time, and there was no trace of it, which is tantamount to throwing a small pebble to the online film industry, and the ripples on the water surface hide alarm and enlightenment.

In the boundless ocean of the Internet, the hot spot is the flickering buoy, and the topic is the tempting bait, which can instantly hook a group of curious babies, but once the limelight passes, if there is no real material in the pocket, it can only be "after the excitement, a chicken feather".

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

The tongues of the audience and friends can be shrewd, and they have long evolved from the "hodgepodge" era to the "private custom" stage.

In other words, not every dish can be fooled with "casual stir-frying", it has to be thoughtful, creative, and has to have that flavor! No, it's a reminder to us filmmakers: don't always think about taking shortcuts, you have to work hard to stew that pot of "content" stock.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

The online movies of the future will be like carefully cooked fried meat, and every bite will have to be endlessly memorable.

screenwriters have to grind the script finer than soy milk, so that the plot twists and turns are more tortuous than the mountain road; The character creation has to be flesh and blood, so that the characters come out of the screen alive, and they are as friendly as the audience.

As for the budget, hey, that's more of a test of intelligence.

For example, if you have a handful of vegetables in your hand, you also have to fry a "jade white jade soup" feeling, unlimited creativity, saving money, this is called a master!

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release

If you want to swim far in the red sea of online movies, you not only have to be able to chase waves, but also have to practice a good ability to dive, dig deep into the content, and get close to people's hearts.

After all, the hearts of the audience are the most uncharted waters worth exploring.

Rubbing the side and selling meat, the audience shouted for a refund, Xu Dongdong's new film was full of bad reviews, and it rushed to the first place within 2 hours of release


In the age of entertainment to death, we look forward not only to short laughs and excitement, but also to stories that can touch our hearts and make people endlessly memorable.

The lesson of "Piranha" tells us that if you want to swim farther, you can't just rely on "rubbing the ball", but you must concentrate on cultivating internal skills, so that you can become a real "shark" in the turbulent Internet ocean.

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