
She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Liu Yumei and I am 55 years old. Actually, at my age, I was still working as a nanny outside, and the people in the village thought I was quite capable. My family is in the countryside, my two sons are married, my little grandson is also there, and my wife is farming at home, although her life is not rich, but she can get by. I have been working as a nanny for eight years, and I have experienced all kinds of families, and I have also seen a lot of warm and cold people. Now this home is the place where I have served for two years, with a monthly salary of 7,500 yuan, and the treatment is good.

There are four people in this family, the owner is called Wang Qiang, about forty years old, working as a manager in a large company, and his wife Li Mei is three years younger than him, and she is a full-time wife at home. They have a nine-year-old son, Xiaoyu, and a five-year-old daughter, Tingting. Xiaoyu is in the third grade at a key primary school in the city, and Tingting is still in kindergarten. I am mainly responsible for cooking, cleaning, picking up and dropping off the children, and taking care of their daily life. Although it is usually hard, Wang Qiang and Li Mei are quite good to me, especially Xiaoyu, who especially likes to pester me to tell stories.

However, even the best job has troubles. Recently, Li Mei has begun to be a little dissatisfied with me, always feeling that I am not meticulous enough. This morning, Li Mei said to me while eating breakfast: "Aunt Liu, did you not clean seriously yesterday?" I found a lot of dust under the couch. I hurriedly explained, "Oh, Mrs. Li, I may have not cleaned it thoroughly yesterday due to time constraints, so I will go and clean it up again in a while." When Li Mei heard this, her face did not soften, but said coldly: "Don't let this happen again in the future, you also know that our family has high requirements for hygiene." ”

Hearing this, I felt a little aggrieved in my heart, I have been conscientious all these years, and it is inevitable that there will be times of negligence. But Li Mei seemed to grab my pigtails and began to find fault with me everywhere. At noon, Li Mei took Xiaoyu and Tingting out to play, I was busy at home, but I always thought about her cold face in my heart. Suddenly, the phone rang, it was my wife calling, he asked me how I was doing, I could only smile and say, "It's okay, you have to take care of yourself at home." ”

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

In the afternoon, Wang Qiang came back, he saw me mopping the floor, and asked casually: "Aunt Liu, Li Mei said that you have been a little careless recently, are you too tired?" I smiled wryly and shook my head: "It's okay, Mr. Wang, I'll pay attention." Wang Qiang nodded, told me to rest early, and then went to the study to do his work.

In the evening, Li Mei brought the children back, and her face did not look very good. I hurried to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and when Li Mei came in, she said coldly: "Aunt Liu, the bowl at noon today was not cleaned, and I saw oil stains on it." I was shocked and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Li, maybe I'm dazzled, I'll wash it again." Li Mei heard this and waved her hand impatiently: "Forget it, just don't make such low-level mistakes again." ”

This sentence pierced my heart like a needle. After dinner, I sat alone in the kitchen, thinking that I had worked so hard for so long, and that I had been so harshly criticized for one or two small things, and my heart was a little unbalanced. But when I think about it, after all, it's work, and patience is over.

Early the next morning, before going out, Li Mei told me about hygiene again. I panicked, but I nodded my head in agreement. At noon, when Xiaoyu came back from school, I made his favorite braised pork, and he ate it very happily, telling me about school while eating. I listened to Xiaoyu's immature voice, and my heart felt warm.

But the good times didn't last long, and when Li Mei came back with Tingting in the afternoon, she found that Xiaoyu had a box of confiscated meals in her schoolbag. She immediately yelled at me with a black face: "Aunt Liu, what is the situation? How does Xiaoyu bring meals to school? I hurriedly explained: "Mrs. Li, maybe Xiaoyu took it himself, I'll check it right away." ”

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

Li Mei didn't listen to the explanation, and continued to count me down: "Aunt Liu, what are you doing?" If you can't do such a small thing, what can we expect from you? Wang Qiang came over when he heard the sound and saw that Li Mei was angry, so he hurriedly played a round: "Okay, okay, Meimei, don't be angry, Aunt Liu didn't mean it." ”

When Li Mei heard this, she became even more angry: "Didn't you mean it? She's been making mistakes lately, and she's just absent-minded! I stood next to it, feeling hot on my face, but I couldn't refute it. Seeing this, Wang Qiang could only pat me on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "Aunt Liu, you have worked hard, let's go and rest for a while." ”

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

At night, I lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, and I felt more and more aggrieved. Thinking of Li Mei's various dissatisfaction and reproaches to me, tears unconsciously welled up. Eventually, I made a decision. The next morning, at breakfast, I said to Li Mei, "Mrs. Li, I thought about it, let's resign." ”

Li Mei was stunned for a moment, and the chopsticks in her hand stopped in mid-air. Wang Qiang was also surprised, and hurriedly asked me, "Aunt Liu, what's wrong with you?" Why did you suddenly say you were going to resign? I lowered my head and replied as calmly as possible: "Mr. Wang, Mrs. Li, I feel that I have not done well enough these days, and I am afraid that it will affect your life, so I should resign." Li Mei frowned, put down her chopsticks, and said coldly: "Aunt Liu, our family has always been good to you, is there any grievance when you want to leave so suddenly?" ”

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

I didn't expect her to be so direct, and my heart was sour, but I still held back my tears and said, "Mrs. Li, you are dissatisfied with me, and I also feel that I really don't do a good enough." For the sake of your family and for yourself, I think it's better to go. Wang Qiang looked at Li Mei and said to me in a gentle tone: "Aunt Liu, we can talk again, don't be in such a hurry to make a decision." ”

At this time, Xiaoyu put down his chopsticks, walked to my side, and took my hand, his eyes were full of worry: "Grandma Liu, are you okay if you don't go?" I like you at home. Seeing Xiaoyu's immature face, my heart tightened even more, but I still said firmly: "Xiaoyu, Grandma Liu is going home, you have to listen to your parents and study hard in the future." ”

Li Mei stood up, her face softened a little, and said, "Aunt Liu, if you are dissatisfied, we can talk about it, there is no need to resign in such a hurry." Her tone softened, but I could feel that the knots in her heart hadn't been completely unraveled. Wang Qiang also echoed: "Yes, Aunt Liu, you have been doing your best all these years, and our family still needs you very much." ”

In the face of their retention, I was a little shaken in my heart, but thinking of the recent grievances, I still insisted: "Mr. Wang, Mrs. Li, thank you for your retention, but I really decided." I'll get the job done and leave. ”

In the evening, Li Mei and Wang Qiang talked for a long time in the room, and I heard their arguments and didn't know what they were discussing. Early the next morning, Li Mei took the initiative to come and talk to me. She said: "Aunt Liu, I thought a lot last night, and I have indeed been a little harsh on you recently, I'm sorry." She said very sincerely, and I was a little moved, but I still said, "Mrs. Li, it's not your problem, it's that I haven't done well enough." ”

Li Mei sighed and continued, "Aunt Liu, if you really want to go, we also respect your decision. But we still want you to stay, after all, the kids love you. I looked at Li Mei's eyes, my heart was complicated for a while, and finally nodded: "Mrs. Li, I will think about it again." ”

In the past few days, while doing the work at hand, I am thinking about Li Mei's words. Whenever I see Xiaoyu and Tingting's innocent smiling faces, my heart softens a little. But thinking of Li Mei's harsh criticism of me, I felt that I had been wronged, and I had been struggling in my heart.

A week later, Wang Qiang came to talk to me. He said: "Aunt Liu, I know that you have worked hard all these years, and I also know that recent events have made you feel uncomfortable. We really hope you stay, the children can't live without you. His words warmed my heart a lot, but I still hesitated.

That night, I lay in bed and thought about my decision. Suddenly, I heard Xiao Yu's cry outside the door. I hurried out and saw Xiaoyu crying in the living room, and Li Mei was comforting him. I walked over and asked, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong?" As soon as Xiaoyu saw me, he rushed over and hugged me, crying and saying, "Grandma Liu, don't you go, okay?" I don't want you to go. ”

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

Seeing Xiaoyu so sad, my heart softened all of a sudden, and tears flowed involuntarily. I touched Xiaoyu's head and said gently, "Xiaoyu, Grandma Liu won't leave, okay?" Xiao Yu listened, his cry gradually became quieter, and he raised his head to look at me, his eyes full of expectation: "Really? You're not leaving? I nodded, smiled and said, "Really, Grandma Liu is not leaving." ”

Early the next morning, I told Wang Qiang and Li Mei about my decision. Li Mei looked very happy, and hurriedly said, "Aunt Liu, great, we really hope you can stay." Wang Qiang also smiled and said, "Aunt Liu, it's great that you decided to stay." ”

Since then, Li Mei's attitude towards me has become noticeably softer. She started paying more attention to my feelings and was less critical than she used to be. Wang Qiang also cares more about my work and life, and sometimes buys small gifts for me. Xiaoyu and Tingting revolve around me every day, and the whole house is full of laughter.

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

One day, Li Mei suddenly said to me: "Aunt Liu, you have worked hard for so many years. We have decided to give you a raise and hope you will stay in our house forever. Hearing this, my heart was both moved and warmed. Although I have had grievances and dissatisfaction before, at this moment, I feel that my efforts have been rewarded, and I also feel the warmth of this home.

That night, I sat on the edge of Xiaoyu's bed and told him a story. After he fell asleep, I gently covered him with the quilt and watched him sleep soundly, and my heart was full of satisfaction and peace. Walking out of the room, I saw Li Mei and Wang Qiang also smiling, and the whole house was filled with a warm atmosphere.

She is a 55-year-old live-in nanny, 7,500 yuan a month, and is ready to quit her job because of a trivial matter

At this moment, I understood a truth. No matter where you are, there will be friction and unhappiness, but as long as everyone treats it sincerely and communicates attentively, many problems can be solved. I decided to continue working in this family, taking care of this family with my heart, and accompanying these lovely children to grow up.

From that day on, the relationship between Li Mei and I became more harmonious, Wang Qiang trusted me more, and the whole family was filled with a harmonious atmosphere. We had many fun times together and the children thrived in our company. I know it's not just my place of work, it's my second home.

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