
The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Mei, I am 40 years old and I live in Hangzhou. My husband died of illness a few years ago, and I raised two children alone, the eldest daughter is in college, and the younger son has just entered junior high school. In order to make ends meet, I worked as a nanny for three families, leaving early and returning late every day.

One Monday morning, when I came to Zhang's house as usual, I found Mrs. Zhang standing at the door, her face a little anxious. When she saw me, she immediately greeted me and said, "Sister Li, Xiaobao has a cold, fever and cough severely." Mr. Zhang is on a business trip, I can't be busy alone, can you stay at our house today to help? ”

I nodded, "Okay, Mrs. Zhang, I'll take care of Xiaobao." With that, I immediately called the other two employers and told them that I couldn't go to work today.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Xiaobao's cry. He is just over two years old and is a cute little boy who is usually very clingy. Seeing his blushing face, my heart tightened, and I hurriedly stepped forward to hug him and coaxed him softly: "Xiaobao, don't cry, Auntie is here." ”

Mrs. Zhang looked at me gratefully and said, "Sister Li, I'm really troublesome to you, I have an important meeting at the company, and I will come back early in the afternoon." ”

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

I nodded, "Don't worry, Mrs. Zhang, you go and get busy, I will take good care of Xiaobao." ”

After Mrs. Zhang left, I started to get busy. First, Xiaobao's body temperature was measured, and the fever was not light, thirty-eight degrees five. According to the doctor's instructions, I fed him antipyretics, and then rubbed his body with warm water, and the cooling effect was not bad. After a while, Xiaobao's fever subsided a little, and his crying became much quieter, and he slowly fell asleep in my arms.

Taking advantage of Xiaobao's sleep, I quickly tidied up the living room and kitchen of Xiazhang's house, and boiled another pot of porridge for later use. After all this, I sat on the couch and thought about today's arrangements. On the other end of the phone, Aunt Li received the news that I was asking for leave, and she didn't say anything, just sighed: "Meizi, it's not easy for you." ”

The second call was made to Mrs. Zhao, and she understood very well, "Sister Li, the most important thing is that the child is sick, you can take care of him today." Come back tomorrow if you have time. ”

I am grateful for the understanding of the two employers, but I am also a little guilty. After all, a nanny's job is to serve their employers, so they always feel sorry for them when they take temporary leave.

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

After Xiaobao woke up from a nap, he was in better spirits, and I hugged him to play with blocks in the living room. He giggled, as if he had forgotten about his morning malaise. I watched him look happy, and my heart was a lot lighter. A child's smile is always the most healing.

At noon, I fed Xiaobao some porridge, he didn't eat much, but he finally had some appetite. In the afternoon, Mrs. Zhang came back early, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw our mother and son playing, and she smiled and said, "Sister Li, thank you for your hard work, Xiaobao looks much better." ”

I smiled, "Mrs. Zhang, it's okay if the child is fine, these are all things I should do." ”

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

Mrs. Zhang patted me on the shoulder, "Thank you so much, Sister Li." If there is something in the future, just say it, I will help anyone I can. ”

My heart is warm, although it is only a few words, but Mrs. Zhang's concern makes me feel that all these hard work is worth it. In the afternoon, I played with Xiaobao for a while, until he was so tired that he fell asleep in my arms.

In the evening, Mrs. Zhang said that she would leave me for dinner. She cooked herself, cooked a good table and entertained me warmly. Xiaobao also opened his eyes wide, looked at me and smiled, my heart was full of warmth.

During the meal, Mrs. Zhang suddenly asked me, "Sister Li, are you usually busy?" Otherwise, I'll help you find an assistant. ”

I smiled, "Mrs. Zhang, I really don't need to, I can handle it alone." ”

At this time, Xiaobao suddenly said, "Auntie, can you come to our house more often in the future?" ”

My heart was hot and I touched his head, "Xiaobao, Auntie will come to see you often." ”

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

After dinner, when I was about to leave, Mrs. Zhang forced me a large bag of supplements, "Sister Li, this is a little bit of our heart, you should also pay attention to your body." ”

On the way home, my heart was a little sour. My child's cold kept me busy for the day, but it also made me feel needed. Although life is not easy, there is always some warmth that appears inadvertently.

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

When I got home, the younger son was already doing his homework, and the eldest daughter was busy in the kitchen. I changed my clothes and walked to the kitchen, and my eldest daughter looked back and smiled, "Mom, it's been hard today." ”

I nodded, looking at the two siblings with a sense of satisfaction. Life is hard, but with family by side, everything is worth it.

The next day, I woke up early to go to the other two homes to continue working. I thought to myself, I have to work harder today, after all, there are so many people who need me. On the way, she received a call from Aunt Li, and she smiled and said, "Meizi, I worked hard yesterday, let's go grocery shopping together today, and chat by the way." ”

I agreed, grateful for her concern. When I arrived at Mrs. Zhao's house, she also specially prepared breakfast for me, and asked with concern: "Sister Li, did yesterday's incident affect you?" ”

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

I smiled and shook my head, "No, the children's business matters, I can understand it." ”

In the following days, although I was still busy, I felt more warmth and motivation in my heart. No matter how hard it is, I know that as long as I work hard, there will always be someone who understands and supports me.

One day, I received another call from Mrs. Zhang, who said that Xiaobao missed me very much and hoped that I could take the time to visit him. So, I found a time and brought some small gifts to visit Xiaobao. When he saw me, he was so happy that he took my hand and refused to let go.

At that moment, I understood that no matter how hard life is, as long as there is love, there is hope. I will continue to work hard and treat every job and everyone with my heart, because this love makes me feel the meaning of life.

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

This is the end of the story, but my life goes on. Every day, I am busy looking for the bits and pieces of happiness, and these bits and pieces are what life is all about.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed. I'm still busy between three households, tired but full of life. One morning, I was doing housework at Mrs. Zhao's house when I suddenly received a call from Mrs. Zhang. Her voice was a little hurried: "Sister Li, Xiaobao has a fever again, can I trouble you to come over?" ”

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

My heart tightened, and I hurried to Zhang's house after agreeing. When I arrived at Zhang's house, I was so distressed to see Xiaobao lying on the sofa with a pale face. Mrs. Zhang stood helplessly beside her, her eyes full of gratitude when she saw me coming.

"Sister Li, I'm so embarrassed, it's you who help every time." Mrs. Zhang said.

I shook my head, "The child's business is the most important, you're welcome." After that, I started to get busy, taking Xiaobao's temperature, feeding medicine, and wiping his body to cool down. Xiaobao was burned in a daze, opened his eyes and saw me, and called weakly: "Auntie......"

"Auntie is here, Xiaobao is good, she won't be uncomfortable soon." I comforted him softly.

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

That day, I stayed with Xiaobao all day, and it was not until his fever subsided that Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. She held my hand, "Sister Li, thank you so much, don't leave today and stay at our house for one night." ”

I smiled and declined, "Mrs. Zhang, don't be so polite, I still have some things to do when I go home." ”

On the way home, I thought about Xiaobao and felt that he had not been in good health recently. Just thinking about it, the mobile phone rang, and it was the eldest daughter calling, "Mom, my little brother has an activity at school today, I want to go home later, you should come back early to rest." ”

I promised, and my heart warmed. The children at home are also considerate of me, and although it is hard, I feel very happy to have their understanding.

In the days that followed, I was still busy with three families. One day, I suddenly received a strange phone call, who claimed to be a friend of Mrs. Zhang's and wanted to ask me to be a nanny. I was stunned for a moment, remembering that Mrs. Zhang had said that she would help me introduce jobs, and I was grateful for her concern.

I was a little apprehensive about meeting at a time to meet, after all, I had to face a new family and a new work environment. On the day we met, Mrs. Zhang personally accompanied me, and she smiled and said to me: "Sister Li, my friend's family also has a child, and she especially needs an experienced nanny like you." ”

I nodded, silently thanking her for her recommendation. After meeting the new employer, they were very satisfied with my work experience and attitude, and immediately decided to hire me. In this way, my job has changed from three families to four, and although I am a little busier, my income has also increased a lot.

The employer's child caught a cold, and the nanny continued to work at their home and took time off from work with two other employers

When I got home, I told the children about it, and the eldest daughter was a little worried and said, "Mom, are you too tired like this?" ”

I smiled, "It's okay, Mom can handle it." ”

The new employer has a five-year-old girl named Tingting at home, who is very well-behaved and sensible. At the beginning, she was a little shy, but gradually she got acquainted with me and became very dependent on me. She loves to let me tell her stories and likes to hold my hand and play around. I looked at her with love in my heart.

One day, I was telling Tingting a story when I suddenly received a call from Mrs. Zhao. Her voice was a little anxious: "Sister Li, something happened at home, can you come over immediately?" ”

I agreed, quickly packed my things, and hurried to Mrs. Zhao's house. When I got there, I saw that Mr. Zhao was sick, and Mrs. Zhao was busy alone. I helped with the housework and took care of Mr. Zhao until the evening.

On the way home, I was a little tired, but thinking about the trust of my employers and the dependence of my children, I felt that it was all worth it.

As the days passed, my work became busier and busier, but my heart became more and more fulfilling. One night, as soon as I got home, my youngest son suddenly ran over and hugged me, "Mom, when can you go to the movies with me?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that I hadn't had a good time with the kids in a long time. The eldest daughter interjected next to her, "Mom, the younger brother is right, you are too busy, it's time to take a break." ”

I smiled, "Okay, we'll go to the movies together this weekend." ”

On the weekend, our family went to the cinema and watched a heartwarming family movie. Looking at the happy smiling faces of the children, I feel that all these years of hard work have been worth it. On the way home, my youngest son took my hand and said happily, "Mom, it's a great day, thank you!" ”

I touched his head, and my heart was full of happiness. Life is hectic, but as long as you have your family by your side, it's all worth it.

During this time, I gradually adjusted to my new work schedule, and I was still busy with four families every day, but my heart was full of satisfaction. When I see the smiling faces of the children and hear the gratitude of the employers, I feel that the hard work is worth it.

One day, Mrs. Zhang suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, I saw a nanny training class on the Internet, do you want to go to it?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, "Training class? At my age, what else can I learn? ”

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile, "Sister Li, you have a lot of experience, and if you go to the training class, you can not only learn new knowledge, but also increase your income." ”

I was a little shaken, but I thought that I was in my 40s, and I didn't know if I would be able to adapt to the new way of learning. Mrs. Zhang seemed to see my hesitation, and she patted me on the shoulder, "Sister Li, don't worry, I'm sure you can do it." ”

With the encouragement of Mrs. Zhang, I decided to sign up for the nanny training course. The content of the training course is very rich, including nursing, cooking, first aid, etc. At first, I couldn't keep up with the rhythm, but the teachers were very patient, the students were very enthusiastic, and everyone studied and improved together.

The months of training were over quickly, and I got my certificate of completion. When I got home, the kids were happy to see my certificate and they all circled around me happily. The eldest daughter said, "Mom, you are so amazing, we are all proud of you!" ”

I smiled, full of pride. Although I am not young, I can still learn new knowledge and improve my abilities through hard work.

After I got my certificate, I had more job opportunities, and many families took the initiative to contact me and wanted me to work at their homes. I have picked some suitable jobs based on my time and energy, and my income has increased a lot compared to before.

As the days passed, my life gradually got back on track. Whenever I see the smiling faces of the children and hear the gratitude of the employers, I feel that all these years of hard work have been worth it.

One day, Mrs. Zhang suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, do you know? Po has been talking to me lately, saying that his favorite thing is you. ”

My heart warmed, and I said with a smile: "Xiaobao, this kid is really sensible." ”

Mrs. Zhang sighed, "Sister Li, you are really amazing, you can not only take care of your own home, but also do your job so well. ”

I nodded, full of gratitude. I would like to thank my employers for their understanding and support over the years, and thank my children for their tolerance and love.

During this time, I gradually felt the beauty of life. It's still busy, but every day is full of meaning. Watching the children grow up day by day, and listening to their gratitude to me, I feel that all these years of hard work have been worth it.

One day, I received an unexpected phone call. On the other end of the phone, Mrs. Zhang said excitedly: "Sister Li, we have decided to move, would you like to go with us?" ”

I was stunned, "Moving? Where are you going? ”

Mrs. Zhang smiled, "We are moving to Beijing, and there are new job opportunities on Mr. Zhang's side." I know you have a home and children in Hangzhou, but we really hope you can come with us. ”

I was a little shaken in my heart, but when I thought of the children, I shook my head, "Mrs. Zhang, thank you for your kindness, but I'd better stay in Hangzhou, the children need me." ”

Mrs. Zhang listened and was a little disappointed, but still respected my decision. "Sister Li, no matter what, we are grateful for your help over the years, and we hope to have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

When I hung up the phone, my heart was full of emotion. Although I can't follow the Zhang family to Beijing, I know that their gratitude to me is sincere, and I wish them happiness in their new city.

During this time, I gradually felt the beauty of life. It's still busy, but every day is full of meaning. Watching the children grow up day by day, and listening to their gratitude to me, I feel that all these years of hard work have been worth it.

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