
The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Juan and I am 35 years old. My husband died early, and I was alone with my son Xiaotao, who had just entered the second grade of primary school this year. In order to make ends meet, I went to the city to work as a nanny. Although this job is hard, it can at least ensure my son's life and education.

I am now working as a nanny in the Chen family, and Mr. and Mrs. Chen are very good to me, and they have a five-year-old daughter named Xiaoyu. I am mainly responsible for household hygiene, cooking, and taking care of Xiaoyu. Although the salary is not high, the job is stable, which is already good for me.

That day, Mrs. Chen suddenly stopped me, "Sister Li, there is something I want to discuss with you." She smiled gently, "You work very hard, you go out early and return late every day, I discussed it with Mr. Chen, and decided to let you leave work ten minutes earlier every day, so that you can go back early to accompany Xiaotao." ”

"Really? Thank you so much! "I kind of couldn't believe my ears. To be honest, I'm always busy and dizzy, and these ten minutes are really a precious break.

"Of course it's true, Sister Li, you have been doing your best, and the family is very satisfied with you, so it's good for you to go back and rest early." Mrs. Chan patted me on the shoulder and smiled even sweeter.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

Every evening, I clean up the kitchen and rush to the final work. Xiaoyu clings to me every day, and refuses to sleep until I tell a story. Today, before I could speak, Xiaoyu said to me: "Aunt Li, go back early, I'll sleep by myself." ”

"So well-behaved, Xiaoyu." My heart warms up, and I feel that this family is really good to me.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

When I got home that day, I found Xiao Tao doing his homework. I felt guilty because I was usually too busy and always had little time to spend with him.

"Mom, why are you back so early today?" Xiao Tao looked up at me with a look of surprise.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

"Mom can leave work early today and will come back early every day in the future." I touched his head and said with a smile.

Xiao Tao nodded happily, "Great, Mom, you can stay with me for a while." ”

As time went on, my relationship with the Chen family became more and more harmonious. Mr. Chen always works late hours, and Mrs. Chen sometimes goes out to socialize, and Xiaoyu and I are the only ones left at home most of the time. Xiaoyu gradually developed a deep dependence on me, and I loved her as if she were my own child.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

One day, Mrs. Chen suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, Mr. Chen and I have been very busy with work recently, and Xiaoyu needs someone to accompany you." We're thinking about giving you a raise, what do you think? ”

When I heard this, I was very moved, but I was also a little hesitant, "Mrs. Chen, this is already very good, and I don't want to add any more burden to you." ”

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

"Sister Li, don't say that, you take care of Xiaoyu so hard, we all see it. You also need to think more about Xiao Tao. Mrs. Chen's eyes were full of sincerity.

I nodded, "Thank you then." ”

In the next few days, I tried to finish my work as early as possible every day, so that I could go back to accompany Xiaotao as soon as possible. The people of the Chen family are getting better and better to me, especially Xiaoyu, who is very dependent on me and often holds my hand at night and does not let me go. Every time I see her big eyes, I feel like my job is really worth it.

One night, I was chatting with Mrs. Chan. She suddenly asked me, "Sister Li, have you thought about it in the future?" ”

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

"Later?" I was a little stunned, not knowing what she was referring to.

"Yes, when Xiaotao is older, do you have any plans?" There was concern in her tone.

"Actually, I haven't thought that far ahead, and now I'm only thinking about how to live the life in front of me." I smiled wryly.

"Well, Sister Li, you are such a good person, no matter what happens in the future, you will have a good life." She clapped my hand, her eyes full of encouragement.

At that moment, I felt very warm in my heart, as if there was a force supporting me and moving forward.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have been working in the Chen family for more than a year. On this day, Mrs. Chen suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, Mr. Chen has an old classmate who has come to stay at our house for a few days, can you help take care of him more?" ”

I nodded in agreement, thinking that it was just a matter of one more mouth. That old classmate's name is Wang Li, in her thirties, and she lives alone after the divorce. As soon as she came, she was very polite to me and chatted with me from time to time.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

Wang Li is a very talkative person, and she chatted with Mrs. Chen about her work and relationships, and had a good conversation. One night, Mrs. Chen and Wang Li were sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and Wang Li suddenly asked me, "Sister Li, you are usually so busy, have you ever considered changing to an easier job?" ”

I smiled, "Although this job is hard, the salary is okay, and I am used to it." ”

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

Wang Li sighed, "Actually, I know a friend whose company needs a capable person like you, and the salary is higher than here, do you want to consider it?" ”

I hesitated, "But Xiaoyu can't do without me, and Mrs. Chen and Mr. Chen are very good to me." ”

Mrs. Chen smiled, "Sister Li, if you really want to change jobs, we won't stop you." But you have to think about it, this is a familiar place after all. ”

That night, I came home and was tossing and turning in bed. Xiao Tao seemed to see what was on my mind, "Mom, are you worried about something?" ”

"It's nothing, it's just that someone told me that I had a better paying job, and I wondered if I wanted to change it." I touched his head and whispered.

Xiao Tao frowned, "Mom, I think your current job is very good, change to a new job, what if you don't fit in?" ”

Listening to Xiao Tao's words, I was also a little shaken in my heart. Over the years, the Chen family has been very good to me, and I don't want to leave here because of money. But the thought of providing Xiao Tao with a better life made me a little tempted.

The next day, I decided to talk to Mrs. Chen. This time, she didn't persuade me to stay, but just said, "Sister Li, no matter what decision you make, we will support you." ”

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

After a few days, I finally decided to check out that new job. Wang Li took me to her friend's company, which was a small trading company, and the owner received me very warmly. He introduced the situation of the company and said that if I am willing to come, the salary can be negotiated.

I secretly calculated in my heart that this job is indeed better than the current one, and the working environment is also good. So, I made up my mind to accept the job. On the day I left Chen's house, Mrs. Chen and Xiaoyu both sent me to the door, and Xiaoyu cried very sadly and refused to let go of my hand.

"Xiaoyu, Aunt Li just changed jobs, not that she doesn't want you anymore." I held back my tears and comforted her.

The nanny works at the employer's house, and the salary is a bit low, and the employer asks the nanny to leave work ten minutes earlier every day

"Xiaoyu will miss you, Sister Li." Mrs. Chen's eyes were red too.

I nodded, hugged Xiaoyu, and turned to leave the home I was familiar with.

The new job went well at first, but it didn't take long for me to realize that the company wasn't as simple as it seemed. The boss is very demanding of his employees, working overtime late every day and stressing out. I slowly began to miss the days at the Chen family and the warm and harmonious atmosphere.

One night, I dragged my tired body home, and Xiao Tao was also very distressed when he saw me like this, "Mom, is this job too tiring?" ”

I smiled wryly, "It's a little, but the salary is high, so I can buy you more delicious food." ”

Xiao Tao shook his head, "Mom, I don't need those, I just hope you can accompany me more." ”

Listening to his words, my heart was sour. Over the years, I've been busy trying to get to life and neglect the most important things. Xiao Tao is my only relative, and I can't push him aside for money.

The next day, I approached my boss and offered to resign. The owner was a little surprised, but didn't say much, just wished me good luck.

When I got home, I called Mrs. Chan and told her that I had resigned. Mrs. Chen was very happy when she heard this, "Sister Li, do you want to come back and continue to be a nanny?" You are always welcome in our family. ”

My heart warmed, "Is it really possible?" ”

"Of course, you can come back, Xiaoyu talks about you every day." Mrs. Chen's voice was full of joy.

A few days later, I returned to Chen's house. When Xiaoyu saw me, she jumped up with joy and held my leg and refused to let go. "Aunt Li, you're finally back!"

"Yes, Xiaoyu, Aunt Li is back." I also hugged her tightly, and my heart was warm.

After returning to the Chen family, I cherished this job even more, took care of Xiaoyu with all my heart, and became closer to Mrs. Chen's family. Every day after work, I would go home to accompany Xiaotao and spend as much time with him as possible.

One day, Mrs. Chen suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, we are going to travel in a few days, do you want to take Xiaotao with you?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, "What's so embarrassing about that?" ”

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you are a member of our family, and so is Xiao Tao." Mrs. Chen said with a smile.

We had a great time on that tour. Xiao Tao and Xiao Yu have also become good friends, and we are happy together as a family. At the end of the trip, I felt even more determined that this was my true home.

The night I got home, Xiao Tao suddenly said to me, "Mom, I think our life is good now, and we don't need to look for other jobs." ”

I nodded, "yes, Mom thinks it's good now, too." ”

These days, I have gradually come to understand a truth, money is important, but family affection and warmth are the most precious. No matter how difficult life is, with family by your side, everything becomes worth it.

One day, Mr. Chen suddenly said to me, "Sister Li, we plan to give you another salary increase, which can be regarded as a thank you for your hard work." ”

I was grateful, but also a little embarrassed, "What's so embarrassing?" ”

"You've given so much for our family, and that's as it should be." Mr. Chen said with a smile.

Life returned to peace, every morning, I sent Xiaoyu to kindergarten, and in the evening I went home to accompany Xiaotao to do homework. Although the days are still busy, I am very down-to-earth and satisfied.

Whenever I look at Xiaoyu and Xiaotao's happy smiling faces, my heart is always full of gratitude. I am grateful to the Chen family for their trust and care for me, and I am also grateful that I made the right choice.

In this life, people will always encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges, but as long as there is love in their hearts, everything can be solved.

At this point in the story, I realized that there are some things that are more important than money, and that is the warmth of home and the power of family affection.

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