
An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Uncle Li, and I'm in my early eighties. Before I retired, I worked as a worker in a state-owned enterprise for 30 years, and I worked hard all my life, and now I am enjoying my old age. Originally, after retirement, I planted flowers and raised birds every day, and my life was quite leisurely. But since my son Li Qiang and daughter-in-law Zhang Min are busy with work, my grandson Xiaoming has become my biggest concern every day.

Zhang Min is busy with work, going out early and returning late, and Li Qiang also travels all year round. After Xiao Ming went to kindergarten, the task of picking up and dropping off at home naturally fell on me, an old bone. Although he is old, he is willing to be tired for the sake of Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is well-behaved and sensible, and always makes my heart warm.

That morning, it was overcast and it looked like it was going to rain. I hurriedly prepared an umbrella and a raincoat, for fear that it would suddenly rain on the road. When I walked to the door of the kindergarten, I saw that other parents were also in a hurry to pick up their children, and I was a little impatient. After picking up Xiao Ming, I held him in one hand and an umbrella in the other, and walked slowly home.

Halfway through, the rain really started, starting with a light rain and slowly turning into a downpour. Xiao Ming was a little scared and grabbed my hand tightly. I comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, let's go home quickly, grandma made you your favorite braised pork." Xiao Ming listened, nodded, and his eyes lit up.

Suddenly, my feet slipped and I fell to the ground. The umbrella in his hand also flew out, and Xiao Ming was so frightened that he cried. I tried to get up, but I got old and fell so hard that I couldn't get up. At this time, a few passers-by came over, and a middle-aged man quickly helped me up and asked, "Uncle, are you okay?" Does it matter? ”

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

I endured the pain, waved my hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's just that the old bone fell, thank you." The man helped me stand firmly, looked at Xiao Ming and said, "Don't be afraid, little friend, grandpa is fine." Xiao Ming stopped crying and hugged my leg tightly. I patted him on the head and said gratefully to the man, "Thank you, young man, thanks to you." ”

The man smiled and said, "Uncle, you're welcome, on such a rainy day, you better go home early." I'll hold the umbrella for you. With that, he took my umbrella and escorted us all the way home.

When we arrived at the door, Zhang Min happened to come back, saw our embarrassed appearance, hurriedly ran over, and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you?" Did you fall? I waved my hand and said, "It's all right, the boy helped me up, but I just fell." Zhang said to the man sensitively: "Thank you, thank you so much." ”

The man smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's a gesture." With that, he waved his hand and turned to leave. I looked at his back and felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

Zhang Min helped me into the house, carefully examined my wounds, and found that it was only a little bit of skin, and I was relieved. She said to Xiao Ming: "Go take a hot bath, don't catch a cold." Xiao Ming obediently ran to take a shower, and I sat on the sofa, thinking about what happened today, and I was full of emotion.

In the past few days, the weather has been cloudy and sunny, and picking up Xiao Ming every day has become a major event in my life. Although I am older, seeing Xiao Ming's happy smiling face after school every day makes my mood better. Zhang Min saw that I was okay and went to work with peace of mind, and as soon as she left, I took Xiao Ming to the small park downstairs for a walk.

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

Xiao Ming likes to play in the park, especially the wild cats, who always circle around us. I sat on the bench and watched him chase the kitten, and I couldn't help but laugh in my heart. At this time, the neighbor Grandma Wang came over and asked with concern: "Lao Li, I heard that you fell a few days ago, are you okay?" ”

I smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a little scratched, old, and hard bones." Grandma Wang nodded and said, "You, you should pay more attention, don't be reckless, and call us if you have something." ”

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

I nodded, feeling warm in my heart. Our neighborhood has always been a good neighborhood, everyone cares about each other and will help each other with anything. After chatting with Grandma Wang for a while, she went grocery shopping. I watched Xiao Ming have a good time, and my mood was a lot more relaxed.

When I got home, Xiao Ming was hungry, so I made him his favorite tomato scrambled eggs, and watched him gobble it up, feeling very satisfied. At this time, the phone rang, and it was Zhang Min calling. She said that the company had a temporary meeting and would come back later, so I could take care of Xiao Ming. I answered, hung up the phone, looked at Xiao Ming and said, "Let's have dinner with our grandparents and grandchildren tonight, and grandma will come back later." ”

Xiao Ming nodded, his mouth was stuffed with rice, and he said vaguely, "Okay, grandpa." I smiled and touched his head, feeling that although life was ordinary, with Xiao Ming by his side, everything became warm.

After eating, I took Xiao Ming to watch TV together. Xiao Ming likes to watch cartoons the most, so I watch them with him. Seeing his concentration, my heart calmed down. At this time, the doorbell rang, I got up to open the door, and it turned out that Zhang Min was back.

As soon as she entered the door, she said, "Dad, are you tired today?" I'll clean up, you go and rest. I waved my hand and said, "It's okay, I'm not tired, Xiao Ming is very well-behaved, and he helped me do some housework today." Zhang Min smiled, touched Xiao Ming's head, and said, "Our Xiao Ming has really grown up and knows how to help grandpa." ”

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

Xiao Ming smiled proudly, took Zhang Min's hand and said, "Mom, I also saw a cute kitten in the park today." Zhang Min smiled and said, "Really? Then next time my mother will go and see it. ”

At night, Xiao Ming went to bed early. I lay in bed, thinking about everything today, and felt that life was dull, but full and warm. Picking up Xiao Ming every day, playing with him, and eating with him, these bits and pieces of happiness are my most precious memories.

The years are merciless, but as long as you have the company of your family, everything becomes beautiful. Even if I fall once in a while, someone will always lend a hand and help me get back on my feet. This is life, there are bitter and sweet, sad and joyful, but in the end it will become the warmest memory in the heart.

As the days passed, the rain stopped. It's sunny today, and I decided to take Xiao Ming to a nearby park to play. As soon as I arrived at the gate of the park, I saw a familiar figure, it was a middle-aged man who helped me up that day. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and seemed to be waiting for someone. I stepped forward and said, "Meet again, young man." Thank you for helping me up that day. He smiled and said, "Uncle, you're welcome. It's good that you're okay. I asked him, "Are you waiting for someone?" He nodded and said, "yes, wait for my girlfriend." ”

Xiao Ming also came over at this time and asked, "Grandpa, who is this uncle?" I smiled and said, "He was a kind man who helped Grandpa that day." The man squatted down, touched Xiao Ming's head, and said, "Little friend, do you remember the rain that day?" I was the one who lifted your grandfather up that day. Xiao Ming said happily: "Thank you, uncle!" ”

As she spoke, a young girl approached, and the man greeted her and handed her the flowers. The girl smiled and took the flower, and the two walked sweetly together. I looked at them and sighed in my heart that it was good to be young. After taking Xiao Ming to play in the park for a while, we went home.

In the evening, Li Qiang came back from a business trip and saw me and Xiao Ming playing, he came over, picked up Xiao Ming and said, "Dad, you have worked hard for the past few days on a business trip, and it is really troublesome for you to pick up Xiao Ming." I smiled and said, "You are the pillar of the family, work is important, and it is my pleasure to pick up Xiao Ming." Li Qiang nodded, his eyes full of gratitude.

At dinner, Zhang Min mentioned that the company was going to organize a family event and asked us if we wanted to go together. I looked at Li Qiang and said, "Dad, go ahead, you can relax." I smiled and agreed. On the day of the family event, everyone had a great time, and Xiao Ming and I had a lot of fun.

One day not long after, Li Qiang suddenly said that the company had the opportunity to send him to work abroad for half a year, and the salary was good, but he had to leave home for a while. I was stunned, a little reluctant in my heart, but I still supported him: "This is a good opportunity, you go, I am at home." Li Qiang looked at me with tears in his eyes: "Dad, thank you." Zhang Min also held my hand and said, "Dad, we'll all be fine." ”

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

In the days after Li Qiang left, the family was a lot quieter. Zhang Min is still busy with work, and Xiao Ming has become the focus of my life. Pick him up and drop him off to kindergarten every day, play with him, and time flies.

One night, Xiao Ming suddenly had a fever. I hurriedly called Zhang Min, and she said that she was in a meeting and could not come back immediately. I was so anxious that I had to pick up Xiao Ming and prepare to take him to the hospital. As soon as I walked downstairs, I met the middle-aged man who helped me that day, he saw my panicked appearance, and quickly ran over and asked, "Uncle, what happened?" ”

I said, "Xiao Ming has a fever, I'm going to take him to the hospital." He immediately said, "I have a car, and I'll take you there." With that, he took us to the car and drove quickly to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, he helped me register, queue up, and get medicine. The doctor said it was just a common fever and prescribed medicine to let us go home and rest.

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

When she got home, Zhang Min also rushed back, and she was relieved to see that Xiao Ming was fine. I said gratefully to the man, "Thank you, lad, thanks to you today." He smiled and said, "Uncle, you're welcome, this is what I should do." I was so moved that I thought of the girlfriend he was waiting for that day, and I couldn't help asking, "What about your girlfriend?" He smiled and said, "She also works in the hospital and happens to be on duty today." ”

Xiao Ming recovered quickly and started running around the house again. The days were quiet again.

One day, Zhang Min suddenly said to me: "Dad, Li Qiang called over there and said that he wanted us to go over and reunite. When I heard this, I was both happy and a little worried. I am happy that my family can be reunited, but I am worried that I am old and I don't know if I can adapt to life abroad.

Zhang Min saw my concerns and said, "Dad, we've just been in the past for a while, and we'll come back when Li Qiang's work is over." I nodded, and my heart gradually relaxed. In the end, we decided to go abroad together to reunite with Li Qiang.

The morning before I left, I stood at the door, looking at the home where I had lived for decades, and my heart was full of mixed feelings. There are so many memories here, the laughter of childhood, the hard work of work, the innocence of grandchildren, everything is deeply engraved in my heart.

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

When the plane took off, Xiao Ming excitedly pointed to the clouds outside the window, and Zhang Min comforted me: "Dad, don't worry, Li Qiang's side has all been arranged." I nodded, looked out the window at the blue sky, and thought to myself: I hope this will all go well.

When he arrived abroad, Li Qiang waited at the airport early. As soon as he saw us, he immediately ran over and hugged Xiao Ming, his face full of excitement. When I saw my son, my heart was suddenly steady. Li Qiang took us to the house he rented, and everything was well arranged. The new environment, the new life, we gradually adapt to it.

An elderly man in his 80s went to pick up his child from kindergarten on a rainy day, fell down, and passers-by helped him to pick him up

Xiao Ming also quickly made friends in the new kindergarten and learned a lot of new things. Watching him happily go home every day and tell interesting stories about the school, my heart is full of joy. Although Li Qiang and Zhang Min are busy at work, they take us out to play every weekend, and the time together as a family is always so good.

As the days went by, I got used to life here. At a family gathering, Li Qiang proposed that everyone go to the beach for a vacation together. Watching him frolicking with Zhang Min and Xiao Ming on the beach, I sighed: No matter where you are, as long as the family is together, it is the best life.

Half a year later, Li Qiang's work was over, and we decided to return to China. Before leaving, I stood on the balcony and looked at this exotic city, feeling a little reluctant, but more looking forward to returning to my hometown and returning to that place full of memories.

After returning to China, life is still peaceful and happy. Xiao Ming is still the focus of my life, and Zhang Min and Li Qiang's work has gradually stabilized. Whenever the sun sets, our family sits together, chats about family life, and recalls that time abroad, and our hearts are always full of warmth and touch.

As the years go by, every moment of life becomes the most precious memory. Those who accompany you, those bits and pieces of happiness, are the truest and warmest parts of life.

There is only one sentence at the end: home is the warmest harbor for the soul.

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