
Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

author:Doctor Tan said health

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One sunny morning, Mr. Wang hurried to the city hospital for a routine physical examination.

As an advertising practitioner, he has been living a high-intensity work life, even if he is over half a hundred years old, he still maintains strong energy, but recently felt a little unwell, so he decided to take a leave of absence for a medical examination.

In the waiting area, Mr. Wang saw many elderly people, some of whom looked serene, and some of whom looked slightly old.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

An old man with white hair took the initiative to greet him: "Old man, we need to pay more attention to our bodies at this age." Mr. Wang smiled and nodded, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Soon, it was Mr. Wang's turn. A young doctor greeted him warmly: "Hello Mr. Wang, I am a doctor, please come with me." In the consultation room, the doctor inquired about Mr. Wang's basic condition and began to conduct a physical examination for him.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

"Mr. Wang, your blood pressure, heart rate and other indicators are very good, and your daily routine is quite regular.

However, I recommend that you reduce the intensity of your work, participate in more outdoor activities, and maintain good habits. The doctor said.

Mr. Wang nodded in understanding and revealed some of his recent minor conditions, and the doctor listened attentively and responded and explained from time to time. Eventually, he prescribed several checklists and instructed Mr. Wang to do further tests as ordered by the doctor.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

When he came out of the consultation room, Mr. Wang was deeply moved. He remembered the Swedish study of longevity, which found that there are three common characteristics of longevity:

First, the law of life and rest; the second is to maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude; The third is to insist on outdoor sports. After thinking about it carefully, I really lack something in the last two points.

Therefore, Mr. Wang decided to adjust his daily routine, visit the park more, make new friends, and cultivate some hobbies. After all, health is the key to longevity. He knew all too well that the body was the capital of the revolution.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

Overall, the Swedish study summed up some rules of longevity that can be used as a reference for ordinary people.

Life routine, mentality and exercise may seem simple, but they are the way to maintain health. Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to these three secrets of longevity.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

But at the same time, it should also be noted that everyone's physical fitness is different, and these three points alone may not be able to prolong life 100%.

It is also necessary to follow the doctor's instructions, have regular check-ups, and use drugs scientifically. After all, disease prevention is the foundation of health.

With the development of modern medicine, people's average life expectancy has increased dramatically. However, to live longer and more qualitatively, it is inseparable from personal self-management.

Swedish research: 44,000 middle-aged and elderly people were surveyed, and it was found that most of the long-lived people had these three characteristics

Maintaining an optimistic attitude, having a good schedule and exercising, is a good prescription for ordinary people. It is hoped that more and more people will be able to live a happy and happy life in their old age.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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