
School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

author:Power Vostok-222

"Youth with You" sparked heated discussions, and Wang Yuwen's modeling became the focus

Recently, the new drama "Youth with You" has caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet. After watching it, many viewers exclaimed: "This looks like a campus drama!" The main focus of the controversy is on the dress of the heroine Wang Yuwen. Some people think that her style is too bold, and her underwear is looming. Others believe that this reflects the dressing style of young people today.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

What is this drama about? Why is Wang Yuwen's style so eye-catching? Let's talk about it.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

Break through the traditional campus drama

"Youth with You" is not an old-fashioned campus love drama. The screenwriters focused on the lives of young people today. Everything from study pressure to employment dilemmas, from personality flamboyance to value conflicts, is involved. Wang Yuwen's character is an assertive girl in the new era. In order to highlight this, the costume designer has put a lot of thought into it.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

The controversy sparked by the costumes

To be honest, the first time I saw Wang Yuwen's appearance, it was really surprising. Underwear looming, is this still a campus drama? But if you think about it, you can see crop tops and see-through outfits everywhere on the streets now, and there are many bolder than that. Some people say that this is a deliberate gimmick in order to attract attention. But judging from the design of other aspects of the play, both the plot and the character creation keep up with the trend of the times. This kind of avant-garde outfit may reflect the creative team's understanding of young people.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

Social attitudes are changing

The controversy is not just about dressing. Society's requirements for women have quietly changed. In the past, he emphasized gentleness and virtue, but now he values independence and self-determination. This change in concept can be seen through the small window of clothing. Today's young people, often referred to as Generation Z, are open-minded and receptive to new things. The reason why "Youth with You" can attract attention is largely because it captures the psychology of these young people.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

The meaning behind the controversy

This turmoil has given people of different ages an opportunity to communicate. Young people can explain their ideas, and elders can understand the way the new generation thinks. Through such discussions, understanding was enhanced and the generation gap was reduced. A work like "Youth with You" should have sparked thinking and discussion. It allows people to see that society is changing and ideas are progressing. Although there will inevitably be controversies in the process, as long as we maintain an open and inclusive mind, I believe that the future will get better and better.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

Creator's Challenge

For the creative team of "Youth with You", this controversy is also an important experience. How to find a balance between innovation and social responsibility is a question that every creator needs to think about. A good work should reflect reality and lead the trend. "Youth with You" has made an attempt in this regard. It uses bold techniques to bring a new visual experience and thinking space to the audience.

School drama or fashion show? Wang Yuwen's underwear is faintly visible, and the choice of the producer raises questions

What to expect from the future

After experiencing this turmoil, I believe that the creators will have new inspiration. How to maintain innovation while not losing the sense of social responsibility is a long-term problem that needs to be explored. "Youth with You" can be regarded as finding a balance, but this is only the beginning. People are looking forward to seeing more works like "Youth with You". They may be controversial, but more importantly, they can drive social thinking and promote cultural progress.

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