
Read in one article: Barbell dumbbell bench press differences and comprehensive training plan

author:Big trees are good for exercise

#杠铃卧推和哑铃卧推有什么区别#今天咱们来聊聊健身房里的两位 "pectoral muscle-shaping masters" - barbell bench press and dumbbell bench press, they are like twins in the pectoral muscle world, but they have different personalities and have their own merits!

Read in one article: Barbell dumbbell bench press differences and comprehensive training plan

First of all, imagine that you are standing in front of the bench press rack and facing the heavy barbell, which is like a "big brother" in the gym, steady and direct. When doing the barbell bench press, hold the barbell with both hands and feel the force from the straight line, straight up and straight down, as if you are doing a "straight line acceleration" training for the pectoral muscles. This guy mainly targets your entire pectoral area, especially the mid-chest part, making your chest indestructible like a superhero!

Read in one article: Barbell dumbbell bench press differences and comprehensive training plan

And turn around to the dumbbell area, pick up a pair of dumbbells, hey, now you're like you have two friends who can fly freely. Dumbbell bench press, full marks for flexibility! You can adjust the grip distance to your liking, and you can even have a slight internal rotation during the peak contraction, so that the outside of the pectoral muscle and the middle seam feel full of love. This degree of freedom is improved, so that your pectoral muscle training is no longer monotonous, and every press is like doing a spa for the pectoral muscles, taking care of it in all directions.

So, how do you combine the best of these two "masters" to create a comprehensive chest muscle exercise program? Come on, come on, listen up:

Warm-up: Warm up your body with a 5-minute jump rope or jog, and then do some dynamic stretching of your shoulders and arms to prevent injury.

Set 1: Barbell bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps. Start with a light weight, make sure your movements are standard, and feel every contraction and stretch of your pectoral muscles.

Second set: Dumbbell Flying Bird 3 sets x 12-15 reps. This action is a good partner for dumbbell bench presses, focusing on the stretching and contraction of the pectoral muscles, making your chest more full and three-dimensional.

Read in one article: Barbell dumbbell bench press differences and comprehensive training plan

Set 3: Incline bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps. Adjust the angle of the bench so that the barbell is aimed at your upper pectoral muscles and make your chest line more perfect.

Read in one article: Barbell dumbbell bench press differences and comprehensive training plan

Group 4: Dumbbell bench press decreasing group. Start with a heavier dumbbell and lose a little weight after each set, but keep the number of times until you are exhausted. This will allow you to completely drain every ounce of strength from your pectoral muscles!

Stretch and Relax: Don't forget the final stretch to relax your pectoral muscles and prepare them for the next session.

Okay, that's it for today's sharing, I hope you like this pair of "twin" brothers in the pectoral muscles, remember to enjoy the process in training, and make every push a sweet date with self-challenge!

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