
Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

author:Brother Four-Eyed said something

#头条创作挑战赛#中国有句古话 "no matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter for the children", but some people take food from the mouths of rural children, which is really bold and reckless.

According to the 2023 audit report, from 2021 to August 2023, 66 of the 159 counties sampled misappropriated 1.951 billion yuan of student nutrition meal subsidy funds to repay local debts and other expenditures.

Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

With the accelerated development of urbanization in the mainland, many rural areas have gradually become villages for the elderly and left-behind children, and those who have the conditions have brought their children to the cities to go to school, but there are still some relatively poor areas where children can only stay in the villages to go to school. In order to ensure the nutrition and healthy growth of children, the state proposed the "Nutrition Improvement Plan for Rural Compulsory Education Students" in 2011 for compulsory education students in underdeveloped rural areas, providing nutritious meal subsidies for children to reduce the rate of malnutrition and improve cognitive ability.

However, some people are thinking crookedly about the subsidy funds for nutritious meals for rural children, according to the audit department, the main problems of the nutritious meal subsidy for rural students are as follows:

1. Meal subsidy funds were misappropriated

Some of the misappropriated funds are used to repay local debts and to ensure people's livelihood and wages. After three years of the epidemic, some localities have long been insolvent, and in order to repay debts, the special funds allocated by the higher authorities have been misappropriated for some infrastructure projects to ensure basic livelihood and the payment of wages and bonuses to employees.

I remember that at the end of last year, a buddy in a unit came to me to complain, saying that the salary was not paid, and the bonus was estimated to be in vain, and there was no money for the New Year this year, so it was better to start a business like me. I said, "I'm hungry and full, how can I have your iron rice bowl." As a result, this guy invited a few of us to dinner at the end of the year, and I said, "Don't you have no money for the New Year?" Why are you still inviting us to dinner? "This guy secretly told me that the salary and bonus were paid a few days ago, otherwise I wouldn't have the money to invite you to dinner.

Some were occupied in disguise, and 270 million yuan of funds were intercepted in disguised form by lowering the standard of feeding and fictitious procurement business.

Some were colluded to arbitrage, and the education department conspired with the winning supplier to extract 42.1602 million yuan through supplier dividends, donations, etc., for the distribution of benefits.

2. Some feeding units operate in violation of regulations

During the investigation, it was found that 147 suppliers and some school canteens and other feeding units operated in violation of regulations, cutting corners and providing shoddy meals.

I have a first-hand experience of nutritious meals in schools. My cousin's son goes to elementary school in his hometown, and once he went back to his hometown the year before last, he picked him up after school and went home with him, he gave me a bottle of milk very sensibly, saying that it was sent by the school, and I asked him why he didn't drink it? He told me that I didn't like it, and I looked at a bottle of yogurt that I hadn't seen before, and when I took a sip, I felt that it tasted weird, and there was no taste of milk at all.

Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

I am not the only one who feels the same as me, some netizens left messages in the comment area, describing that the milk sent by their children's school is not pure milk at all, and the children are unwilling to drink it, and some of them have been sent once or twice in a semester, and they have never been sent again.

Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese
Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

Some netizens also said that the milk issued by the school is paid every semester, and even more people do not pay the milk after paying the money.

Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese
Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

Some netizens even said that they had never seen the school distribute milk at all, and if it wasn't for the revelations, they wouldn't know that there was such a thing as meal supplements.

Nearly 2 billion yuan was misappropriated for the nutritious meal supplement for rural students, who moved the children's cheese

3. Procurement bidding and meal supply supervision are not strict

In the procurement bidding, some education departments determine specific suppliers by directly designating them in violation of regulations and setting unreasonable terms. Some enterprises participated in the bidding and won the bid through illegal methods such as falsification of information and bid-rigging. Some education departments and relevant school supervision staff have not supervised effectively, and even bent the law for personal gain and corruption in the supervision of meal provisions, seeking personal benefits.

It is said that "if the youth is strong, China will be strong", children are the future of the motherland, do you treat them like this? The basic livelihood project should be carried out, but the cheese of rural children should not be moved, and the special nutritious meal supplement for rural students should not be diverted. Taking the nutritious meal allowance for rural students into their private pockets is a perversion of the law for bribes and a loss of conscience.

It is hoped that the relevant departments will strengthen supervision over the relevant powers, ensure that funds are earmarked, seriously deal with violations of law and discipline, and ensure that the rights granted by the people are always used for the benefit of the people.

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