
Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

author:Let's talk about entertainment

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Recently, the domestic drama "The Story of Rose" has set off a wave of heated discussions on the screen and has become the focus of public attention. The emergence of this drama has caused a lot of controversy, and it has also brought new thinking and exploration to the development of domestic dramas.

From multiple dimensions, "The Story of the Rose" is subversive from traditional urban dramas in many aspects. In the past, urban dramas often focused on depicting workplace struggles, love entanglements or family trivialities, but this drama focuses on the core perspective of women's growth process. Through delicate and in-depth portrayals, it shows the inner struggle, self-awakening and final transformation experienced by women in the face of various challenges and opportunities in life.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

This narrative method with women's growth as the main line breaks the inherent mode of traditional urban dramas and brings a new drama viewing experience to the audience. In terms of character settings, "The Story of Rose" also shows a high degree of closeness to real life. The characters in the play are no longer flawless, idealized images of superiority, but are full of human frailties and complexities. They have their own confusion, confusion and mistakes, just like ordinary people around us. This kind of real and down-to-earth character setting allows the audience to have a strong resonance during the viewing of the drama, and feels that the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters seem to be a portrayal of their own lives.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

However, the heroine Liu Yifei's performance in the play has triggered polarizing evaluations. A part of the audience expressed dissatisfaction with her performance. They think that Liu Yifei is not delicate enough in the expression of some emotions, or lacks depth in the creation of the role, and does not fully show the complexity and charm of the role. These audiences are looking forward to seeing more superb and convincing acting, hoping that the actors will be able to understand the inner world of the characters more deeply and present them to the audience perfectly through their performances. But on the other hand, People's Daily Online gave strong support to Liu Yifei's performance.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

This position has sparked more discussion and reflection. People's Daily Online's support may be based on the recognition of Liu Yifei's efforts in performance, as well as the recognition of her unique understanding and attempts in the process of shaping her role. This attitude of the official media provides a new perspective for Liu Yifei's performance to a certain extent, and also makes the audience begin to re-examine their own evaluation of her performance.

It is worth noting that the emergence of "The Story of Rose" is not accidental, it is in line with the continuous improvement of the audience's aesthetic level and the growing concern for the quality of content. With the development of society and the popularization of culture, the audience is no longer satisfied with superficial and routine plots and performances, but is eager to see works with more depth and more touching hearts. They hope that through the art form of TV dramas, they can not only get entertainment and relaxation, but also get ideological enlightenment and emotional resonance. In recent years, the domestic drama market has shown a vigorous development trend, and high-quality works have emerged in an endless stream.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

From the rigorous research of historical dramas to the deep insight into realistic themes, from the exquisite production of costume dramas to the brain-burning plots of suspense dramas, various types of masterpieces continue to emerge. These excellent works have not only won wide acclaim and high ratings in China, but also gradually emerged in the international market, demonstrating the strength and charm of Chinese TV drama production.

It is the frequent emergence of these high-quality works that is quietly reshaping our aesthetic standards in the domestic drama scene. The audience has put forward higher requirements for the logic of the plot, the acting skills of the actors, and the sophistication of the production. They no longer only focus on the lineup of stars and gorgeous packaging, but pay more attention to the connotation and quality of the work. This change in aesthetic standards is both a challenge and a huge opportunity for the development of domestic dramas. In the future development, we have reason to believe that domestic dramas will usher in a new starting point. With the continuous progress of production technology, the improvement of the level of screenwriters, and the overall improvement of the quality of actors, domestic dramas are expected to achieve greater breakthroughs in content innovation, artistic expression and social influence.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

We look forward to the emergence of more outstanding works that are both innovative and ideological in the field of domestic dramas in the future. These works should not be satisfied with just repeating the successful patterns of the past, but should have the courage to break through the traditional framework and boldly explore uncharted territory. They can take a unique approach to the choice of subject matter, digging into stories that are less well-known but have profound meanings; It can also be innovative in narrative techniques and use more novel and unique ways to tell the story, so that the audience can always maintain a strong sense of curiosity and freshness during the viewing process.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

Innovative works can open a window to a new world for the viewer, allowing them to see sights and possibilities that they have never imagined. For example, combining science fiction elements with historical contexts to create an imaginative world of the ancient future; Or place the traditional love story in an extreme environment to show the struggle and perseverance of human nature under extreme conditions. Ideology, on the other hand, requires the work to be able to dig deep into the essence behind social phenomena and arouse the audience's deep thinking about life and the world. It can reflect the changes of the times through the fate of a small person, and it can also explore the good and evil of human nature through a family relationship.

When such works continue to emerge, the audience will enjoy a more colorful viewing experience. They are no longer just passively accepting the development of the plot, but can actively participate in thinking and have in-depth dialogues with the work in the process of watching the play. Each drama will become an adventure of the soul and an enlightenment of the mind, so that the audience can be spiritually nourished and improved while being entertained.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

At the same time, in the face of one controversy after another, the creators of domestic dramas should always maintain an open and positive attitude. It must be clear that controversy does not mean failure or mistake, on the contrary, it is often a powerful manifestation of the audience's high interest and eager antiquity for the work.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

When the audience has a controversy about a certain drama, it means that they have invested emotions and thoughts, and have their own opinions and expectations about the work. Therefore, creators should listen carefully to the voices of their audiences and see them as valuable feedback and suggestions. By carefully analyzing the opinions of the audience and summarizing the lessons learned, the creators can better understand the needs and preferences of the audience and identify the shortcomings in the work.

This not only helps them avoid repeating the same mistakes in subsequent creations, but also provides a clear direction for the improvement and refinement of the work. Only by constantly summing up experience in exploration and practice can domestic dramas gradually find a development path that is truly suitable for them. This road may be full of twists and turns, but as long as the creators maintain their persistent pursuit of art and respect for the audience, they will be able to find a successful model through continuous attempts.

Whose cheese did Liu Yifei explode? People's Daily Online can't stand it anymore, it's really relieving to speak up for her!

In this process, creators need to have enough courage and determination to break through themselves, dare to try new themes, new styles, and new expressions. At the same time, they also need to have the quality of humility, be able to accept criticism with an open mind, and keep learning and improving. Only in this way can domestic dramas continue to innovate and bring one refreshing masterpiece after another to the audience.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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