
The Philippine side barges supplies to the ships on Xianbin Reef, and it seems that they have jumped happily and hit the south wall! The Chinese and Vietnamese horses play a combination of boxing

author:Tayanagi Talk

After the 617 Ren'ai Jiao incident, the Philippines briefly stopped in the South China Sea, but the good times did not last long, and at the instigation of the United States, the Marcos Jr. government began to stir up trouble again. In the past few days, the Philippines has done two very bad things.

First, the China Coast Guard announced on July 2 that on July 1, the Philippines sent three coast guard ships to transfer personnel and materials to the Haijing 9701 ship illegally stranded at Xianbin Reef, and the China Coast Guard supervised and controlled the whole process. China firmly opposes the detention of Philippine vessels at Sembin Reef, which violates China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and the China Coast Guard will, as always, defend and enforce its rights in the waters under its jurisdiction.

Second, less than half a month after the incident of four Philippine police officers kidnapping Chinese tourists and extorting ransom, two more Chinese employees were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines. One of them is a Chinese citizen and the other is a Chinese American.

The Philippine side barges supplies to the ships on Xianbin Reef, and it seems that they have jumped happily and hit the south wall! The Chinese and Vietnamese horses play a combination of boxing

The Chinese Coast Guard enforces the law at Xianbin Reef

This time, two Chinese executives went to the Philippines to negotiate business, but they were kidnapped as soon as they got off the plane. Not only that, but the family of one of the victims also paid a ransom of 3 million yuan, but was still killed by the bandits. At present, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines has urged the Philippine side to intensify its efforts in handling the case and arrest and severely punish the murderers as soon as possible.

So, what to make of these two incidents? First, on the surface, these are two unrelated incidents, but both reflect the growing anti-China sentiment in the Philippines.

At present, under the manipulation of Marcos Jr., China-Philippines relations have fallen into a low ebb. Not only that, due to the implementation of the anti-China policy in the Philippines, Philippine officials have repeatedly publicly criticized China for creating a tense atmosphere, coupled with the incitement of pro-American factions, which has also played a role in smearing China and causing Filipinos to have a deep misunderstanding of China.

The Philippine side barges supplies to the ships on Xianbin Reef, and it seems that they have jumped happily and hit the south wall! The Chinese and Vietnamese horses play a combination of boxing

It should be said that the two murders of Chinese citizens in quick succession have sounded the alarm bell for us. However, this matter cannot be easily turned over. In addition to the pressure exerted by the Chinese Embassy on the Philippine side, Chinese and Philippine officials also met at the first time and reached an agreement on strengthening law enforcement cooperation between China and the Philippines to jointly crack down on transnational crimes such as kidnapping and homicide.

In the past, China launched Operation Thunder in Southeast Asia to crack down on wire fraud, and now China and the Philippines are cooperating to crack down on transnational crimes. It turns out that only hard fists can convince people. The only thing the local underworld forces in the Philippines can do now is to confess their guilt and surrender to the law.

Second, the Philippines seems to be dancing in the South China Sea, but in fact it has hit the southern wall. On the one hand, in the face of provocations by the Philippines, China's methods have become tougher and tougher.

The Philippine side barges supplies to the ships on Xianbin Reef, and it seems that they have jumped happily and hit the south wall! The Chinese and Vietnamese horses play a combination of boxing

For example, on June 30, two fishermen were injured when a Philippine fishing boat exploded 13 nautical miles from Scarborough Shoal. This can also be seen from the side, China's control of Scarborough Shoal is impermeable, and Philippine fishing boats cannot get close.

As for the Philippine Coast Guard's trespass on Sembin Reef in a vain attempt to achieve permanent beaching and replicate another Ren'ai Reef, it would be even more dreamy. In fact, the Philippines has tried to carry out illegal activities such as coral reef diving at Sembin Reef, but the Chinese coast guard has thwarted them one by one.

At present, not only the Chinese coast guard, but also the Shandong aircraft carrier has also appeared off the coast of Luzon Island to send a deterrent to the Philippines. In the face of great strength, it is impossible for all conspiracies and tricks to succeed.

The Philippine side barges supplies to the ships on Xianbin Reef, and it seems that they have jumped happily and hit the south wall! The Chinese and Vietnamese horses play a combination of boxing

Malaysia, Vietnam

On the other hand, the behavior of the Philippines has already aroused a strong backlash from neighboring countries, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is attacking in groups, and China and Vietnam have played a set of "combination punches". After Marcos Jr. touched his nose at the incense meeting, Vietnam and Malaysia have recently attacked the Philippines.

Earlier, the Philippines applied to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf to extend the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone to 350 nautical miles. After the incident, China immediately sent a note to the United Nations, opposing the above-mentioned proposition of the Philippine side. Subsequently, Vietnam also pressured the Philippines to negotiate a sovereignty dispute in the South China Sea.

Recently, Malaysia sent a formal letter to the United Nations opposing the Philippines' claims on the grounds that it violated Malaysia's sovereignty over Sabah. In the final analysis, China is not the only one with a territorial dispute with the Philippines, and the Marcos Jr. administration's use of the territorial issue will only make more countries stand on the same side as China. The days of the Philippines in the South China Sea are coming to an end!


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