
The Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippine ship are barging personnel and materials. Netizen: The land left by the ancestors is not lost

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On July 1, the Philippines sent three coast guard ships to transfer personnel and materials to the 9701 coast guard ship illegally stranded in Xianbin Reef, and the Chinese coast guard followed the supervision and control throughout the process. Netizen: We can't lose an inch of the land left to us by our ancestors.

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The Chinese Coast Guard closely monitors the passage of Philippine ships through personnel and supplies

BEIJING, July 2, 2024 – The China Coast Guard (CCG) on July 1 exercised vigorous supervision and control over the illegal actions of Philippine vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea. Liu Dejun, a spokesman for the China Coast Guard, stressed in a statement that the three coast guard vessels dispatched by the Philippines tried to supply the Haijing 9701 ship, which was illegally stranded at Xianbin Reef in China's territorial waters, and that the actions were closely monitored by the China Coast Guard.

The Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippine ship are barging personnel and materials. Netizen: The land left by the ancestors is not lost

The spokesman reiterated that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and their adjacent waters, including Sembin Reef. The detention of Philippine vessels not only violates China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, but also flagrantly violates the principles and spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, posing a serious threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea. The Chinese Government expresses its resolute opposition to this and demands that the Philippines immediately stop all acts that infringe upon China's sovereignty, rights and interests.

The Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippine ship are barging personnel and materials. Netizen: The land left by the ancestors is not lost

The China Coast Guard said it will continue to carry out rights protection and law enforcement tasks in the waters under its jurisdiction, and resolutely protect the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests from infringement. This position reflects China's determination and ability to act to maintain peace and stability and a rules-based international order in the South China Sea.

The Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippine ship are barging personnel and materials. Netizen: The land left by the ancestors is not lost

The incident has once again put the South China Sea dispute in the international spotlight and reminded the international community of whether the activities of relevant countries in the South China Sea are in accordance with international law and bilateral and multilateral agreements. The resolute action of the China Coast Guard is not only a legitimate safeguard of its own rights and interests, but also a positive contribution to the order of the South China Sea, and it is hoped that all parties concerned can resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue and consultation and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the South China Sea.

On the issue of the Philippines, we believe in the wisdom of the country and the strategic determination of a major country, and when the time is ripe, we will solve the problem at one time.

In dealing with the South China Sea issue, especially the dispute involving the Philippines, the country's wisdom and strategic focus are reflected in a number of aspects:

  1. Diplomatic Wisdom and Patient Communication: China's long-standing insistence on resolving disputes through peaceful negotiation and dialogue demonstrates the diplomatic wisdom of a major country. Bilateral talks with the Philippines and other South China Sea claimants, as well as multilateral mechanisms such as the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, demonstrate China's commitment to building harmonious neighborly relations and seeking win-win solutions.
  2. Legal Framework: China's active participation in the development of the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea and its efforts to resolve disputes within a legal framework demonstrate China's desire to guide behavior through rule-making, reduce misunderstandings and conflicts, and contribute to regional stability in the long run.
  3. Military Strength and Restraint: While enhancing its maritime capabilities, China has maintained a high degree of military restraint and has not resorted to force lightly, but has demonstrated its presence and sovereignty through coast guard patrols and military exercises, demonstrating its responsibility for regional peace.
  4. Wait for the right moment and act at the right time: When dealing with complex problems, countries often choose the most favorable time to act. Observing changes in the international and regional situation, grasping the key points conducive to resolving the problem, and taking decisive action at one time requires profound diplomatic wisdom and strong strategic determination.
  5. Public and Public Support: Domestically, the Chinese people generally support the government's stance and approach on the South China Sea issue, forming a solid foundation of public opinion. Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common aspiration of all Chinese people, which provides a solid backing for the government to take action.
The Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippine ship are barging personnel and materials. Netizen: The land left by the ancestors is not lost

To sum up, China's wisdom and strategic determination on the South China Sea issue are reflected in the comprehensive use of diplomatic, legal, economic, military and other means, through a combination of patient communication and timely action, to gradually advance the resolution of the issue, and ultimately seek a fair, reasonable and lasting solution.

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • The broken ship on Ren'ai Reef has not been cleared yet, and another Xianbin Reef stranded ship has come, which makes people feel blocked.
  • The personnel and materials should be completed within the specified time, otherwise there will be no mercy and no mercy!
  • This is to do the beach again, gradually swallowing up the islands of China!
  • We can't lose an inch of the land left to us by our ancestors.
  • Resolutely defend China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. Salute to the Chinese Coast Guard.

#头条首发大赛##菲对非法滞留船只过驳人员 Chinese control#

Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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