
Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged

author:Azusa pearl

Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged for work, but 23 days after his mother's death, he still refused to claim her body.

(Source: Tang Zhiping is suspected of being insane - Minnan Net)

It's hard to imagine that the once glamorous idol drama actor would be relegated to the streets and go insane. From being chic and handsome to the current thin "old man", the reason why he has come to this point is closely related to his own choice.

Tang Zhiping was undoubtedly lucky, as early as the age of 22, he was discovered to play the first role in his life, and won the love of the audience because of his handsome appearance, and since then he has embarked on the road of actor.

In the following years, Tang Zhiping partnered with countless popular and beautiful well-known actresses and singers, and as the leading actor, he came up with a lot of popular works, and he ruthlessly circled a large number of fans, and he is a well-deserved top performer.

But he forgot the sentence, "Flowers are not red for a hundred days". In fact, Tang Zhiping has been popular for more than ten years, which is not bad, but he himself can't accept the reality of his aging face and fans climbing the wall.

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and Tang Zhiping, who "overthrows" his predecessors to the top position, was also compared by the new generation of actors, and as the number of directors who came to the door began to decrease, Tang Zhiping felt more and more anxious.

Under the torture day after day, Tang Zhiping finally suffered from mental problems, and the deepening of depression has affected Tang Zhiping's normal work, and it is precisely because of this that he has less and less work and has fallen into a vicious circle.

Although his mother has always been by his side to enlighten Tang Zhiping, it is useless. It is said that it is difficult to make money from luxury, the once big star spent a lot of money, but now he has no job, but he can't get rid of the habit of spending lavishly, and with the passage of time, Tang Zhiping's wallet has also been swept away.

Seeing that her son was in his forties, not only alone, but also a poor ghost, and owed a lot of money outside, the mother was very sad.

At the beginning of June, Tang Zhiping had a big quarrel with his mother, and then went out, but he never thought that his mother committed suicide at home because she couldn't think about it. Someone stumbled upon the incident and quickly called the police.

After confirming the information, the police called Tang Zhiping to claim it, but they waited left and right, and finally waited for Tang Zhiping, who was full of alcohol. He lay down in front of the body and looked at it carefully, seriously saying that it was not his mother.

In his eyes, his mother never wore green clothes and her legs were very slender...... In short, it couldn't have been his mother, not even if it was found in his house.

In fact, maybe when Tang Zhiping got the news, he already had a problem, he didn't want to believe that his mother had died, and he didn't want to realize that his mother's despair might be related to him.

Four days later, Tang Zhiping arrived again, obviously a little calmer than before, and even faced the media with a smile, saying that this person was definitely not his mother.

In this way, until June 26, the 23rd day of his mother's death, Tang Zhiping not only did not claim it, but also played missing.

A few days ago, he knelt down in front of the TV station and begged for work, but no one paid attention, and when people found him later, he was covered in dirt, with wine in his hand, and he looked very mentally abnormal, just a vagabond.

When there were passing cars and children, Tang Zhiping would run over to scare them and slap on the windows, but fortunately, nothing major happened.

On the 28th, some netizens went to look for it and successfully found Tang Zhiping, who was shirtless and even thinner, at this time he was homeless, and the rented house owed half a year's rent.

Someone was willing to give him a job and help him find a home, but Tang Zhiping ran away directly. However, the agency did not give up on him, and was still actively contacting him, hoping that he could seek medical treatment in time and regain his life.

Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged
Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged
Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged
Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged
Sad! The well-known actor Tang Zhiping was revealed to be insane and refused treatment, wandered on the street and acted crazy, shook his head and attacked children, and finally cried on the street. He knelt in front of the TV station and begged

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