
Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

author:The second sister looks at the world from the perspective

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Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Text| Second Sister Editor|Second Sister

Today, I swiped a video of a landlord uncle in order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners at will

Not only did I put away the remote control of the air conditioner, but I also locked the air conditioner plug

This incident quickly aroused onlookers and heated discussions among the majority of netizens

I don't understand: do you still need to lock it? How worry-free it is to dismantle it directly! I don't understand it!

If it doesn't work, we won't rent it, can we just live by ourselves? As for the exhaustion, is it so laborious?


Video source: Tong Xiang Video

Netizens ridiculed: "The landlord with the most eyes! "This Guangdong is really tolerant!" "I just want to ask uncle, why do we rent out the house?"

"Tenants, now a lot of houses are rented, not rented, why bother?"

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

This year's netizens are both humorous and smart, with a big brain, and the way to deal with it is amazing!

Let's first enjoy the wonderful speeches in the comment section

This air conditioner looks so broken, can someone still use it for you or what?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Dog days, so hot, don't let people use air conditioning at home, what should I do if it's hot?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Persuade the uncle to look away, people come naked, go naked, and it is really unnecessary to calculate so tired

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Nowadays, many people rent air conditioners are a must-have, and we have to do everything we can to prevent them from using

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!
Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Uncle is confused! Summer is a good time to earn electricity bills, so why limit it?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Wouldn't it be foolproof if you cut off the plug?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy, no matter how high-tech you are, you can't beat my lock plug

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!
Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

In order to open the air conditioner and fight wits and courage, I announce: you have won this game! The air conditioner was successfully turned on!

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

There are really a lot of crooked ways, a toothpick can turn on the air conditioner?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

There are still people who feel sorry for the uncle, and there is no need for the uncle to climb up and down to get a smart socket

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

The uncle's business philosophy is backward, and the air conditioning cost is directly included in the room fee, how can it be so troublesome?

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!
Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

Dear visitors, what do you think about this? Is it okay not to use air conditioning in summer?

Feel free to leave your views in the comment area

Absolutely! In order to prevent tenants from using air conditioners, the landlord locked the plug, netizens: Uncle is confused!

(The views in this article are all from netizens, do not represent a personal position, please judge the authenticity for yourself, for entertainment only, do not take it seriously, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete) #不让租客用空调房东给插头上锁##不让租客用空调房东给插座上锁##热点##今日热点我来评##社会百态#

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