
In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner without permission, the landlord actually locked the plug! The comment section fell

author:A tricycle driver

Uncle Guangdong's "lock air conditioner" caused controversy! The remote control is confiscated, the plug is locked, and the tenant can only stare dryly in the summer? This operation is too "cool"!

In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner without permission, the landlord actually locked the plug! The comment section fell

Summer is scorching, it should be the season for air conditioners to show their skills, who would have thought that such a strange event would be staged? In order to prevent tenants from "stealing" the air conditioner, a Guangdong landlord not only took away the remote control, but also locked the plug! This operation is simply laughable, and it can be called the ceiling of "anti-tenant routines"!

**Uncle, what kind of trouble are you going to make?**Is it possible that you think that the tenants are all addicts who are "addicted to blowing air conditioners" and have to give them a "cryotherapy"? Or do you think that the tenants are all "reincarnated electric tigers", and they have to turn the meter into a gyroscope as soon as the air conditioner is turned on? Such an "anti-air conditioning" Dafa is afraid that even Sun Tzu's Art of War is ashamed of itself!

In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner without permission, the landlord actually locked the plug! The comment section fell

Seriously, this uncle's brain circuit is really unpredictable. Does it mean that in his eyes, the tenant is not a human being, not afraid of the heat?**Or does he think that summer should be the best season for "sauna"? I have to say that this uncle's imagination can be said to be quite rich, and it's a pity not to write a script.

But then again, this kind of "lock air conditioning" behavior is not just as simple as being unkind. It reflects the distrust, even contempt, of some landlords towards tenants. Uncle, tenants also spend money to rent a house, and they don't come to live, don't you think it's a bit too much?

In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner without permission, the landlord actually locked the plug! The comment section fell

Besides, what age is it? If the tenant really wants to turn on the air conditioner, won't he find a way to get around the lock? By doing so, you're just adding to the conflict for no reason and making the tenant feel uncomfortable.

In fact, instead of engaging in these bells and whistles "anti-tenant" tricks, it is better to be honest with each other and communicate well. **For example, the rules and fees for the use of air conditioning can be clearly stipulated in the contract, or a separate electricity meter can be installed. Wouldn't this be the best of both worlds if it could protect one's own interests and make tenants feel comfortable?

In order to prevent tenants from using the air conditioner without permission, the landlord actually locked the plug! The comment section fell

Isn't renting a house a win-win situation after all?**The landlord earns a rent, and the tenant has a shelter from the elements. If you don't even have this bit of mutual trust and respect, how can you be a landlord and tenant happily?

So, uncle, can we stop these "crooked ways"?**Instead of locking the air conditioner, it is better to lock up your own prejudices. Believe me, this will not only cool your tenants, but also make your popularity "warm" a lot!

Finally, I would like to ask: If you are a tenant and encounter this kind of landlord who "locks the air conditioner", what will you do? Is it to swallow your anger or to argue with reason? What do you think about this?

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