
Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

author:China Net Shandong

When facing Zhang Jishuang's works, even if you don't understand oil painting, you will be deeply attracted. The uniqueness of Zhang Jishuang's works lies in the fact that they cross the usual mode of traditional realistic painting, and explore a path of their own artistic outlook in integrating the traditional techniques of oil painting and the freehand tradition of Chinese character painting.

Zhang Jishuang's painting style combines elements of realism and romanticism to form a poetic painting language with a unique personal outlook. He is a realist with romantic feelings, and his works exude a strong sense of life, and the atmosphere of peace and tranquility that permeates it is particularly moving.

Zhang Jishuang's works pursue a kind of narrative and documentary, and the narrative of these works does not focus on the plot, but on the authentic reproduction of the scene as an aesthetic pursuit. He focuses on imperfect images, capturing the most authentic expressions of humanity in the random or accidental expressions and movements of those subjects. And this kind of accident is not limited to the original state of the object, in the language of oil painting, he also reacts this kind of randomness and chance to the brushstrokes and the management of form and color. In terms of the treatment of the shape and color of the figures, the painter pursues a kind of sketch-style pleasure, and the vivid spirit and action of the characters on the picture all benefit from this sketch-style delineation, which cannot be obtained by sketching in the studio. The oil paint of his paintings is very transparent, and the free and free brushwork characteristics are fully mobilized, showing the casual and flexible expression of the heart in the shaping of the shapes and colors. Obviously, this casual sketch-style oil painting language is integrated with his pursuit of the image tension of the scene, and it is the original beauty that he pursues without designing the figure and de-subjectively embellishing.

Zhang Jishuang's oil painting skills are gradually maturing, with freehand in sensibility, calligraphy and realism, and the picture is rich in layers and full of colors, showing the unique artistic charm of oil painting. In terms of subject matter, from the early depiction of military life, to the later herdsman theme and thematic creation, Zhang Jishuang is trying to find his own way of expression, and constantly doing various experiments and explorations.

Zhang Jishuang is well aware that as an artist, in addition to a certain artistic talent, he also needs to have a certain cultural and artistic accomplishment, including thinking about life and society, as well as a wide range of knowledge in natural sciences and social sciences. He is now making arduous efforts in two aspects: deeply understanding the spirit and character of art in the practice of oil painting skills, and striving to be a qualified, idealistic, and individualistic naturalistic realistic artist; Strive to learn from the experience of predecessors and contemporary artists, absorb a wide range of knowledge in sociology and natural science, and improve their perception and creativity in life and art.

Work appreciation

Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Boat Day

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

The cradle of war

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Desert poplar

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Cooks in camping

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Send military rations

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Shandong ship

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

spring breeze

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Bless the impression of a friendly neighbor in Bagan, Myanmar

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Spring blossoms and autumn fruits

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Yu Yu Meadow

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Believe in the reins

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Collector's portrait

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Huang Binhong

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

cell phone

Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart


Oil on canvas


(Source: Comprehensive Bode Culture and Art, Military Calligraphy and Painting)

Artist Profile

Zhang Jishuang's oil paintings丨 The free and free brushwork shows the casual and flexible expression of the heart

Zhang Jishuang, male, Manchu, member of the Communist Party of China. He was born in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province in November 1962. He graduated from Shijiazhuang Army Academy with a major in infantry command, a major in oil painting from the Fine Arts Department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, a seminar on Russian art creation at the Chinese Academy of Arts, and a master's course at the 17th Master's Course of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Successively served as a soldier in the army and a film projectionist. Cadet of military academies, cadres of the army, former art designer (senior title) of the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Inner Mongolia Military Region. Civilian level 3, professional and technical level 6. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Military Retired Cadres Management Center, retired cadres. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association. Painter outside the Tianjin Painting Academy. He is a member of the Beijing Contemporary Freehand Oil Painting Research Institute, a researcher and a special creator.

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