
The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

author:North beggars talk about balls

In the history of national table tennis, there are a total of 9 Grand Slam winners, five for the women's team and four for the men's team. During the closed training camp of the national table tennis, the five Grand Slam winners of the women's team all came to the national table tennis to communicate with all the players of the women's team, especially to share their experience with Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, and Wang Manyu.

The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

Everything is fine on the women's side, but it's a bit less than good on the men's side. Among the four Grand Slams of the men's team, Liu Guoliang, the head of the national table tennis team, and Ma Long, the current captain, are already in the team and are making their due contributions, while the other two Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not come to visit the class for a long time. The signal in this is worth Liu Guoliang's deep thought

Kong Linghui won the championship in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, which was impressive, and after retiring he became the coach of the national table tennis women's team, Guo Yue and Liu Shiwen both studied under Kong Linghui, but in 2017, Kong Linghui was involved in a big public opinion storm, and after that, Kong Linghui left the national table tennis.

The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

Zhang Jike is the holder of the fastest Grand Slam record in national table tennis, and the talent of the Tibetan mastiff even surpasses that of Ma Long, but after the Rio Olympics, Zhang Jike's focus is gradually not on table tennis, and later he slowly fades out of national table tennis. In recent years, Zhang Jike has also had a major negative news, which made him fall from the halo of the Olympic champion for a while, and his image plummeted.

It is estimated that it is also because of these reasons that Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike rarely interact with the national table tennis, and this Olympic champion visit has not participated so far.

The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

In fact, this is a very pity, Kong Linghui has been a coach for a period of time and has a lot of experience, and Zhang Jike is the same, his domineering spirit on the field that gives up on me and despises all opponents is also lacking in this men's team.

If Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike can come to the national table tennis class, it will definitely help and improve the national table tennis men's team.

The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

National table tennis may be afraid of attracting some negative public opinion, but I personally believe that for any athlete, we have to look at it separately, even if there are some defects in their previous practices, but there is no need to completely isolate them from the national table tennis.

This is not necessary at all, as a glorious collective, the mind of national table tennis should also be opened, there is nothing to fear. Let them come over to teach the experience of table tennis, there is nothing wrong with this, I am afraid that some individuals and some extreme netizens in national table tennis think too much.

The 7 Grand Slams of national table tennis help prepare for the Olympics, only Kong Linghui and Zhang Jike have not shown up for the time being

Let professionals do professional things and give full play to their professional talents, so that the talents of the two table tennis wizards will not be wasted.

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